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One thing I dont get about the US. They are gung ho and kill crazy, but as soon as they are at war people are asking them to come back.

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Well now that is done, lets get them home.

Maybe now things like this can stop being shoved down our throats by the media.  This isn't referring to LGBT issues as much as it is what really matters to the U.S. right now:  Extension of the Bush era tax cuts, paying down the debt, job creation...you know...the ECONOMY should be and IS the #1 thing on most everyone's minds by now and most everything else not related to that really should take a back seat in the media until these more pressing issues are resolved.  I'm for gays serving in the military (heck almost every other developed nation allowed it) but I'm sick of hearing every little bit of news pertaining to this when there are far more important things to worry about.

One thing I dont get about the US. They are gung ho and kill crazy, but as soon as they are at war people are asking them to come back.

It was like this with the war in Iraq as well, most Americans supposed invading Iraq to find WMD that "never existed" back in 2003 but as the years went on they saw this as a fruitless endeavour and popular support for the war decreased - the same goes for Afghanistan.  I mean even the White House recently is finding it difficult to find a silver lining there.

The U.S. is run by this:


Then the main source of news is run by big-businesses, and 9/11 was pretty big factor.

EDIT: Were also run by this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Industrial_Media_Complex

The U.S. has often had a militaristic approach to things since they expelled the British back in the 18th century and declared independence.  Their citizens have had a greater sense of that mentality since then compared with most other developed nations.  Things like the 2nd Amendment also "help".

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I said something similar to that a while ago on a furry gaming forum I post at. The story was XBLA allows gay gamer tags. It was bigged up as a huge win for gay rights and freedom of speech ect. When I pointed out that if such a minor thing was considered a major win then gays pretty much have equal rights (in the uk) and that there were much more serious gaming issues at the time (I forget what they were. DRM I think, but not sure) the gays went mental. I'm sure we will never hear the last of it for months.

What's strange is that the gays I know irl don't really care about this kind of stuff (again, in the uk where gays are pretty much the norm now) and are more concerned with 'real' news.

Which, in counter to what I've just said, is also non news. Econamy and job losses, while serious, have been wringed for every last drop all ready. There was an issue recently where the news special, and I'm not kidding here, was about a fictional disaster in a soap opera.

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One thing I dont get about the US. They are gung ho and kill crazy,...

The US is as kill crazy as Europe is sex-crazed.

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The US is as kill crazy as Europe is sex-crazed.

This is indeed true.  Although I think Japan trumps both in both departments. :)

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This is indeed true.  Although I think Japan trumps both in both departments. :)

Uh... I was trying to get across the point that the idea that America is made up of violent people is a terrible misconception, of equal fault as the conception that Europe is sex-crazed (aka, it's not).

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Uh... I was trying to get across the point that the idea that America is made up of violent people is a terrible misconception, of equal fault as the conception that Europe is sex-crazed (aka, it's not).

I was being a little sarcastic. :)

Obviously, but it's a strong stereotype nonetheless and it's true to some extent, at least when it comes to what's popular and tolerated.. Sex, booze, and the like is a lot more open and tolerated in Europe. Just look at the laws there regarding Red Light Districts for example, when alcohol can be served until, and how their movies are in general.  The U.S., likewise, is the same when it comes to violence.

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Here at Sub Base they told us not to go parading around declaring our sexuality quite yet. This would take time to actually go in effect much the same way how females are slated to go on submarines, but it's not actually happening yet.

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Here at Sub Base they told us not to go parading around declaring our sexuality quite yet. This would take time to actually go in effect much the same way how females are slated to go on submarines, but it's not actually happening yet.

It will probably be a few months before the change is fully implemented.  They need to draw out the rules and regulations etc.

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That's what we're told. It will be a bit before we can actually go parading around about our sexuality like I said before.

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...we can actually go parading around about our sexuality...

This is where roughly 70% of annoyance at homosexual people comes from.

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Well, you know what I mean. I don't mean running base screaming that you are gay, but I mean safely admitting you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or so on without fear of getting discharged.

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Since i haz not proclaimed, or heard, this until now i would like to propose the following statement.


To explain, my mother is both gay and in ther military, so its a victory for me as well.

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This is where roughly 70% of annoyance at homosexual people comes from.

Thank you! Someone else who gets it. Also the reason people hate furries. Also welcome back.

Uh... I was trying to get across the point that the idea that America is made up of violent people is a terrible misconception, of equal fault as the conception that Europe is sex-crazed (aka, it's not).

I would post proof of how americans are kill crazy, but I'm to busy fucking my keyboard to sdghkdffjahlsjilkathdsfaj ....What was I going to say again? I feel tired.

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Thank you! Someone else who gets it. Also the reason people hate furries. Also welcome back.

I would post proof of how americans are kill crazy, but I'm to busy fucking my keyboard to sdghkdffjahlsjilkathdsfaj ....What was I going to say again? I feel tired.

Indeed. Every once and a while, I'm tempted to make an obnoxiously self-centered Facebook post, spammed to all my contacts, declaring once and for all that "Despite what you might otherwise think, I'm straight."

Stereotypes are stereotypes. I don't even like the thought that my lunch required the life of a turkey, but I would barely hesitate to justly end many people's lives if necessary to defend my life, family, and/or country. It's this murder and revenge madness that has given killing a bad name.

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