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Which StarFox game is your favorite?


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Personally, my favorite is Star Fox Adventures.

The good things:







The staff!!! (Fox kicken' ars with a magical staff! =D)

Krystal (Who doesn't like her?)


The "Eh" things:

Replay value

Difficulty (Too easy for me)

Arwing flight

Voice acting

Too many cutscenes

Andross is back?

The stupid things:

The extra lives (Banfoomdads or however you spell it.)

Rare's last Nintendo game D=

Can you choose out of all those amazing games? It was hard for me =)

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I liked Star fox adentures too.

Ill use your fromat.

The good things:

1.Fox is back, and better than ever.

2.Dinosaurs! (who doesnt like dinosaurs in general?)

3. Music, you gotta love it!

4.You are on the ground, at last!

5. No wingmen to protect.

The "eh" things:

1.The story (a bit wierd...especailly with Krystal all)

2.Dullish begining with the SF team.

3.Saurain speak?! Sounds like a messed up version of Japanese or soemthing...

4.The speederbike slices ar a bit confusing, but get pretty cool once you get the hang of it.

The "bad" things:

1.Krystal?! who in the name of JFK is this female?

2.Uhm..why are you telling Team SF to do this? to hell with jurisdiction, just bomb the hell out of Scales from orbit, and then look for the Crystals yoursleves. 9oh wait i forgot, the Cornerian Armed Froces are completly incompetant. Even the Imperial empire look at them and say, "Daaamn!"

3.Short fight with Scales, you hit him once and then, Spirit is yours.

4. Ar-wing flight: Not enough of it to be used to it or good.

5.Andross fight: It was super confusing at first. i had to look it up on the internt after Dying the first time.

6.Falco to the rescue: As O-Seven from Republic Commando once said," You're late to the party Pilot."

Otherwise, it was a pretty fun game!

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I liked Adventure's too. Assault was aslo fun. I haven't "conquered" adventures yet. If Assault could be modified some way (legally) for xbox, which generally has better multiplayer. actually, any version of online-multiplayer for Star Fox is my dream :D I guess i'll modify this post when i defeat Adventures :S

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hm, i love adventrues and assualt so much its hard to desid, but i'll choose adv.



I like krystal and this was her first apearince.

I loved the story becaus eit added a mysticness and

strange new planet feeling to Star fox.

Grahics <3

Boss fights



fox personality





no scales fight

a few plot faults

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

(Who doesn't like her?)

Me and over 9000 people. (Inside and outside this forum)

I like Starfox 64 a freakin lot. Must I give a explaionation why? (It's pretty obvious.)

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'Nuff said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adventures is my favorite out of them. It got me into the series in the first place, and it just has an overall atmosphere that I really enjoy.

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So much Adventures UUURGH.


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So much Adventures UUURGH.


Well, the only video game I've played that has Fox in it is Super Smash Bros Brawl. I liked his taunts and his weapons! So for now my favorite would be Super Smash Bros Brawl (if it's included as a Starfox game). Does that make you feel better? :)

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Adventures is my favorite out of them because of Krystal who got me into the series in the first place, and it just has an overall furry like atmosphere that I really enjoy.


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My fav is Lylat Wars (yeah yeah... SF64, right!).

Assault could have been, if it had been developed enough, instead of serving half-baked dishes, resulting in a kind of frustrating meal... :/

((Self?)Trolling ON: My fav's Shadows of Lylat! trollface.gif)

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Adventures is a great game, just a crappy Starfox! :D

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Lylat Wars. tons of replay value, It's well proportioned, varied, and awesome.

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Arright, I'm going to have to go with 64.

I didn't really have a favourite until after Command, for the reason that all the things that were "wrong" with Adventures and Assault were things I kept hoping would be remedied by following games, but never were, leaving me disappointed.

Lylat Wars/64 had this:

-Short, sweet and cinematic story

-Fun and interesting characters that fulfilled their purpose

-Tons of replay value

-Lots of variety in stages, in both environment, gameplay and objective

-Good voice acting

-Great music

-Great graphics for the time

The other games, while they had their upsides (Adventures by far had the best graphics and atmosphere, Assault had some really good cinematics, both games had fun parts and Command at least tried to flesh out the story a bit), didn't feel nearly as polished and packaged and fulfilling as Lylat Wars did...it felt like the games were all on training wheels for a bit.

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