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Calling all tropers


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Wow, that's pretty awesome! :D Good find Dermot :P

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Wow, that's pretty awesome! :D Good find Dermot :P

Going to help, or are you just awe-struck? :P

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Wow, that's pretty awesome! :D Good find Dermot :P

It's not that hard to find :facepalm:

I don't know many tropes so I can't help out there.

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Going to help, or are you just awe-struck? :P

Sorry, never knew "tropes" existed before this, so I probably won't be able to help :lol:

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Sorry, never knew "tropes" existed before this, so I probably won't be able to help :lol:

Here's an introduction.  Tropes are really fun. :3 They're as old as storytelling, and have been documented in depth at least since the Ancient Greeks, and have been regularly studied throughout most of history.  An exception to this is the English speaking world, where trope studies were common in primary school until the beginning of the 20th century, and then tropes fell out of education (and out of public consciousness of the term), reduced to graduate school studies.  But tropes are still all around us - they are useful and often reusable storytelling devices. :3

tvtropes reintroduces trope studies to a general audience in terms they can readily understand.  As such, many of the trope terms used on the site are taken from well-known popular culture.  tvtropes started as just a site for listing tropes from TV shows, but then extended to all forms of fiction, and also music, and even some real-life trope examples.

Here are some examples of tropes. :3

  • Award Bait Song: A song from a film or series that is designed to wow people enough to be nominated for an Oscar, or similar recognition.  Disney animated films popularized these, especially since The Little Mermaid, but they can be found in films such as Titanic as well.
  • Dawson Casting: When teenage characters are routinely cast with actors who are already adults (sometimes well into adulthood).  Named after Dawson's Creek, but also applies to many teen shows like Beverly Hills 90210, Saved By the Bell, and many movies as well.
  • Deadpan Snarker: A character who frequently makes snarky sarcastic remarks.
  • Fluffy Cloud Heaven: The stereotype notion of heaven or the good afterlife as being in the sky up on the clouds.
  • Internet Backdraft: A fandom topic so controversial that even an innocent newbie mention of it can ignite flame wars.
  • Kill Sat: A weapon both remote and all-powerful, that kills people on the ground from orbit, such as a weapons satellite.  The same concept can apply to any weapon that can cause mass-destruction from a distance, such as ICBMs.
  • Mary Sue: A character who is so perfect, and so well-liked by other characters, and so often in the spotlight, that their presence threatens to imbalance and ruin the story.
  • Meganekko: A character (usually female) who wears glasses.  The character is attractive, and the glasses are part of what makes them attractive.
  • Ms Fanservice: A female character intentionally designed to inspire lust in the male audience.  Krystal is an example of this.  Jessica Rabbit is another.
  • One Game For The Price Of Two: A video game that cannot be entirely completed without the use of a separate game.  The Pokemon series made this famous, with 100% completion being impossible without both Red and Blue, or without both Silver and Gold, or without both Ruby and Sapphire, etc.
  • The Scrappy: A character who is largely hated by the fans.  Named after the character Scrappy Doo.
  • Unpleasable Fanbase: A condition where a fanbase can never be satisfied no matter what the creator tries to do.
  • The Wesley: A character who is largely hated by the fans, but loved by its creators such that they keep giving this character the spotlight.  Named after the character Wesley Crusher, who even Wil Wheaton loathed.
  • Your Mileage May Vary: Where audience interpretation of something can vary significantly.  For instance: was it a good movie or a bad movie?  Do lots of people disagree on that?

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Wow, :shock:, that's one heck of a treasure trove of information! :P

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Wow, :shock:, that's one heck of a treasure trove of information! :P

That's only a very tiny sampling. :P The site is vast - it has both pages for tropes themselves, and pages for literary works (including games like Star Fox) that list applicable tropes.

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Heh, I've always found tropes interesting, even if I only learned about them not long ago lol

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A bunch of fan-made bull garbled together.

I'll pass.

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A bunch of fan-made bull garbled together.

I'll pass.

For being fan-made, amazing how accurate they are, eh?

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Yeah don't go to tvtropes when you have work to do.

Yes, it tends to suck you in...like finding Wikipedia for the first time. :P

There's even a trope for that - Wiki Walk. :3

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I bet there are no TV trophes about:


UFO. <(Well maybe there exist an

          stereotyped version of these)


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•Ambiguously Bi: There's a substantial amount of this from his banter with Wolf.


I'm a troper, but I'm usually too damn lazy to edit things. You can find my work usually on Assassin's Creed, Fire Emblem, Metal Gear, and Legend of Zelda.

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I'm a troper, but I'm usually too damn lazy to edit things. You can find my work usually on Assassin's Creed, Fire Emblem, Metal Gear, and Legend of Zelda.

That's actually not so unexpected - Wolf is Even The Guys Want Him, and Fox and Leon can each attest to this effect. :P

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Not interested really. Tropes's to much about jumping to conclusions and labeling for my taste.

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Not interested really. Tropes's to much about jumping to conclusions and labeling for my taste.

Tropes can't exist without their audience.  And audience perception is as much a part of it as the creator's intent.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but most of it is made up. Tropes are known as cliches here, and they (tvtropes website) have their own internal jargon changed for no reason at all. For example "Giant space monster from nowwhere" is renamed "Giant space flea from nowhere" for no reason I can think of. Also no stars and stripes bandage page that I can find, most likely due to renaming or American bias.

Funny site though.

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Tropes can't exist without their audience.  And audience perception is as much a part of it as the creator's intent.

I'm too much of a simpleton to look for a deeper meaning in things.  :lol:

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I'm too much of a simpleton to look for a deeper meaning in things.  :lol:

No, it's not about that. It's about the common parts thats and themes that make up a whole. Let's take Law and Order. Once you know the paturn every episode follows, you notice the parturn, but then your enjoyment changes to not "hows this going to happen" to "Whats going to happen." eg. instead of going "What a twist!" you start thinking "What's the third act twist going to be" and thus searching for clues to that end.

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