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Sexually-Explicit PMs


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It has come to my attention that some users are sending sexually explicit PMs to eachother.

This is completely unacceptable and is in violation of the forum rules, and, per the terms of use, is grounds for termination of service.

If I catch anyone doing this, at minimum you will lose access to the PM system, and, content dependent, can even get you banned.

SFO has a zero-tolerance policy in regards to pornographic material, and explicit adult stories, discussions, and RPs are included in that.

I'm not going to go digging, but if I do get any reports of it, I will act accordingly.

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It has come to my attention that some users are sending sexually explicit PMs to eachother.

This is completely unacceptable and is in violation of the forum rules, and, per the terms of use, is grounds for termination of service.

If I catch anyone doing this, at minimum you will lose access to the PM system, and, content dependent, can even get you banned.

SFO has a zero-tolerance policy in regards to pornographic material, and explicit adult stories, discussions, and RPs are included in that.

I'm not going to go digging, but if I do get any reports of it, I will act accordingly.


This been happening while I left?

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Well whomever they are, I'd slap 'em with an epic fail. I mean, really. If you absolutely must have that sort of thing going on, there are better ways and better places to do that sort of thing.

Take it to IM or someplace that tolerates that sort of thing.

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Honestly, guys?

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Obey the DZC!

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but serious you guys, don't go around hating on the users that did it, they could be closer to you then you know.

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Yeah, let's just... Remember this warning and not judge those who have previously sent said PMs. This topic has served it's purpose, I'll close it before things get too judgemental. :3

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