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How long did it take you to complete all the levels in Assault?


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I know the game doesn't have a lot of levels so how long did it take you to complete all the levels? And I don't mean 100% completed it like you collected all the flags, medals, characters for multiplayer, etc, I mean just the levels.

For me, it took me only 2 days to complete.

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all levels no death 59 minutes & all s-Flag (bronze) 2 hour and 13 minutes & all s-flag (silver) 4 hour ... something since i did not record what i did (GOLD)

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a long while becasue id play it for a little, then play something else

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Took me maybe 4 hours, playing the game slowly.

You mean it took you only 4 hours to complete all the levels?

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On bronze mode it took me about 2 and a half hours. I haven't tried the other difficulty levels.

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I can't get the time, since my wii is not in my possession at the time. But I do know I am able to beat it on Gold mode prettty fast, and even faster when I skip the cut scenes [but I love them so much, so I rarely do.].

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How long did it take me?  Well, that all depends on the difficulty :)

Easy:  Could of hours, plus extra minutes finding all the Special Flags

Medium:  Same as Easy, plus extra minutes finding all the Special Flags

Hard:  About a day, plus extra minutes finding all the Special Flags

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I haven't finished yet, Close but i keep Sneezing when i see the Queen, no joke.

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I've finished it in an hour at most. Now for 100% completion!

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Not long at all. Easily in one day.

100%ing it took longer, but even it was disappointing. Gold medals were really, really easy to obtain as long as you understood the chaining system.

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After a lot of practice, I can achieve gold on every level in around an hour.

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About a week I think. I was in grade school when that came out and I wasn't as dedicated a gamer as I am now.

Now, I can do it all in a couple of hours.

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I've only completed Bronze and Silver level. :l

For Bronze, about 43 minutes & Silver, about 1hr and 30min.

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and that is a 12 hour time between posts. Awesome! Just to keep it on track, i haven't played it but i've seen one of my friends do it and it took him less than two hours

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About 5 to 8 days, at the least, because it took me a while to get used to the controls. I like exploring around the levels and watching the cutscenes as well.

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After a lot of practice, I can achieve gold on every level in around an hour.

You got my respect!

I'm only having bronze and silver medails. Just 3 gold for mission 1, 5 and 10.

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After a lot of practice, I can achieve gold on every level in around an hour.


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I beat it in one sitting... thank God I only rented it, though; besides the multiplayer, I knew -- even as young as I was first playing it -- that Assault was a bit... "lacking"...

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