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Top 10 WORST games you have ever bought


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Well, I guess heres my top 6 list:

1. Diddy Kong racing

2. Sonic The Hedgehog 2006

3. Mario Party 8

4. Sonic Adventure DX

5. Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts

6. Sonic and the Secret Rings

I haven't bought many bad games, and even these ones aren't really horrible. They're more of the games that I least enjoyed.

Diddy Kong racing was rather a disappointment to me. It wasn't really fun, I didn't really care for the childish style, and Mario Kart is just plain better.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 had some fun potential, but was a mess in too many places. Thumbs down.

Mario Party 8 is the most boring Mario Party game I have ever played. The mini games weren't very fun, and I didn't really care for the whole carnival thing. I also wasn't a fan of that retarded hat guy.

Sonic adventure DX was an OK game, but compared to modern games, wasn't that great. There were quite a bit of bugs in it. On the other hand, it contained some cool bonus content such as previous Sonic games like Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic Drift. I also think that had a neat bad guy. After thinking about it, I remembered that one of Sonic's worst fears is water, so I can kinda see how they might have gotten that idea.

Banjo Kazooie was a downfall in the Banjo Kazooie series. The vehicle concept was weird and quirky. I much preferred the classic run around and get jiggies from the older games.

Sonic and the Secret Rings was neat, but the controls were really bad; in fact, it would have been much better if they'd have actually let you use a analog stick.

These games aren't really in any specific order. They aren't exactly "top is the worst, bottom is less worse" or, "top is less worse, bottom is less worse" Just so you know.

What's your top worst video game list?

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10. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

9. Sneak King

8. The Lost World: Jurassic Park

7. Combat Cars

6. Aaaah! Real Monsters

5. The Land Before Time: Great Valley Racing Adventure

4. Tonka Racing

3. Tiny Toon Adventures: Plucky's Big Adventure

2. Chicago Syndicate


1. Diddy Kong racing


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Guest Mr. Nintendo

1. Diddy Kong racing

10. One Piece: Grand Adventure

9. Superman 64

8. Eyetoy: Play 2

7. Barnyard

6. Monster House

5. The Simpsons game

4. Ghostbusters (NES)

3. House of the Dead 3 (Xbox)

2. Grabbed by the Ghoulies

1. 176263-vp_large.jpg

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I only have 2. I usually choose wisely when getting a game.

1. Devil May Cry 2

2. Judge Dredd (SNES)

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10. Spore, there is a saying "If you try to make every body happy, every body will hate you"

9. Family Guy the Game, as with Spore it tried to mash conflicting game styles into the one title, one moment you'll be blowing up hoards of doctors with your miniature ray gun, the next you'll be sneaking around a police station trying not to get caught.

8. Dante's Inferno, not only is it a God of War clone, it's also based on a fairy-tale, is it even possible to get less original?

7. Homeworld II, at least the first game was experimenting with a 3 dimensional RTS genre. Going at it again after establishing how much it fails is just stupidity.

6. Space Colony, the entire campaign seemed to ignore the core game mechanics entirely and go on complete tangents.

5. Champions of Norath, Took less risks than Freddy's mom (Shameless iCarly reference).

4. MoonBase Commander, even for a budget title, it seemed to just lacked any real depth.

3. Final Fantasy XIII, Just keep tapping X, yeah.

2. Legend of Spyro: New Beggining, not a bad game by itself but compared to the original series it fails epically.

1. Anubis II, the only game I've ever played that made me want to sail to the UK in my private battle-ship and blow the $&#* out of Stourbridge.

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I honestly did not care at all for Diddy Kong racing. There really wasn't anything wrong with it, I just didn't have much fun playing it.

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I honestly did not care at all for Diddy Kong racing. There really wasn't anything wrong with it, I just didn't have much fun playing it.

Then why is it above the likes of Sonic 06 on your dislike list if there's not much wrong with it but you didn't like it much?

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Because since I don't really like it, It is in my top worst list. There really isn't much to that game. I really don't think it was that fun at all, and those rules apply in my list. If 1. I do not enjoy them and 2. they're just plain BAD then I shall stick them in my top list. But then again Diddy Kong racing really wasn't that horrible of a game so I see your point. I'll just take it out.

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Because since I don't really like it, It is in my top worst list. There really isn't much to that game. I really don't think it was that fun at all, and those rules apply in my list. If 1. I do not enjoy them and 2. they're just plain BAD then I shall stick them in my top list. But then again Diddy Kong racing really wasn't that horrible of a game so I see your point. I'll just take it out.

You don't have to lol, was just asking. :P

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I know. But you made me think about it anyway. :P

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Let's see. TNA Impact.

Sonic 2006.

Zelda: MM perhaps.

That's it actually. Don't have ten sorry.

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Zelda: MM perhaps.

That's it actually. Don't have ten sorry.

What the HELL, boy?

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What the HELL, boy?

He's insane. :P

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8. Dante's Inferno, not only is it a God of War clone, it's also based on a fairy-tale, is it even possible to get less original?

WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?

I will say that what Dante's Inferno did in terms of gameplay wasn't original, but God of War wasn't this great, original game that is being emulated upon. God of War is just Devil May Cry with Greek Mythology. I hate it when people consider games clones of other games. So what if it plays like God of War. It doesn't make it a clone. The only way to make a God of War clone is to make the exact same game with the same story arc, theme, setting, characters, and conflicts. And you call the Divine Comedy a fairy-tale. That's so ignorant and insulting that I wonder why you even bought the game in the first place. The Divine Comedy is a 3-part epic poem that told the story of a man fighting to save his wife's soul from eternal damnation and they take a journey up from the 9 Circles of Hell to the 7 Terraces of Purgatory and, ultimately, Paradiso (Heaven). Original games don't always equal good games. Good games = good games. And just to let you know, God of War isn't really that original. You'll learn that Kratos isn't an original character. So, yeah, what I'm trying to say is . . . FUCK GOD OF WAR. QUIT COMPARING GAMES TO OTHER GAMES!!!

as for my list of worst games I've bought. let's see . . .

1 Blur

2 Skate 3

3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

4 Halo: Reach

that's all I got. sorry.

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^Not only that, but he likes Adventures which is just a Zelda clone. =V

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Huh, I'll get started on a list really, but I don't think I actually have played 10 games that I got that I really were dissapointed with. I mean, obviously Command is on that list, but overall, I have to sit and think on this one. Gonna be a hard one.

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Hrmm, where do I begin...

10: Total Recall

9: Wrath of the Black Manta

8: Super Pitfall

7: Ariel: The Little Mermaid

6: Crystal's Pony Tale

5: Wayne's World

4: Haunted Castle

3: Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stones

2: Sonic 3D Blast

1: Winter Games

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lolwut at Dante's Inferno being based off a "fairy tale". Son you need to brush up on your classic world literature.

Anyway, I can only think of two games off the top of my head:

-Starfox Assault. In terms of cash-to-value, I blew 50 bucks on this fucker when it came out, so excited for a new Starfox game. Yeah.

-Army Men: Sarge's War. A godawful conclusion to the Army Men series that took a lighthearted lulzy franchise with plastic soldiers fighting over magic portals into the Big World and tried to make it a DEEP SERIOUS GRIMDARK series finale by killing EVERYONE WHO ISN'T SARGE. And it didn't even end the series as intended. Major Malfunction (which was 100 times worse but I never actually bought that POS) took it a step further by unceremoniously killing off the last legacy the franchise had: Sarge himself. In a cutscene. With a microwave. A death that would in the old days had been reserved only for lulzy Tan soldiers being incompetent.

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I love almost all games, so I probably wont make out ten.

Can only think of 2, and these are the only 2 games I have ever sold.

2)Mario Party 8, Now, I knew Mario party had just been going down hill since #2, but I thought how could you screw up this one, motion control = wide variety of new games are now possible... That is how you could screw it up.

1)Universal studios Theme Park adventure (WHAT THE HECK WAS I STUPID?)

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@ ZM

  1. Look up the word joke
  2. It could be called a bloody shoop-da-doop-da-doop-da-doop, it's still a fictional narative
  3. You're basically saying that if every single game played exactly like Tetris, same controls, same game-mechanics, but with different colours, songs, and story, they'd still be different games.
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heres my top 5.

5. shellshock 2 blood trials

4. mortal kombat deadly alliance

3. mortal kombat vs dc universe

2. alien hominid

1. kane and lynch 2 dog days. (this gmae killed the series)

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Let's see. TNA Impact.

Zelda: MM perhaps.

That's it actually. Don't have ten sorry.

Ok, that's just MEAN. :lol: MM was one of the most awesome zelda games in the series!

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I don't think I have 10 games I own that I would consider bad, but I have some that were a bit disappointing because they could of been much more.

Anyway, here we go:

10:Harvest Moon: It's a Wonderful Life - Went back a bit to be similar to older games, but with less content, like only three eligible ladies to choose from.

9:Namco's Museum: 50th Anniversary - The games I wanted on this had been altered a bit, like Galaga having a rate of fire limiter.

8:Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland - Changed the gameplay from previous ones. A lot.

7:DOOM 3 - Was just a generic horror shooter that wasn't scary. Would of preferred an old school style DOOM with good graphics.

6:Aliens vs. Predator 2010 - If they had done like AvP 2, would of been a great game, but they made a lot of things really gay and unbalanced. Still fun, but was a disappointment.

5:Enter the Matrix - Just a "meh" game.

4:Turok - Not necessarily a "bad" game, but could of been so much more if they didn't try and make it a generic shooter, and dropped the "Son of Stone" storyline.

3:Resident Evil 5 - The Star Fox Command of the RE series, took every character personality and fucked it all up. Gameplay, plot, and settings were just meh too.

2:Star Fox Command - Poor story, gameplay, character presentations, artwork, etc. etc.



I'm sure you've seen my rants on this before, but it was all around bad. Bad weapon selection/behaviour, unbalanced weapons, bad maps, bad story, bad character models in multiplayer, bad perks. I wanted to like MW2, I really did, I wanted it to be a good game, but it is the only game I have ever traded in. It was that bad.

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3:Resident Evil 5 - The Star Fox Command of the RE series, took every character personality and fucked it all up. Gameplay, plot, and settings were just meh too.

Ehh, really depends. I agree that the plot, settings, and characters were messed up (well mainly just Jill, Chris is pretty much the same token hero and Wesker's change was for the better I think) because dammit ever since RE4 I wanted zombies in it's playstyle. However, gameplay is almost entirely up to how and who you play with.

I thought RE5 was one of the best games of it's year. Coincidentally, I never touched Single Player at all, save for maybe Licker grinding. RE5 is a meh game on it's own, but if you play with a friend it gets many, many tiers better.

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7:DOOM 3 - Was just a generic horror shooter that wasn't scary. Would of preferred an old school style DOOM with good graphics.

Well, I actually liked Doom 3, but yeah, I was expecting something better.

It's really good for mods, though. =P ( sadly, Id Software is... kinda ignoring the modding community )

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