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Hey guys :D

I've been reading SFO for a while now but have finally decided it's time I started to get to know people and make a few contributions to the forums :) I only recently realised how much of an SF fan I am, and I guess joining Starfox forums is probably taking the fan in me to the next level. I used to feel a bit unsure about heavily liking Star Fox as I was unsure how people perceive it, but knowing there are loads of other fans out there has certainly helped and, well, here I am now :)

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Ahoy! I'm Dread Pirate Milky, terror of these waters.

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Hey guys :D

I've been reading SFO for a while now but have finally decided it's time I started to get to know people and make a few contributions to the forums :) I only recently realised how much of an SF fan I am, and I guess joining Starfox forums is probably taking the fan in me to the next level. I used to feel a bit unsure about heavily liking Star Fox as I was unsure how people perceive it, but knowing there are loads of other fans out there has certainly helped and, well, here I am now :)


*Bitchslaps Self*

Oh,sorrry,my troll came out.

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Welcome to SFO! We're an odd lot but you'll never meet anyone nicer. :3

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Welcome to SFO Starwing! I'm the site's crazy guy. :D

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:welcome: to SF-O!


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Madness eh? Sounds like I'll fit right in then ;)

One question, how do the role play forums work? I've stumbled across them but need somebody to give me a rundown of the whole RP thing as I've never tried it before

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One question, how do the role play forums work? I've stumbled across them but need somebody to give me a rundown of the whole RP thing as I've never tried it before

Check out the thread I made asking about some of the rules. Read the rules, obviously. And I could offer some help, along with a few others, if you're unfamiliar with RP.

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Hello there, Starwing_93, and welcome to SF-O.

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