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From what I understand so far about Fortuna/ Fichina in Star Fox 64

Chrono Reaper

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I went over this discussion a long time ago in the AL forums but i thought it would be interesting to hear some interesting theories regarding the development in some of the levels in Star Fox 64.

In the Japanese Star Fox Beta Commercials that showed the early stages in Star Fox 64, Fortuna was green and looked tropical more than an ice planet. When the game was rushed under a deadline they quickly changed it from a tropical planet to an ice planet, keeping the name.

what I believe is that they were trying to change the planet Fortuna to Fichina, but in the hurry they kept the name the same and wrote a little explanation in the planetary facts that Fortuna was gowning through terraforming to turn it into a tropical planet later on.

Other than the Beta video I can provide you here:

I don't have any facts nor any interviews regarding if the ice planet Fortuna in Star Fox 64 really is Fichina. But by eyeballing it it looks to me that the developers were going with that route.
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I belive thiere was a mistranslation somwhere ,but  is it cannon that fortuna and fichina are diffrent planets or what?

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I know you said this is all non canon theory and all.... but yeah. Why even think about it? Its confirmed that they're two different planets and Nintendo of America just botched up.

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I know you said this is all non canon theory and all.... but yeah. Why even think about it? Its confirmed that they're two different planets and Nintendo of America just botched up.

so translation error due to american stupidity of  dumb cheap translations?
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so translation error due to american stupidity of  dumb cheap translations?

Try the fact Fichina and Fortuna are both similar words. :|

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Well, they're obviously two different planets. In Assault, you go to Fortuna first, then you hunt Pigma on Fichina.

I too think that this was simply a translation error.

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The explanation is plausible.

In SF64 in Japan, the name is clearly Fichina (???? =  "Fichina") Fortuna would be something along the lines of ????? "Forutsuna," if I de-Romanized that correctly.

It would be an odd translation error, but the idea of a name change makes much more sense, IE the docs were sent for translation prior to the name change.

What I don't see is this beta "tropical" stage in the vid you linked. If you're referring to 1:07, that is most definitely Zoness. :56 looks like Corneria between the waterfall and when the Granga appears. "Fortuna" is as it appears in the final game at :59.

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see i thought in SF64 for america the mission after the asteroid field the planet was called Fortuna, it was the ice world, and in assault they called it Fichina......that always got me....anyone else notice it?

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What I don't see is this beta "tropical" stage in the vid you linked. If you're referring to 1:07, that is most definitely Zoness. :56 looks like Corneria between the waterfall and when the Granga appears. "Fortuna" is as it appears in the final game at :59.

It was referring to the Meteo Crusher Lieutenant fight in that video I linked. Eyeballing it, it looks like the setting of the end of the Meteo stage and that green planet was Fourtuna. Either way there is no facts I can support its neither Fortuna, Fichina, or Venom for that matter. its just mere speculation and eyeballing what I see in the beta footage. It only interests me because they used the Meteo Crusher, which only fist in the area around Meteo.

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Yeah, who knows. It could even be a random placeholder skybox for the boss fight testing.

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