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Back in the Saddle Again

Mellow Walrus

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I don't think any of you guys remember me, I was only around like half a year ago and made like about ten posts, but I think I'll be back longer this time. That will mostly be just because I'm gonna plug in a lot of my fanfics here, but I suppose that means I'll be around here in one way or another. Since I was gone from here for so long, and because the time I actually was here was rather brief, I think I'm gonna reintroduce myself. I'm Mellow Walrus, I also go by Daimeus on other sites. Walruses are awesome, and Mellowness is moderately awesome, so I figured making my name "Mellow Walrus" would make me moderately higher than awesome.

Speaking of awesome, I like to say stuff along the lines of "Awesome Sauce," I think it's because I heard that line from the NBC show Parks and Recreation. I also like to say "Radically Dudular," some of you might know that line from the fan project that's called Starfox: The Animated Series. I know every single one of you must know about it, because all of you have to know everything related to Starfox, whether it's canon or not.

But enough about me ripping off quotes that are so Radically Dudular and Awesome Sauce. I love roleplaying, that's the main thing I do online these days. It's natural that I'm going to flock over to the RP boards around this place sometime soon, so you can expect me to be there. I kinda want to make an Inception RP, and while I do want to make one based on The Room... The staff members here might get a little po'd at that one, due to the so bad it's good nature of the movie it'll likely attract trolls, we don't want that around here :( I still remember some of the rules around that board, so I know I have to make an RP request before making actually starting it, so you guys don't have to warn this newb this time~ ^_^

Let's see, some random things I like. I really, really love it when things are so bad that they're funny, especially when it comes to The Room, and movies like Plan 9 from Outer Space. That also includes fanfiction like My Immortal, Light and Dark: the Adventures of Dark Yagami, Half Life: Full Life Consequences, etc. Of course, I still need dramatic works that actually succeed in their artistic goals every once in a while.

Some recent things that I've gotten addicted to are Regular Show, and I finally got my hands on the DVD of Firefly~! I'm trying really, really hard to make sure I don't watch too much of Firefly in a week, I need to make sure I savor it as long as possible. As for Regular Show, I watch it whenever I catch it on. While I do have Tivo, I suppose I could record it... I'm not embarrassed of watching a semi-kid's show, and trying to hide the evidence or nothing :P

Oh, with the topic of Firefly on my mind,I can use that as a transition for something else I'd like to discuss~! I'm gonna use both that and Cowboy Bebop as inspiration for the civilization in Katina for my Starfox fanfiction. I liked how Cowboy Bebop used normal firearms that spurt out lead, and have many vehicles that run on wheels, despite being set in a future with people hopping from planet to planet. That, paired with the atmosphere of Firefly, could make the chapters involving Katina for my fic a change of pace from the metropolitan, hover car shrouded skies of cities that would be in Corneria and Zoness. Here's the fanfic I'm talking about, although the ideas I listed right there have not had a chance to be actually noticed until Fox steps foot out of the Orbital Gate, then onto Katina soil.

And with fanfiction, here's another one. Can't think of that much else, so I guess I'll be seeing you 'round here~!

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I don't think any of you guys remember me, I was only around like half a year ago and made like about ten posts, but I think I'll be back longer this time.

I remember you! You were kinda cool.

I know every single one of you must know about it, because all of you have to know everything related to Starfox, whether it's canon or not.

I don't! I'm barely a Starfox fan to begin with! All I know about the series I learned from the topics here :D

Anyway, it's good to see you back. Stay a while longer this time :)

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*blushes* You remember little old me? How sweet ;) Weren't you the guy that made a comment on my fic? *sighs* Good times, good times. I'll try to make sure the time lasts longer from here on out ^_^

And here's one of the videos to the animated series I was talking about, I don't think any full episodes are released yet but there's still a lot of stuff worth looking through in the uploader's channel.

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Back in the saddle again?! is this some kinda sick joke against the my little pony fans?!


welcome back

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lol, nah. It's a reference to the Aerosmith song Back in the Saddle... speaking of which, I forgot to mention I'm a metalhead, Metallica's my favorite band :D

Speaking of My Little Pony, I've been hearing a lot of stuff on it lately, and I saw a debate thread on it around this place. Maybe I find some clips of it to see what the big fuss is about. (making sure that nobody's aware I'm doing this, of course :P) Hey, even if I think it's retarded I could have a few lulz by pointing out the flaws MST3k style. I even saw a video the other day that criticized the show over the physics in it, seriously XD

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Ha, I've been meaning to look at that video for a while now, but I was always too lazy to look for it.

Thank you for making my day.

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And here's one of the videos to the animated series I was talking about, I don't think any full episodes are released yet but there's still a lot of stuff worth looking through in the uploader's channel.

Welcome back! And we have an entire thread about this here. I'm also a voice actor in it. :3

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Yeah, I actually remember you, albeit faintly. Welcome back Wallrus.

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