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The Curious case of Panther Caroso

Prince Elite

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Now, due to the shoutbox being annoying, i've decided to post the stuff here.

Thanks to our enthusiastic members, i have now received enough heat for my story to go ahead, so, as of now, Star Fox Undisputed shall continue. Panther will suffer the humiliation, and yeah, Fun.

So, charge up your weapons and start firing.


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OK, shut up. You spend more posts talking about how great your fanfic will be than contributing to the FF itself.

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Yes, I smell a future moderation since this is in general starfox when we have a section for fanfics a few inches down.

Between this and your reasons for hating on Panther, I'd almost say you don't understand the difference between the canon series and all the fanwork out there.

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Really Elite, regarding everything everyone has told you, you should try to actually HEED that information.

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Never happy, Steve told me to move it, so i did, this is about the discussion of Panther Caroso.

I'm writing the fanfiction as we speak

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Never happy, Steve told me to move it, so i did, this is about the discussion of Panther Caroso.

I'm writing the fanfiction as we speak

This thread is to discuss your fanfic. In general starfox. Wat.

Panther himself isn't directly in this discussion. I'd like it if he was, it's always funny watching fanboys feel stupid about their rage.

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If Panther were here.... Oh that's right, different mindset

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From what I can tell, it would seem that you have an intense hatred of poor Panther Caroso. I couldn't find the reasons why, but from the sounds of it, it doesn't seem like the reasons are grounded in anything official.

So, it seems to me like your hatred isn't of Panther, but in how Panther is treated by the fans. In this way, we are similar. I feel that Peppy's treatment by the fans is insulting, by and large, and the way many Star Fox "fans" represent Peppy is disgraceful and overall, something I very much dislike.

The difference is thus; I recognise the difference between OFFICIAL Peppy, and victim-of-internet-corruption Peppy, and it's the latter that I despise with a burning passion. OFFICIAL Peppy is actually my favorite character in the series. You, however, don't seem to recognise that line, and simply hate everything that is Panther, which I think is rather unfortunate. Don your smart-cap and find that invisible divide between Internet dumbassery and Official representations and personality, and you just might find that Panther isn't all that bad.

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i don't like panther

That's because you're full of BURNING JUSTICE and Panther's vagabond criminally suave attitude goes against your grain :D

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:panther: Why do you hate me?

Answer the man's question. Why do you hate Panther

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Because he can't understand the "fan" in "fanfiction."

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The real question here Star Fox Elite is: "What is your opinion of Krystal?" I mean...I'm thinking it can at least somewhat relate.

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Could you delete this forum too?

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Thankfully, this is all getting resolved.

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Or is it? I'm still waiting for a good explanation to the Panther hate.

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Or is it? I'm still waiting for a good explanation to the Panther hate.

so am I

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I have communicated with our good friend Steve and have requested that this and the other thread be locked down, so moving right along.

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I don't hate Panther,I hate Panther X Krystal pairings and random Panther X Krystal Fanfics. JESUS,I'M WRITING A FANFIC ABOUT THE GUY,HE'S NOT HALF BAD!



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Topic won't be locked unless it derails into a mess.

Oh shi-....Now I've jinxed the topic.

Yeah...panther reminds me to a furry like "El zorro"

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EDIT: Sorry folks, my brain isn't working right :lol:

Ignore the man behind the dumb post

/pseudo-Wizard of Oz reference

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Er, you talkin' bout me?

Cuz personally, I dun like Panther.

Why not? Like AJC and like everyone else, there's no reason given. GEE I WUNDER Y

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