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I'm saving up my money for either a PS3 or 360. Cons and Pros.


Pros: Has the most awesome genres. Good graphics. Not AS MUCH grief as 360 and PC. Good gameplay. Doesnt have 1,000,000 buttons like other controllers so it's easier to control along with that PS2 feel. FREE Online. Blu-Ray

Cons: Not as many games but the ones it has are epic  :)


Pros: Has good games from loved companys like VALVe. Good Graphics. Long game expansion

Cons: PAY for online. Only warfare and racing games. Red ring of death when you first play it for a few hours. SO MUCH GRIEF. 4 year olds spamming Halo and L4D. Pricks 24/7. Has to stand in ONE Pose or it wil get RROD. About the only good games for it are L4D and to some Modern Failure 2.

So yeah, I think I'll go with a PS3.

Game List for Purchase:

Battlefield Bad Company 2


God of war III

Orange Box (Portal Half-Life 2 Team fortress 2)


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PS3, no question about it.  The failure rate is much lower, as Matt said, online is free, great customer support, and great games, like Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank, etc.  There is really no reason to pick a 360 over ps3.  Hope I helped :D

If you do go ps3, add me as a friend on PSN :D (ID: crazyfooINC)

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Go with the PS3, most games are being designed for the PS3 instead of the Xbox 3Shitty now, as was the case with Bad Company 2, which is why BC2 had a beta and a demo where as the 3Shitty only had the demo. Also, the PS3's mics work sooo much better, the you have to scream into the Xbox mic to have it pick it up, and the PS3's is super sensitive (plus, you could use just a standard blue tooth headset if you happen to have one for PS3) and both the mics and controllers hold a longer charge in them for the PS3 (the 3Shitty controller actually uses AA batteries, and you have to pay about 20 bucks for a rechargeable battery pack).

As for gameplay and use, the PS3 is better. The marketplace for the PS3 actually displays dollars (and has a bazillion PS1 originals), and the Xbox Live Marketplace uses misleading "Microsoft points," which if you're not careful, you can spend too much of. The PS3 also has the ability to surf the web, including youtube (though it is a bit anal about anything that could give you a virus, which is not a con imo), and a much more user friendly interface. The PS3 also usually has a massive memory, mine being 250 gigabytes, while my Xbox holds 10.

Another feature that I just think is neat is the ability of the PS3 to have custom backgrounds for the interface (Mine happens to be the "Krystal, The Queen of Lylat" background from Krystalarchive). Unfortunately however, the PS3 doesn't have a wide selection of avatars like the Xbox does (though the Xbox avatars cost money to acquire), but I am happy with my Spyro for PS3.

Also, the PS3 has built in wireless if you wanted it, and the Xbox requires a $100 external unit for wireless, and most PS3 exclusives have dedicated servers, leading to little lag and very fun online gaming.

As for internet gameplay, I have found a lot less internet douchetards on the PS3 than the Xbox, only thing missing from the PS3 is a party chat system (talking with friends without being in the same game, or being able to talk in game without needing to deal with the rest of your team), and custom avatars. However, PS3 does have something called "Playstation Home," which is essentially like The Sims in that you walk around in a self made character, dress him/her how you want, and walk around your home or homes, many of which have minigames (mine happens to be a lodge built out of a single, massive log on a lake with a waterfall, and contains a fishing game, adorned with several weapon racks from swords to machine guns), and you can also go to the Playstation Mall, which is a kind of hub in the home system, and you can interact with other people, and buy things for your home, or costumes/clothing (I personally walk around in a Predator suit, minus the mask (Though I do own it), from the Aliens vs. Predator game, you can also get an Alien costume, and a Colonial Marine costume.

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Well it all really depends on your choice of games. Both the X-Box and 360 have good quality exclusve games, although most X-Box games are availble on the PC/Mac (whatever your preference).

I went with the PS3 simply because I didn't want to put up with the RRoD and have to pay online (which would end up meaning you would pay more on the 360 than the PS3 in the long run), I also wanted it for games like Uncharted, God of War, Ratchet and Clank, etc. Also the 360 controller doesn't feel... right to me.

Both consoles have their cons and flaws, both have some great games but it all falls down to your preferences as a gamer.

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I'm saving up my money for either a PS3 or 360. Cons and Pros.


Pros: Has the most awesome genres. Good graphics. Not AS MUCH grief as 360 and PC. Good gameplay. Doesnt have 1,000,000 buttons like other controllers so it's easier to control along with that PS2 feel. FREE Online. Blu-Ray

Cons: Not as many games but the ones it has are epic  :)


Pros: Has good games from loved companys like VALVe. Good Graphics. Long game expansion

Cons: PAY for online. Only warfare and racing games. Red ring of death when you first play it for a few hours. SO MUCH GRIEF. 4 year olds spamming Halo and L4D. Pricks 24/7. Has to stand in ONE Pose or it wil get RROD. About the only good games for it are L4D and to some Modern Failure 2.

So yeah, I think I'll go with a PS3.

Game List for Purchase:

Battlefield Bad Company 2


God of war III

Orange Box (Portal Half-Life 2 Team fortress 2)


I'm thinking of getting a PS3.

I do have a 360, and it has a huge selection of games, and quite a few great ones. If you have a high end PC, just buy a wired 360 controler for that though. If your into good sci fi shooters, 360 is a the way to go. It also has the best racing games. Plus 360s are dirt cheap these days if you dont want to take it online.

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A little :offtopic: but I can't believe that we are having a civilized conversation about X-box360 vs. PS3.  Whenever I discuss that topic ANYWHERE else, flame wars start, and the topic just gets thrown aside because of random insults (YOUTUBE, I'm looking at you!).  SF-O really is the best place on my internet :D

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A little :offtopic: but I can't believe that we are having a civilized conversation about X-box360 vs. PS3.  Whenever I discuss that topic ANYWHERE else, flame wars start, and the topic just gets thrown aside because of random insults (YOUTUBE, I'm looking at you!).  SF-O really is the best place on my internet :D

Oh. I didn't relise.


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Oh. I didn't relise.


:lolhyst: You hit the nail on the head :D

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While most of the bugs should have been ironed out from the 360's now, it doesn't change the fact that I for one would much, much rather have a PS3. More power, free online, and as we now know, Blueray won the next gen. movie format war.

Oh. I didn't relise.


Souns very familiar. :lol:

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While most of the bugs should have been ironed out from the 360's now, it doesn't change the fact that I for one would much, much rather have a PS3. More power, free online, and as we now know, Blueray won the next gen. movie format war.

Souns very familiar. :lol:

So, the £280 + bus fare question. Is a PS3 worth it if I already own a Xbox?

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So, the £280 + bus fare question. Is a PS3 worth it if I already own a Xbox?

I wouldn't say so if I had allready had a 360. But then, I own neither of them, and the extra price of the PS3 over the 360 I would gladly pay if I was to get one.

I seriosuly doubt I'll get any of them. I'll be eagerly awaiting what all the three mayor gaming console companies come up with for the next generation. Sony seems to have a head start at the moment.

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So, the £280 + bus fare question. Is a PS3 worth it if I already own a Xbox?

I think so, I didn't believe a PS3 was all that better past a 360, and then I finally broke down and got one, and it really is a much better gaming system. It just seems to work much more smoothly.

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Didn't I also here Only SOME PS3's are PS2 game compatible?

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Didn't I also here Only SOME PS3's are PS2 game compatible?

Yes, the older original models of ps3 are backwards compatible with ps2.  I got lucky with mine :D

I heard they stopped doing this because people are still buying new ps2s and games for it. 

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Yes, the older original models of ps3 are backwards compatible with ps2.  I got lucky with mine :D

I heard they stopped doing this because people are still buying new ps2s and games for it.

And by this, he means like, EARLY, EARLY serial numbers. Even some of the huge originals are NOT backwards compatible. I was actually in Best Buy once, and looked at the small print to check, and they had some that were, and some that weren't. (This was before the PS3 Slims came out, even!)

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You made the right choice of PS3, but I like XBox's Halo 3. That was just an AWESOME game.

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