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PlayStation users plan class action suit for hacking


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Now if only they would start one in America and for the rest of the world.


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The US Supreme court practically killed class-action lawsuits in the US last week in their ATT V. Concepcion decision (Fuck You so much, AT&T, Antonin Scalia, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Anthony Kennedy).

The court said states can't make binding arbitration illegal, AND said that said arbitration cases cannot be joined into a class-action.

If there is an arbitration clause in the ToS, US users are screwed.

Queue the start of binding arbitration for everything.

I envy you Canadians. You don't have batshit-crazy corporatist loons on courts that TAKE AWAY rights like we do.

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HAHAHAHA. PS3's shit is so broken

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You don't have batshit-crazy corporatist loons on courts that TAKE AWAY rights like we do.

Well you know what they say

An ignorant man with power is like a triggerhappy blind man with a shot-gun.
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It's good to be an Australian, because we can actually do things. I won't be, because I didnt have Online.

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They should skip suing Sony and sue that little jerk(s) who ruined it for all PS3 users.

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Asia is outside Democratic jurisdiction, which is where many hackers reside. Asia is very advanced in the field of espionage (Electronic as well as physical) but unfortunately it's used for evil, not good.

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