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The most EXTREME Star Fox ending/Final Battle


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Now, this isn't a topic about a "new" star fox game. Just what do you think would be a good EXTREME ending? This topic should get some really cool ideas :)

My idea has ALWAYS followed a dream I had last year in december. I had a dream I was in a dark room, like when you first see andross in SF64 and I was in the LANDMASTER and I was about to open up a can of whoop @$$ on Andross with the Landmaster, the only reason this is very EXTREME is Fox has NEVER used the Landmaster to defeat Andross, but it would be very kick @$$ if he did! Any other ideas? Cuz I know that wasn't too extreme so what do ya'll think?

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An All out army vs army war.

With a 'planet fall' (like you are entering

the atmosphere, fighting enemyes on the way)

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Here's my scenario.  Some unknown group of people take over Corneria city.  The Cornerian Defense Force is fighting a losing battle and are in serious need of reinforcements.  The StarFox team is called in.  First, you have to clear the skies of enemies, and then you take it to the ground, and fight your way into the capital building.  Finally, you must make the shot, as the leader of the renegade group is holding General Pepper hostage. :D.  Whaddya think? :D

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Wow! That's pretty BEAST! :) I like it! ^

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Wow! That's pretty BEAST! :) I like it! ^

The Arwing sky scenes could be done in a 64/Assault style, the ground combat done in an Assault style, and the capital building exploration and room clearing could be done in a Time Crisis lightgun style, THAT would be awesome! :D .

And thanks for approving! :D

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WAIT WAIT WAIT! I got one! lol ok.....The Great Fox would play a major part in this....You would be up against the Ghost of Andross and he's more powerful than ever because he went to an alternant universe! Mobius! And he got all 7 chaos emeralds and the master emerald, and the 6 Krazoa spirits. So Fox has to control the Great Fox by himself (Talk about one hell of a barrel roll lololol) and why does fox have to use the Great Fox you ask? Because Fox's ship is damaged and there isn't enough time to repair it and it's the only thing strong enough to destroy andross. Slippy and Krystal are in Landmasters, Falco and Peppy (Who is only out on a mission because it's an emergency(Like Star Fox Assault where he saved General Pepper) and so Millions, and I mean Millions, of ships, like the bomb carriers from SFAs are shooting at the Great Fox and thats why the rest of the team is backing the great fox up! This is Star Fox's FINAL BATTLE lol. So.....u like? :)

** By the way, the great fox would be the one from SF64.

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WAIT WAIT WAIT! I got one! lol ok.....The Great Fox would play a major part in this....You would be up against the Ghost of Andross and he's more powerful than ever because he went to an alternant universe! Mobius! And he got all 7 chaos emeralds and the master emerald, and the 6 Krazoa spirits. So Fox has to control the Great Fox by himself (Talk about one hell of a barrel roll lololol) and why does fox have to use the Great Fox you ask? Because Fox's ship is damaged and there isn't enough time to repair it and it's the only thing strong enough to destroy andross. Slippy and Krystal are in Landmasters, Falco and Peppy (Who is only out on a mission because it's an emergency(Like Star Fox Assault where he saved General Pepper) and so Millions, and I mean Millions, of ships, like the bomb carriers from SFAs are shooting at the Great Fox and thats why the rest of the team is backing the great fox up! This is Star Fox's FINAL BATTLE lol. So.....u like? :)

** By the way, the great fox would be the one from SF64.

Hehe, I'd imagine that the Great Fox has one hell of a laser blast to deal with! :D.  Never thought about it doing a barrel roll! :D

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Funny right? lol it would take forever to do a barrel roll. But Andross would like fire those energy rings (Like off of SFAd) and thats when it would do the one hell of a barrel roll lol.

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appriod andross


That's not an ending......?

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Ok, taking some other users' theories, an all out war starts in Corneria City with Cornerians vs. the zombiefied remains of past enemies seeking none other than....brains! Our heroes the Starfox team must eliminate the zombie threat with teh 1337 skillz and in the end they win...barely. Then a nuke from zombie andross goes off under the city and everyone dies. Fox wakes up in a padded cell, all sweaty from the nightmare. He is told he is insane man named Robert and he must rearrange the letters THE END (from the SNES version) indefinatly. The end. very sad :(

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Ok, taking some other users' theories, an all out war starts in Corneria City with Cornerians vs. the zombiefied remains of past enemies seeking none other than....brains! Our heroes the Starfox team must eliminate the zombie threat with teh 1337 skillz and in the end they win...barely. Then a nuke from zombie andross goes off under the city and everyone dies. Fox wakes up in a padded cell, all sweaty from the nightmare. He is told he is insane man named Robert and he must rearrange the letters THE END (from the SNES version) indefinatly. The end. very sad :(

Ok...that makes....NO sense lol none at all lol

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Ok, taking some other users' theories, an all out war starts in Corneria City with Cornerians vs. the zombiefied remains of past enemies seeking none other than....brains! Our heroes the Starfox team must eliminate the zombie threat with teh 1337 skillz and in the end they win...barely. Then a nuke from zombie andross goes off under the city and everyone dies. Fox wakes up in a padded cell, all sweaty from the nightmare. He is told he is insane man named Robert and he must rearrange the letters THE END (from the SNES version) indefinatly. The end. very sad :(

With all respect, this ending

sounds like rotten food. :oops:

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Ok...that makes....NO sense lol none at all lol

I know  :trollface:
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/topic over

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Wow this topic is really old. And not popular, somebody lock this please.

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