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Fox and Wolf could have been friends?

Star Fox Runner

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I've been looking for scans of the SF64 players guide, and while looking I found that somewhere in the guide, most likely in the introduction to the Star Wolf battle on Venom, it says that Fox and Wolf could have been friends if not for some influence from Pigma.

Wanna open discussion on this?

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Well, they do already have that respect of sorts towards each other.  I definitely wouldn't be surprised if they could have been friends, or even if they were at one point.

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I've been looking for scans of the SF64 players guide, and while looking I found that somewhere in the guide, most likely in the introduction to the Star Wolf battle on Venom, it says that Fox and Wolf could have been friends if not for some influence from Pigma.

Wanna open discussion on this?

You found the guide yet?

If so, I would be TOO MUCH grateful

if you sent me a copy.  :|

Also, well, I am not sure how Fox and Wolf

are related in pre-64 games. They could

have been friend perheaps, but they seem

as if one is trying to be allways better than

the other, which could have sparked their rivalry.

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I believe they could have been pretty good friends if it weren't for the war and the fact that Pigma exists.

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Yea, if Pigma didn't start everything with James from the start, and Wolf met Fox on better terms, they might not be friends (though it is possible), but more likely they would help each other out if need be, one good mercenary pilot to another. (And I mean they actually tell each other when they are in trouble rather than let the plot line say he comes to save Fox's ass just cause they need a reason to save him).

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Guest Julius Quasar

In another time, another place...Fox might have called Wolf "friend'. :P

(Oh, come on, you set me up for that line! :lol: )

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Also, well, I am not sure how Fox and Wolf

are related in pre-64 games. They could

have been friends perhaps, but they seem

as if one is trying to be always better than

the other, which could have sparked their rivalry.

I agree. They (Fox and Wolf) obviously were very familiar with each other in StarFox 64. They possibly could have been friends to some extent. Perhaps it could have been that they both learned to be pilots together in the days before the 64 game. Something then could have caused a rift between them that would become a rivalry. Then they Lylat Wars happened and furthered it.

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Must... resist... urge...to... reveal...important... plotpoints... in... my... fanfiction. Confused-2.gif

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I always like to think that they were friends at one point, but something happened that destroyed the friendship. In fact, maybe Fox could be the reason that Wolf has one eye, maybe the event that destroyed the friendship also is what made Wolf lose his eye.

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When I get a scanner, SFO is getting full scans of the SF64 guide (I have one).

Hopefully soon, as I am about to move. I am on my third SF64 guide. Every time I move, I lose it. O_o

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When I get a scanner, SFO is getting full scans of the SF64 guide (I have one).


Hopefully soon, as I am about to move. I am on my third SF64 guide. Every time I move, I lose it. O_o

Er... Keep it on the car?  :lol:

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I think it would be pretty interesting to see Fox and Wolf getting along. But if they did,

who would be their respective rivals since they were rivals to each other?

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I think it would be pretty interesting to see Fox and Wolf getting along. But if they did,

who would be their respective rivals since they were rivals to each other?

Probably Falco and Leon :lol:

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Probably Falco and Leon :lol:

Falco being Fox's rival and

Leon being Wolf's rival?

Yeah, i could see that. But would Falco leave just because Fox and Wolf were friends?

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I think it's actually possible that they could've been friends. Why else would Wolf came and saved Fox's butt in several occasions....let me think of one....oh yeah, LV 8 on Star Fox Assault, or LV 10 on Star Fox Assault! I think they were friends! :)

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