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I need a break from this place.


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When ever people are talking to each other around here, it's almost always along the lines of "The other person is wrong," or "The other person is stupid," I'm seriously fed up with it, if someone doesn't have the exact same opinion as you do, then you should just STFU and deal with it. Not rage every single time someone says something "Stupid". It's not all of you, it's just key people I just can't stand right now. (If you're thinking of raging at this, then you're one of them) I can't guarantee I'll return, maybe, maybe not. All my friends on this site left already anyway, so there's not much for me to stay for. And the fact that the only thing I do around here is get raged at for really stupid reasons probably means this'll be my last post.

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While it's sad to see you feel this way, Matrilwood, you could have PMed a mod regarding your concerns. There's still time.

Also, this "goodbye" is a little dramatic, I'll be watching this thread closely. Matrilwood, if you really had an issue, you could have talked to someone instead of ragequit SFO. :/

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I have to agree slightly with Redeemer that this statement is rather contradictory. Also, that yeah, you just as easily could have brought your concerns to a staff member at least.

Sorry you feel you have to go; see ya if you choose to come back at one time or anouther.

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Advice: when you return, leave your weak, easily countered negative opinion out of the counter point. Maybe then you won't be so full of raeg.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

Advice: when you return, leave your weak, easily countered negative opinion out of the counter point. Maybe then you won't be so full of raeg.


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if someone doesn't have the exact same opinion as you do, then you should just STFU and deal with it.

Take your own advice? Discussion is only interesting because of different viewpoints...

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Well, if you feel that way, i wish you luck on your future endevours, and hope you return. Even if i didnt know you, i wish you well. :?

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Take your own advice? Discussion is only interesting because of different viewpoints...

If you ask me i think the point is that people should voice out their own opinion, comment on others' if they like, but not go as far as telling people they're stupid or they're wrong, because in many cases that just leads to argument or flaming, which I've seen times before. True, discussion means it covers different people's different viewpoint, but let's face it. If you think a person is wrong, just keep it to yourself. Voice it out only if many people already think that person is wrong.

Criticizing other people's opinions leads to bigger problems, you know.

On topic:

Just like Reynard said, even if we didn't know each other that much, I still hope you're well.

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Wow, posting entirely in /sub kind of hurt my eyes. Anyways, when you post in the counter-point threads, expect to get into debates. That's why the board is there. And, really, far too many people consider disagreement to be "flaming". Then there's the fact that we don't even know what got Matrilwood's gizzard because instead of actually addressing these problems with either the mods or the users, he just posted a blanket "BAWW LEAVING SFO BECUZ UR MEAN (but I'm not saying who)" ragequit. If there's a problem we can't remedy it without a little indication of what the problem even is. Was someone in particular going out of their way to harass him, or did someone just diss his OTP? As it looks, he's complaining that people disagree with him. On a Star Fox forum. Boo-freakin'-hoo. Not being able to accept other viewpoints is by no means a strength.

Communication, people. Jesus. Matril, dude, sorry if I or someone made you feel unwelcome, but we aren't internet mind readers and if you have a problem, say it.

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dramatically ragequitting SFO while shrieking about the hurt in your butt is a pretty good way to go out, though, so thumbs up man

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Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, and don't let the knob hit your nuts on the way in

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After reading these comments, talking to the other community I'm now member to and sleeping on it. I've made my choice.

Among other things, it's better that I don't come back because I can tell when I'm not welcome somewhere. If I leave, you'll be out of my hair, I'll be out of your hair EVERYBODY WINNA!!!

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Wow, posting entirely in /sub kind of hurt my eyes. Anyways, when you post in the counter-point threads, expect to get into debates. That's why the board is there. And, really, far too many people consider disagreement to be "flaming". Then there's the fact that we don't even know what got Matrilwood's gizzard because instead of actually addressing these problems with either the mods or the users, he just posted a blanket "BAWW LEAVING SFO BECUZ UR MEAN (but I'm not saying who)" ragequit. If there's a problem we can't remedy it without a little indication of what the problem even is.

Allow me to clarify.

I said Krystal wasn't a gem of a character and Xort internet Kung-Fu'd his ass in the counterpoint, and much rage was had leading to this thread. It's all just another case of this damn fandom lacking a spine.

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After reading these comments, talking to the other community I'm now member to and sleeping on it. I've made my choice.

Among other things, it's better that I don't come back because I can tell when I'm not welcome somewhere. If I leave, you'll be out of my hair, I'll be out of your hair EVERYBODY WINNA!!!

oh come on, dotn be like that. Not EVERYbody hates you. I dont, if that makes you feel any better....

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Allow me to clarify.

I said Krystal wasn't a gem of a character and Xort internet Kung-Fu'd his ass in the counterpoint, and much rage was had leading to this thread. It's all just another case of this damn fandom lacking a spine.



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When ever people are talking to each other around here, it's almost always along the lines of "The other person is wrong," or "The other person is stupid," I'm seriously fed up with it, if someone doesn't have the exact same opinion as you do, then you should just STFU and deal with it. Not rage every single time someone says something "Stupid". It's not all of you, it's just key people I just can't stand right now. (If you're thinking of raging at this, then you're one of them) I can't guarantee I'll return, maybe, maybe not. All my friends on this site left already anyway, so there's not much for me to stay for. And the fact that the only thing I do around here is get raged at for really stupid reasons probably means this'll be my last post.

Later Matril...

Also, Redeemer, I applaud, what you said states what should have been done, and kept it nice... everyone else (well, not eeeeveryone.) you've restated what Redeemer said while kicking a man while he's down. Milky, the message of what you said was good, the way you said it... was not. The way you said it was like inscribing some logs with useful advise/instructions, and then throwing them in a fire. Not to mention, you just happen to be THE! Glorious General Milky. A man whom people follow, (<- DASRIGHT!! I spelled follow correctly!) you set this as a negative thread, others will too. 'Should be careful with that on something as serious as someone leaving the site.

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Perhaps. But then again Matrilwood is a known drama llama who has sent me more angry PMs than anyone else on the forum, so it is a bit hard to keep my patience.

But I do have to question the bit about people following. It was to my understanding that I was like batman, I stalk around, beat people up who need it, and evade the law and scorn of other members. =V These other guys like Dras and uno are my clones that were originally stationed at AL, so they don't count.

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Yes... but who doesn't wanna follow (<- beautiful) Batman? Everyone wants to -> follow <- batman, no one can do it prperly though, but they will try! Not to mention, Batman, no matter how much he wants to, he NEVER kills someone, stronger is the man who can resist, no matter how hard he's pushed then the man whos patience runs to an end, or somethin. Ahhhhhw Yeah! Batman metaphors. I donnu how you respond to said PM's but again, Batman likes to rehabilitate not kill, if Matril's sending you angry PM's it's gotto be for a reason, and if you repond like you did with the advice up there, of course you'll get another angry Pm, people don't read between the lines, they see the immidiate insults thrown in there first. However, your Batman, Batman's a detective. Find the source of the anger and neutralize it. If all else fails, capture them and leave it to Arkham asylum (Dz ect) if said criminal has gone to far and give em a good ol jailing.

PS. That was fun to right, and I hope it makes sense.

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Sorta. Although all I have to do to counter then entire thing is saying that the angry PMs were 100% centered around a post or two I made saying Krystal doesn't belong in starfox. I do have patience, and I'm not REALLY batman, so seeing him leave over THIS is what I'd personally classify as "beyond help."

Simply put, like Dras said before me, if he didn't want debate, he should have stayed out of the counterpoint where debate is encouraged. If he gets mad THAT easily because his point was shot down, then he should stick to the more general boards and not enforce himself. What it boils down to is it's his fault, even if I contributed by being one of the ones to irritate him indirectly.

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Simply put, like Dras said before me, if he didn't want debate, he should have stayed out of the counterpoint where debate is encouraged. If he gets mad THAT easily because his point was shot down, then he should stick to the more general boards and not enforce himself.

Pew Pew! Thats what ya shoulda said! it's not nearly as fun, I gotto admit, but it's also not at anyones expence.

Also the difference between what you said just now and what Dras said is the way it's put, if you know a person gets mad easily, don't put anything in that will make said person mad.

Take your own advice? Discussion is only interesting because of different viewpoints...

Right there, that "take your own advice?," that shifts blame onto Matril for being a hypocryte, nobody likes blame and they immediately try to shift it on to someone else (or even just blame about something completely different, hoping that if the other person looks worse everyone will forget about the blame on themselves.)

What it boils down to is it's his fault, even if I contributed by being one of the ones to irritate him indirectly.

Fault is a crumby word, it doesn't matter who's fault it is, all that matters is that it happened. All fault does is start up the blame game again. Not to mention it's pretty well always everyones fault, if one person had a fault, and no one else did, it wouldn't matter that the one person had a fault/takes 2 to tango.

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I also didn't claim innocence. It does take 2 to tango, but the point is there should never have been a tango. Matrilwood's case is similar to being offended by strippers after walking into a strip club, he got exactly what was advertised and then cried about it ( being debate in the conterpoint, discussion in StarFox discussion, which by the is not a "everyone worships Krystal" board)before leaving a vague, passive aggressive thread that left everyone scratching for an explanation, which I can't sugarcoat no matter how I go about it.

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"A whole heavy's Tf2 adventure later"

I also didn't say you didn't claim innocence :wink: All I said is it doesn't matter who is and who isn't innocent.

Although there should not have been a tango, there was. Over something stupid, maybe, but it was still there. Matril didn't drop it (being mad or whatever), but neither did you. (having fun at his expense) I also understand that having fun at someone else's expense can be a very hard thing to drop. Now, lets say I'm some dude who knows what stripper bars are, but doesn't fully know all the rules, being shocked, I get offended, now it's clear I've been offended, so you should inform me on how to go to a stripper bar properly, and not get offended 'n stuff and if I can't do that, then not to enter the stripper bar. However, if you tell me to just to get out, and tell me how bad I am at going to a stripper bar, then clearly I'm going to get even more offended, you should know I will be offended by this, because I was offended by the stripper bar in the first place, in a sense, it brings it upon yourself.

Oh Oh!!! Thank you Reynard! I was trying to check Matril's gender to make sure I wasn't getting the his/hers wrong(didn't find it though, so whatever, currently, Matril, you will be known as a his) When I saw What Reynard said, "We must learn to be accepting and tolerant of all species. We do this not because it is easy, but because it is hard." Good shot lad!

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Okay. Matrilwood has left, so I'm going to close this topic now.

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