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Great Fox:The Long Hyperspace Trip

Guest Eclipsed Phoenix

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Guest Dark Krystal

DK phases into the ship, taking a quick look around. "Hm.. Looks like theres been some fighting.. I think i'll rile em up a bit." she says, hacking into the ships systems using only her mind. Suddenly, Dread Rock from Matrix Reloaded plays through the ships com system, and there was nothing anybody could do to stop it.

"Good thing I brought my long black coat and stylish shades!" DK said to herself, chuckling.

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*rumages through his ship for a radio*

"oh, man, I have to call in backup........"

Krystal: :D:nervous:

"Uh-Oh..... :(:( "

Krystal: "would you like to continue the discussio we had erlier"

"you mean the mindless beating you gave me, from wich I am still losing blood........If Fox finds out how much you are enjoying this, he will be J-E-A-L-O-U-S!!!"

Krystal:"I DON'T CARE!, besides your hand is stuck"

*tightens grip on stainless steel pan behind his back Forgive me, Krys.*

*renders Krystal unconsious*

"Whew, now to get to the cocpit before someone breaks something"

*walks out and sees Fox*

"um......hey......Though I walk thorugh the valley of the shadow of death........*

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EDIT: For some reason, the rest of my post ain't here. ?_?


*drags Krystal's unconscious body into a dark room*


Krystal: mmm....ugh...wait, what the hell are you doing with that turkey-AACK!

Me: ! *chloroforms* Hope no one heard that...*back to work* :P

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*Fox manages to get DF's shotgun to work*

Fox: YOU did WHAT what that pan, Lemmie SHOW you where that belongs!!!!!!1 :twisted::P:evil::evil::evil::evil:

DF:RUN AWAY!!!!!!!

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Guest Fox235

*gets dragged into a room, many noises and screams heard from behind door*

*bolts, locks, and any other way of locking the door that is possible*

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It's best when they don't know-wait, WTF? *door opens, Renamon enters dragging Foxy*

*bolts, locks, and otherwise seals the door*


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Fox:"Hey figued you might what youre lAW back!"



*Rocket blows open window....*

OVERHEAD:"Hull Breaeched, please move to the nerarest secure zone....."

DF:"OH MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!"


*Goes to seal hole*

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*kicks Renamon in the butt* Get outta mah room! Can't you see I'm busy? :cry:

*Krystal starts waking up again, but gets more chloroform*

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...Well, dang.

So now I'm sitting in a dark, sealed room, holding a turkey baster, alone with a sex-crazed Digimon and her balless mate. Fun.

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Falco wakes up from his power (yeah, right) nap and puts some jeans on and a black sleeveless mesh shirt. He then rummages through all the junk in his closet.

"What the--? Where is it?!"

He continues to search until practically half the closet's contents are piled on his already messy floor. Falco then runs out into the corridor and screams:


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