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Rage Comics


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Let's see some rage comics!

They may have been invented by /b/, but Reddit has turned them into an art: http://www.reddit.com/r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu/

Why they busses at my school suck:

Logitech G15: great for games, not for forum posts when you aim for Shift and hit G5:

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So this is where your creepy new icon came from. :lol:

:trollface: Problem?

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I dont get them.

You are not alone. I find them rather...I dunno, disturbing?  :P , specially the troll face.

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So, I take it I'm the only rage comic fan here, then. :(

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So, I take it I'm the only rage comic fan here, then. :(

Sorry to say it, but yes it seems like so.

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Rage on /b/ is funny :)

Oh Geez....  :?

And btw I like Rage comics as well :P

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Guest Julius Quasar

I dont get them.

You are not alone. I find them rather...I dunno, disturbing?  :P , specially the troll face.

^ This.

So, I take it I'm the only rage comic fan here, then. :(

They seem a bit...esoteric, to me. :| (sorry)

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^ This.

They seem a bit...esoteric, to me. :| (sorry)

No. They are just typical 4chan crap. So, it's either crap, or nicked from somewhere else. Assuming B I doubt we'd find out where and what the joke was.

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Guest FoXXX

No. They are just typical 4chan crap. So, it's either crap, or nicked from somewhere else. Assuming B I doubt we'd find out where and what the joke was.

Something you and I can agree on :)

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Oh crap, we agree! ...erm? *Kicks in the balls and runs.

Bet Foxxx will post the picture with the guy saying: FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU- next. :lol:

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Sorry to say it, but yes it seems like so.

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What did you do too poor Pooh Bear?

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I like rage comics too. I'd post some if I wasn't so lazy. Maybe later.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

ahahah rage comics

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/b/'s rage comics are crap. Reddit has mastered them and has made them a form of true art.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have actually been doing that ever since you first started doing em in the normal SF-O boards, DZ....

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