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Things You don;t want to hear in a public Restroom.


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Alright Guys, the basics are to post phrases you don't wanna' hear in a public restroom.

You can make them up and/or post funny, weird and/or regular things that you've heard in the bathroom that are funny and weird. >:D

Here is my ones I've made up.


Alice won't be going down this hole.

Bomb's Away!

Cmon' Cmon' awwww, it's stuck.

Well there's another one.

That's not the end to this digestion.

I a sure you, I AM NOT eating or making chocolate logs in this stall.

beans, beans, their good for you heart, the more you eat, the more you farrrr- (crap sounds in the toilet water)

Oh man, i got the craps.

You guys ready for a stink bomb?

no more snickers for me.

It's coming, It's coming, nope, it's stuck.

You don't wanna' touch that.

Better flush before someone sees.

Cmon' baby, CMON BABY [explosive diarea sound in toilet]

I'd wipe myself, but i cant move my hands.

Hey Buddy, got some news paper?


well... there is mine. plz Comment below if you liked it and post your own if you want to, which I know you more than likely will probably be 50/50 and the posting your own, and commenting stuff.trollface.gifpanic.gif

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You have too much spare time bro.

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