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It sucks twice as much if you went to private school for most of your 12 years, like I did :P

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It sucks twice as much if you went to private school for most of your 12 years, like I did :P

If I got thrown into one of those, I'd break out my first day no matter how many stories that window is.. You can say I'm not MUCH of a religious guy...

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If I got thrown into one of those, I'd break out my first day no matter how many stories that window is.. You can say I'm MUCH of a religious guy...

Private schools =/= religion

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My school's weird. Some guy brought some weed in one day >_> and there was a Knife hold-up another day and a fight the next.

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My school's weird. Some guy brought some weed in one day >_> and there was a Knife hold-up another day and a fight the next.

You've just described a lot of the high schools that I know of.  Only add in some bomb threats and murders  :shock:

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LOL And this is a middle School (It's nearly done for! Freedom!) Well some kid got his face crushed in a crash that's from the school, and some guy brought a gun (or so they suspect) And I brought a rifle bullet and everyone started panicking >_>

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*Raises hand* I too go to a private school. Ugh, its such a change from public school, which I attended for about 7 years. Its much more challenging and a barely passed this year. The school I went to before was pretty much a warzone.

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Guest FoXXX

I hated school when I got to High School, that's when I started getting my hip problems, the school treated me like I was faking it even though I had more than 5+ doctors backing me up :(

I do want to go to college soon, but I need to get onto my feet first.

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I'm going to be starting college soon and as most people, I'm pretty nervious. The good side about it is that I'm getting a iMac.

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I hated school when I got to High School, that's when I started getting my hip problems, the school treated me like I was faking it even though I had more than 5+ doctors backing me up :(

I do want to go to college soon, but I need to get onto my feet first.

Yeah, school allways treats you like

that. School smells as bad as rotten

food! :x

(Oh, and I see you got you old

account back, Wes FoXXX :wink: )

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Guest Julius Quasar

It sucks twice as much if you went to private school for most of your 12 years, like I did :P

I did.  Religious School.  But in Cali, it's better to go to a religious school or private school and deal with piles of homework,

than go to a public school with piles of homework AND roving gangs.  :P

I still hate school, tho, I dropped outta community college, and I'll never go back to ANY college, except maybe "Clown College". :lol:

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I found the private system gave me a shit load of homework and I was in the bottom third for grades but when I went into the public system for Grade 12 I was at the top of my class because everything was so damn easy and homework was pretty light.

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I find school systems all over the world to be wicked different. When I was in canada, I only had 15 hours or so worth in classes. Back on Mexico, I'm lucky if I have 25 hours (weekly of course), I'm normally stuck with 33-40 or so all over the week. It appears the states follows the same credit system as Canada, I'm really jealous, students up on the north have it easier when it comes to college-work.

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During my previous high-school years I went to a technical

school. That means, if you graduate from one, you already are

"X technician/mechanic/designer/architect", which was why my parents

inscribed me there. After it became too hard, I decided it was time to change

school before I would lose another year, so these days I go to a middle school

at night classes. Funnily enought, I am mostly acing every test, save for...

Art class... :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found the private system gave me a shit load of homework and I was in the bottom third for grades but when I went into the public system for Grade 12 I was at the top of my class because everything was so damn easy and homework was pretty light.

all the way. my middle school is a charter or a hybreed of both public and private .and is one of the best middle schools in georgia. but  there are no gangs in a public school. i am a pretty popular guy but only girl i like would impale me if she goth the chance
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I've been home-schooled since elementary school. It's okay, and the work is not so hard. In fact, the only bad thing I can think of is that its really hurt my social skills. Seriously, I suck at talking or hanging out with anyone. :'(

That's fine though, cause now I'm heading off to college! I'm majoring in computer science. Maybe I'll get better at communicating with others there.....maybe.

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I'm going to be starting college soon and as most people, I'm pretty nervious. The good side about it is that I'm getting a iMac.

You're going to love college.  College is the best thing EVER.

Starting my sixth year next semester!  *isn't embarrassed*

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School life huh? Well this coming August is gonna be my Jr. Year, I actually go to the suckiest school in this side of the state, so I get a lot of negative comments about that :( .

And I haven't failed a single grade yet. I'm planning on going to college and getting a degree in Animation and planning on going to work at like Pixar or Dreamworks or something like that. Possibly Nintendo if I'm lucky enough to get into it. :lol:

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Private school was actually better and easier for me (maybe it's because I went to a Waldorf school though, I dunno) than when I went to a public school through the 6-8th grades. I also learned more there than I EVER did in my short stint at a public school. The only stuff they tried to teach me at the public school that Waldorf hadn't yet was Algebra, and they failed miserably. When I had to proofread peoples' papers, their tenuous grasp on the written language made me cringe. I promptly asked to be home schooled through my high school years - between that and the bullying I got, I couldn't fathom how people could be so DUMB at public schools. Now I have a little more perspective. :P

So I spent the years between then and when I turned 18 mucking about on the Internet - not that I wasn't already doing that, but now I got to do it full time so that I could improve my ability to write, have more fun with friends, make dreams for Furcadia, practice the 1337 webmaster skillz, and the like.

College and university were infinitely better than Jr. High. By then the retard had been beaten out of everyone. I got my BA in Animation and everything was yay. And today I still take classes, because it was never that I didn't love learning - it was just the frustration of waiting for everyone to grow up. XD

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My school never have many gangs(Just fights but mostly going down after the first punch), we just swear alot.

And some act like morons too much.

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