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New Member for StarWolf.

Shadow Matrix

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I was thinking.. Since Starfox has 4 members, I normaly would assume StarWolf would get a 4th member to even the odds when they ever engaged in a dogfight. If they did get a 4th member and you decided what the sex and ethnicity the member would be and Nintendo went with you idea. Would the member be a girl or guy? And what race would the Animal be?

To me. I think a new member for Starwolf would be a Male porcupine, named Pork, or Porky.

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Hmm me and my friend DarkSuperDude thought these up(it's not that good I know) and he is a Snake named Close Viper Male and if that one fails I made this one up Kyle Turt the Male Turtle. Tell me what you think please.

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They should reuse existing characters before hitting us with another backstory-lacking filler character.

Personally, I like Krystal as Star Wolf's fourth member, especially considering they aren't really "bad guys" anymore anyway. If not her, then Andrew would be better off with them than piloting giant crabs and doing other pointless filler crap.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

I don't think Starwolf needs a new member just yet, as Dras said "They should reuse exsiting characters before hitting us with another backstory-lacking filler character.".

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They should reuse existing characters before hitting us with another backstory-lacking filler character.

That seems like the best idea for now, but in the case of a new "evil" character, i believe it should be at least a female character since there are not a lot of feminine characters.

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I don't think Starwolf needs a new member just yet, as Dras said "They should reuse exsiting characters before hitting us with another backstory-lacking filler character.".

True. But still they removed Andrew and Pigma from starwolf for a reason, and its in starfox assault. I don't think they'd reuse Pigma or Andrew. So i most likely assumed they'd add a new character..

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True. But still they removed Andrew and Pigma from starwolf for a reason, and its in starfox assault. I don't think they'd reuse Pigma or Andrew. So i most likely assumed they'd add a new character..

Eh. I can't see Pigma rejoining Star Wolf, as it seemed Wolf hates him, then there's the fact that he's like dead or a giant cube or something. I could see them reusing Andrew though, he didn't seem to be on bad terms with Star Wolf (he left on his own accord) and if they're not going to use him for anything more than cheap, nonsensical throwaway bosses (*glares at Command*) then he might as well just rejoin them. It's not as out-there as suggesting that like, Bill join Star Wolf or something. Slippy's the one missing an opponent anyways.

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I'll jump on the recycle bandwagon. If they did bring Andrew back as someone not 100% useless, I would love it if they changed his character a bit. It might be nice to see him more badass for a change than just comical relief/the loser on the team.

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I'll jump on the recycle bandwagon. If they did bring Andrew back as someone not 100% useless, I would love it if they changed his character a bit. It might be nice to see him more badass for a change than just comical relief/the loser on the team.


Although OP's new character had some potential. I also sorta like the trio of the Star Wolf team. =D

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honostly if any one joins they'd better be a sorta cool charcter, the'd strangth'in that star wolf badness anusness aura that they have.

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They should reuse existing characters before hitting us with another backstory-lacking filler character.

Personally, I like Krystal as Star Wolf's fourth member, especially considering they aren't really "bad guys" anymore anyway. If not her, then Andrew would be better off with them than piloting giant crabs and doing other pointless filler crap.

I'm in agreement on this one especially since like said, they're more like Anti-Heroes now. but if Krystal were to join in, she'd need a damned good reason. I just don't pay attention for command; the whole "getting back at fox for leaving her" thing is just not as much of a good reason as it seems, because then you get this love triangle between Fox-Krystal-Panther which..eh, I dunno.

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the'd strangth'in that star wolf badness anusness aura that they have.

What the f

I'm in agreement on this one especially since like said, they're more like Anti-Heroes now. but if Krystal were to join in, she'd need a damned good reason. I just don't pay attention for command; the whole "getting back at fox for leaving her" thing is just not as much of a good reason as it seems, because then you get this love traingle between Fox-Krystal-Panther which..eh, I dunno.

The way I saw it with Krystal was that Star Wolf was really the only option aside from Star Fox. We've seen her interact with them enough and it's not like she has any family to go back to, and considering Star Wolf are pretty much their friends by the end of Assault, it's kind of a natural progression. I do think Krystal/Panther is dumb just because I always saw him as the "failed ladies-man" comic relief so it didn't make sense to have him actually get the girl (Star Wolf's Brock, if you will). Character motivations were all over the place in Command too so it's only the premise of "Krystal on Star Wolf" that I like, not really the execution.

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badness anusness

assnes? badanus? What the hell is going on?

Anyways, I do think it's a shame no one has fully made use of Andrew's potential coz his kind of personality really fits in Starwolf. He's that wannabe badass, who gets on Wolf and Leon's nerves. Especially the chemistry between Andrew and Wolf could've been so damn great.

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Another new member? Isn't Panther enough? Before they put another new member into the Star Wolf Team they should put more backstory into Panther Caluroso so he gets a bit more of a personality, but if Panther will stay in their Team in the future games of Star Fox, they should put Andrew Oikonny back in action. Though he acts like an retard he has a big and important role in the franchise, Andross was his uncle afterall. IMO I think that he, though he acts kinda stupid and annoying, can be as dangerous as Andross, he could even be more dangerous as him. Andrew had an awesome role at the beginning of Assault, people were able to see that he CAN be a leader and dangerous, even if Namco made him kinda too easy to beat - still he has one of the most interesting personalities, and if he wouldn't act like a wimp, then he wouldn't even need Star Wolf.

So yeah, because of his "craziness" and wimp-like character, he would fit the most as last member of Star Wolf, and personally I would be very happy about it because you have 3 wellknown members and 1 member that came into the group while the Aparoid war was running.

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I don't know Panther is FREAKING annoying, or maybe it's just me, but they work quite well with the three people they have now, and I imagine they don't just let ANYONE waltz into the team.

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^ They actually don't work right now with three members, considering Star Fox has four and thus Star Wolf is outnumbered. If anyone should be outnumbered it's the heroes.

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I say put Andrew back in as somebody more useful, and while they're at it give Panther a different personality, one that's more sinister:

:panther: Who wants to buy a rose? *retconned big time* Looks like you're about to have a very bad day my friend. *unleashes barrage of missiles*

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^ They actually don't work right now with three members, considering Star Fox has four and thus Star Wolf is outnumbered. If anyone should be outnumbered it's the heroes.

Or make the villains (comically) hardcore, so that even the heroes have problems defeating them.

This could've been what the makers were going for but in the end...it's the same old Starwolf that we love to beat with one hand.

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I don't think it's what they were going for in Assault, considering the single Star Wolf battle was pathetically easy and it just so happened Slippy was in Sargasso, so it evened out the teams. It's still a lot easier to have them threatening and be believable rivals if you have even numbers.

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How about a murderous alligator with a sniper rifle? Maybe a mad scientist bear? There haven't been any bat characters in Star Fox so far.

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I want to say female wolf. But the last Starfox needs right now is another Krystal.

Andrew is a possiblity, but I'd rather have him in control of the remnant of Andross empire.

Pigma's a cube/sphere-thingie, and in space. So he's sort of like the Space personality core now, and dead to boot. Nope, not him.

Current, minor characters, such as Bill or Katt, are good guys, and gals, and should remain so.

Krystal on Starwolf? If they could pull it off well...

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I don't think it's what they were going for in Assault, considering the single Star Wolf battle was pathetically easy and it just so happened Slippy was in Sargasso, so it evened out the teams. It's still a lot easier to have them threatening and be believable rivals if you have even numbers.

Hm...lemme explain myself a lil better.

See, with the new Starwolf team we got all these badasses, you know. Obviously Wolf as the strong leader, and they turned Leon into this psychopath-assassin guy.

With Panther we have a lady’s man who is said to be a darn good pilot (at least according to the manual?). Giving him this deep and mysterious voice and his quite womanizing personality makes him seem rather menacing as a foe.

The makers got rid of Andrew, the comical Andross-wannabe (as Falco fittingly puts it), and the fat, slow and probably old Pigma (in MY personal opinion the two most interesting characters of starwolf anyway, but they might not seem cool and edgy enough, meh…) so we’re only left with the most feared warriors and killers.

Of course, they turned them into anti-heroes. But that’s exactly the point, the way I see it. The writers wanted the new Starwolf team to be as threatening and intimidating as possible as your first impression so that their change to allies would come off more surprising.

Then there’s the execution…. Which is like, a totally different thing altogether but I might digress here.

I wasn’t there when the makers decided how to change Starwolf but that’s what I got out of their iteration in Assault.

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HAHAH this made my day. xD

The badness of an anus...

anyways... why not just let Andrew come back? He was a great character and is really fun to shoot down... UNCLE ANDROOOS! XD

haha but what I'm trying to say is I THINK no one else than Andrew fits to be the fourth memeber of starwolf. Panther is not so bad either to have on the team, sure! But he's just there to flirt with Krystal and Fox doesn't care about it anyways. Also I think Panther lacks the badassness and doesn't feel like he would do any harm at all for me.

And one thing that bothers me is... WHY IS PANTHER MORE WORTH CAPTURING THAN LEON??StarWolf_Command_Intro.png Seriously he has just been with the team for a short time! And he has already catched up Leon's crime history. WTF?

Amen, Sister.

And yes, now that you mentioned it... it's very fishy that Panther ran over Leon which is actually more than just a bad joke since Leon is more of a threat than Panther could ever be... well, for the women's world he's a threat and an annoyence, but else? There's something wrong with that picture. Just because Panther is a better Pilot doesn't mean he's as crazy as Leon.

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Yeah that was the first thing that bothered me when I saw that screenshot. It's like the makers want to SHOVE "PANTHER IS FUCKING MENACING....they kinda didnt succeed with that in assault...BUT HE ACTUALLY IS!!!"in our faces.

Panther's aaaalmost Mary Sue level in that perspective.

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