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Freedom is a myth


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In the world's main super power we're told that we have freedom of speech, as in we can say whatever we want without repercussion. Well let me ask you this then: If there is such a thing as freedom of speech, why is something like this allowed to stay online? These are the kinds of people who keep going on and on about how they're supporting freedom of speech, yet they post swastikas and deliberate seizure endusing art with nobody standing up to them. They're promoting violence against just about everybody, and telling everybody else to just stay crawling in the dirt and rot away because they're not a public service worker or part of the armed forces. All in all they're suppressing everybody else, so they're not for freedom of speech like they say they are. They're constraining us to not speak out against their injustice and to fight against all the trouble they're causing. How can there be such a thing as freedom of speech when such people are allowed to promote hatred and genocide? How can there be such a thing as freedom of speech when they're suppressing everybody else from speaking their mind? These people are destroying the internet, preaching what they say is freedom of speech and expression, while they're attacking others like Furries, Gays, Blacks, Gypsies and Jews when they didn't do anything wrong? How can such hypocrisy be allowed to live on the internet, let alone the world? They can because there's no such thing as freedom. Freedom is a word invented by people like them to get away with heinous crimes against others, because in reality they have no respect for other people, maybe not even themselves.

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Are you kidding me? Your entire post just contradicted itself.

Feel free to rage against HateCampaign all you want. "Freedom of speech" does not at all mean "everyone can only say nice things". The fact that they're allowed to say these things and you are allowed to disagree with them is proof of free speech itself. A stupid group on deviantArt MEANT to piss people off is not "destroying the internet" or impeding your ability to say what you want to. They don't control anything, they mostly just exist for hilarious and nonsensical blowout responses like yours.

For the record, Torture-Device is a site-renown idiot and if you got over the fact that yes, mean people exist, all he is doing is smashing his fingers on the keyboard and bitching on an art site. He's not out there killin' the Jews. And acting like he has the ability to is feeding the fire that could easily be quelled by just clicking the back button on your browser.

Everyone has the equal opportunity to make a fool of themself on the internet.

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What I'm saying is that they're spreading shit and lies about other people who didn't do anything wrong, and this leads to said people getting unfairly harassed for it. This is what happened to Megan Meyer, and her family after she killed herself. You're probably thinking "So what if she did? She must've been some kind of emo.", well how do we know you haven't lost a loved one to mental illness? That would certainly screw things up even worse.

I didn't say Torture-Device was killing Jews, I'm saying he's mocking Holocaust victims, and worst yet denying that even happened to begin with. Freedom means to do whatever you want without consequences, but there are consequences for what those people have done, so there is no such thing as true freedom. Because of them certain people are even afraid to post artwork, or even promote there artwork, because they're harassed by the likes of Torture-Device.

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In the world's main super power we're told that we have freedom of speech, as in we can say whatever we want without repercussion. Well let me ask you this then: If there is such a thing as freedom of speech, why is something like this allowed to stay online?

Because maybe freedom of speech covers them too? Your opening argument boils down to "free speech doesn't exist because someone I don't like has it."

These are the kinds of people who keep going on and on about how they're supporting freedom of speech, yet they post swastikas and deliberate seizure endusing art with nobody standing up to them. They're promoting violence against just about everybody, and telling everybody else to just stay crawling in the dirt and rot away because they're not a public service worker or part of the armed forces. All in all they're suppressing everybody else, so they're not for freedom of speech like they say they are. They're constraining us to not speak out against their injustice and to fight against all the trouble they're causing. How can there be such a thing as freedom of speech when such people are allowed to promote hatred and genocide?

People are free to speak against them. I for one say right now that these guys are twats who really won't go anywhere. They have no power, especially not on the level you make them seem because they're a -deviant art group.-

But hey, it's your choice to continue being a pansy.

How can there be such a thing as freedom of speech when they're suppressing everybody else from speaking their mind? These people are destroying the internet, preaching what they say is freedom of speech and expression, while they're attacking others like Furries, Gays, Blacks, Gypsies and Jews when they didn't do anything wrong?
See above. They aren't effectively doing a damned thing and you know it, and hey, I can still speak my mind even after learning of my apparrent suppression from a bunch of emo gits so inconsequential I never knew of their existance.

How can such hypocrisy be allowed to live on the internet, let alone the world?

Because Free Speech exists. >.>

They can because there's no such thing as freedom. Freedom is a word invented by people like them to get away with heinous crimes against others, because in reality they have no respect for other people, maybe not even themselves.

Right. Looks to me like this is a butthurt baaaaw thread about a deviant art group you don't like twisted into a debate thread about freedom of speech being a lie, which you haven't even began to disprove. In fact your final word here seems to be -exactly- what these people are doing. "I don't like these guys, so they shouldn't be allowed to speak!" is your base message, which coincidentally is the trait of the group that you're bitching about.

1/10 thread

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Oh! OH!! OHHH!!!


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deviantArt has an awesome little feature that blocks people who annoy you.

Megan Meier had a history of depression as early as the third grade. Her suicide wasn't solely due to "people being mean"; she had a a mental disorder. That isn't justification for the bullying inflicted upon her (orchestrated by people she knew in real-life, by the way, not some schmuck on dA), but the situation wasn't as simple as this stupid sensationalistic "cyberbullying" crap.

If you're too stupid to use the block button because one guy thinks he's SUPR HARKORE for being a "nazi" then maybe you shouldn't be on deviantArt to begin with.

To "do whatever you want without consequence" would be to simply not exist. Good or bad, everything has consequence, and "everything" isn't encapsulated under speech. No, these guys aren't allowed to actually go out and kill people, but they are allowed to be dicks on the internet simply because they aren't physically hurting anyone (and no, a "I haet jews!1!! lol" stamp is not enough to really promote widespread hatred).

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Because maybe freedom of speech covers them too? Your opening argument boils down to "free speech doesn't exist because someone I don't like has it."

People are free to speak against them. I for one say right now that these guys are twats who really won't go anywhere. They have no power, especially not on the level you make them seem because they're a -deviant art group.-

But hey, it's your choice to continue being a pansy.

See above. They aren't effectively doing a damned thing and you know it, and hey, I can still speak my mind even after learning of my apparrent suppression from a bunch of emo gits so inconsequential I never knew of their existance.

Because Free Speech exists. >.>

Right. Looks to me like this is a butthurt baaaaw thread about a deviant art group you don't like twisted into a debate thread about freedom of speech being a lie, which you haven't even began to disprove. In fact your final word here seems to be -exactly- what these people are doing. "I don't like these guys, so they shouldn't be allowed to speak!" is your base message, which coincidentally is the trait of the group that you're bitching about.

1/10 thread

Didn't they put up rules about not insulting other people and respecting their opinions? You certainly haven't followed those rules here. I'm saying that freedom doesn't exist because these guys are throwing around all the racist shit they want, causing the people they talk shit about to be too afraid to even come out of bed in the morning. By the way, using terms like "butthurt" and "baaaaw" makes you sound even worse than you say I am. <That's not an insult, that's just me telling the truth.

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"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

~ Voltaire

Some countries like Canada have hate crime laws in effect but enacting them could set a dangerous precedent.

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Are you serious? People are too afraid to get out of bed because someone on the internet is a racist?

Your argument boils down to exactly what Milky said: You don't think freedom of speech exists just because someone you don't like has it. No one is being oppressed here.

And you know what? Enacting laws so that people can only say nice things isn't freedom of speech. It's censorship. It's the opposite of freedom of speech. And it's easy to get carried away with it.

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ArwingCommander basically said this:



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Didn't they put up rules about not insulting other people and respecting their opinions? You certainly haven't followed those rules here. I'm saying that freedom doesn't exist because these guys are throwing around all the racist shit they want, causing the people they talk shit about to be too afraid to even come out of bed in the morning. By the way, using terms like "butthurt" and "baaaaw" makes you sound even worse than you say I am. <That's not an insult, that's just me telling the truth.

How did I insult you? I said you were being a whiny baby disguising your baaaw as a debate topic and that's exactly what's going on. All your posts center around that group, not freedom of speech, and you continually contradict yourself.

Nice try with the guilt trip attack on me though, really shows how much mad you got there.

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ArwingCommander basically said this:



This is the best post in this topic.

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This is the best post in this topic.

I'm flattered.

Oh, and ArwingCommander? Freedom of speech is exactly what it sounds like. It is freedom of speech, plain and simple. That doesn't mean it's a great idea to run into a theatre and shout "FIRE" if there isn't a fire, and it doesn't mean it's a good idea to insult people, but it means people have freedom to say stuff. You could argue that because of the fact we all have mouths and most of us can talk, that we all have freedom of speech. I suggest you look up the Fairness Doctrine if you're concerned with freedom of speech going too far, and it sounds like that's what you're aiming at, but you didn't know how to put it. These are complicated issues and we all have different opinions on them. That's why we post in topics like these, to voice our opinions. Freedom of speech.

As a side note, I think it's hilarious how this topic is called "Freedom is a myth"

Then he goes on to say that people are saying too many things. I mean, REALLY, people are saying whatever they want, where did all the freedom go? Lock up the dissenters, THE FREEDOM DICTATORSHIP HAS BEGUN! Long may ArwingCommander reign! Wanna say whatever you want? Too bad son, we have FREEDOM. Um, sure. Wow. WOW. I'm confused.

By far the weirdest thing about ArwingCommander's topic:

He seems to be complaining about lack of freedom of speech at first, but then he goes on to say that people are saying too many mean-spirited things against minorities. How can he possibly link this to lack of freedom of speech? If anything, it would be freedom of speech going too far. Poor guy. He must have had a rough day today.

Example of why this topic is weird:

It's almost the equivalent of arguing that the reason there is no peace on earth is because we're not beating the crap out of each other enough. Or how about this? Let's say I wanted to start a topic on global warming, and I make my argument that global warming is a threat by giving statistics on how the globe is getting cooler? Your topic and its purpose contradicts itself ArwingCommander. That's just a fact.

Faulty assumption ArwingCommander has made:

1.) Freedom does not automatically mean that everyone is going to live in harmony and never upset one another. The reason governments and laws exist is because sometimes people choose to do bad things. On the other hand, governments can do bad things, and laws can be unfair.

So freedom is the way to go in my opinion. If people choose to do or say bad things, people who are not mean or nasty can rebuke those things and chew out the nasties.

2.) Freedom is not a myth. We have the capabilities to do whatever we want. It's just that a lot of us are lazy or are under circumstances that put us in places we don't want to be.

3.) You are not supporting free speech in your arguments, in fact, you are wanting to crack down on it.

4.) Most of us know saying mean things isn't good, but saying "We need more freedom of speech in order to prevent people from saying mean things" makes no sense.

5.) You're intelligent, but you made a majorly epic fail with this topic ArwingCommander.

I don't know what is up with this stuff, I can't keep up with the absurdity here, and I think most people here agree with me on that.

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Its just a nesseciary evil, we could get rid of it, but then were would we be? in sociaty that with shackles. Its like the right to bear arms, we then can use them to protect our sleves, but some abusers of the right can use them to kill

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The thing is, ArwingCommander is presenting himself as if he is pro-free speech, but everything he says indicates that he is not pro-free speech at all. If he had said there need to be more laws on hate speech, then this topic would have made more sense, but instead he just....wow. I can't even begin to explain the bizzareness of this topic.

ArwingCommander must be right on one thing: Freedom MUST be a myth, because no one even understands what it is! People don't even know what freedom means obviously. Then ArwingCommander starts telling someone to follow the "rules" after saying there isn't enough freedom.


LOL. I mean...wow.

I think I'll vote for ArwingCommander in 2012. JK.

The worlds only freedom loving dictatorship.

Example of the absurdity in this topic:


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You don't have to mock me while trying to state your point. I came here to have an intelligent discussion, and all I get is everybody else insulting me and saying I'm too stupid to come up with a smart topic about freedom of speech.

Oh, you know what I just did right there? I exercised MY freedom of speech by telling you all that you're treating me like an idiot.

Since you're telling me that THERE IS such a thing as freedom, then allow me to exercise MY freedoms some more. I'll start with THIS demotivational poster I made a while ago. Sorry, freedom of speech!

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I really don't see any relevance in linking that demotivational poster. As far as I can tell, you're butthurt that we didn't side with you in saying that these people need to be shut up (which, as has already been stated, is the exact opposite of freedom of speech) and so you're linking what're meant to be offensive images to try and get one of us riled up about it.

And for the record, there's plenty of intelligent discussion going on in this thread. Dras and Milky may be exercising their freedom of speech a bit abrasively, but trying to deny the intelligence in their words is dumb. The Green Fox is being much more lulzy, but also is trying to phrase his opinions well with analogies and such. No offense and all, but get over yourself.

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Yeah, I'm really the only one that was being irrelevant honestly. I would've been, but we already had about four people on it so I went for lulz.

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Demotivational posters are against the rules of deviantArt :trollface:

Edit: Spawn is Christian propaganda? Wtf?

Edit 2: Actually half the shit in your gallery is against the rules of dA. Is this what started it? Are folks on dA bitching you out because half your gallery is breaking the rules? Nice.

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EDIT: Note to self: Click "edit" instead of reply. :facepalm:

Pretty much it boils down to this:

You have the right to voice an ignorant, racist, opinion, but I have the right to call you a dumbass and a bigot for it.

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Okay, I'mma start by saying, thank you all, you just gave me entertainment for the rest of my life, I don't need cable anymore with you guys around XD

And yes, I completely agree with what DZ and Xort and Milky, basically everyone else says, and here's why:

You're going to have free speech here, and others will too, if you can't get over that, get off. Others are gonna say mean things about you, others, and really anyone, if you can't get over that, get off. You have the ability to block them, or argue with them, if you can't do that, ignore them, or get the f**k off!

ArwingCommander, you are not a bad person, you are not unintelligent, just, you misunderstand things sometimes, I'm not trying to attack you, but this, well let's say, I had a jolly old time reading this thread, many laughs.

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Are you kidding me? Your entire post just contradicted itself.

Feel free to rage against HateCampaign all you want. "Freedom of speech" does not at all mean "everyone can only say nice things". The fact that they're allowed to say these things and you are allowed to disagree with them is proof of free speech itself. A stupid group on deviantArt MEANT to piss people off is not "destroying the internet" or impeding your ability to say what you want to. They don't control anything, they mostly just exist for hilarious and nonsensical blowout responses like yours.

For the record, Torture-Device is a site-renown idiot and if you got over the fact that yes, mean people exist, all he is doing is smashing his fingers on the keyboard and bitching on an art site. He's not out there killin' the Jews. And acting like he has the ability to is feeding the fire that could easily be quelled by just clicking the back button on your browser.

Everyone has the equal opportunity to make a fool of themself on the internet.

Why does thread exsist? It was ended right there. ^

Who is to say what's 'nice'? Also, niceness isn't truth. It then can become a hypocrasy itself. Lie and you being mean, tell the truth and you are mean.

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Why does thread exsist? It was ended right there. ^

Because as true as it is, that was one opinion, in order to ACTUALLY know you're wrong, you need everyone chewing you out for it lol

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