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Leaked Battlefield 3 Footage


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Courtesy of Kotaku, here's some Battlefield 3 footage that has been leaked from the closed alpha. Keep in mind, the videos are taken from a PC that's settings are not maxed out, and that the game is still in the alpha stage.


Looks pretty good! :D

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YAy, ecept that i'll have to buy it to play it :(

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I doubt that this is a leak, more likely something put out to drum up excitement. It's the same level as E3 for 1, and unless the game is out there like deus ex and Crysis 2 was, then this is to slick looking.

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I am liking what I am seeing. Some of my fears have been alleviated as to the amount of influence the MW2 idiots that EA hired have had on it. A few things I am glad to see are as follows:

The melee is not instant and more assured than any gun in the game.

Weapons seem to be behaving correctly enough, though the AK-47 or RPK having less recoil than the M4A1 is questionable.

You have to select the grenades and the knife, and pull the pin on the grenades.

Rockets don't seem terribly overpowered.

Doesn't seem to be any stupid ass kill streaks.

Seems to me, like it's a good combination of BC2 and BF2.

In short, if it keeps up like this, bueno. Very bueno.

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I am liking what I am seeing. Some of my fears have been alleviated as to the amount of influence the MW2 idiots that EA hired have had on it. A few things I am glad to see are as follows:

The melee is not instant and more assured than any gun in the game.

Weapons seem to be behaving correctly enough, though the AK-47 or RPK having less recoil than the M4A1 is questionable.

You have to select the grenades and the knife, and pull the pin on the grenades.

Rockets don't seem terribly overpowered.

Doesn't seem to be any stupid ass kill streaks.

Seems to me, like it's a good combination of BC2 and BF2.

In short, if it keeps up like this, bueno. Very bueno.

Agreed, I really do like how grenades and the knife are selectable weapons, how melee works, and the weapon characteristics. I can't get over that this is what they're calling ALPHA footage though, it looks fairly well-put-together, (This may tie in with Sabre's notion though).

To the guys at DICE;


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I'm not a fan of animation based melee kills, myself, but it will discourage the idiots that will go for a knife kill when they could of shot the guy instead and saved teammate(s). Hate seeing someone kill a few people and then he gets knifed by someone that ran 50 feet over to him. I myself only melee in games like that when someone is point blank (sometimes, even then I go for shooting more often than not), or I'm completely spent on ammo in my weapons.

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I'm not a fan of animation based melee kills, myself, but it will discourage the idiots that will go for a knife kill when they could of shot the guy instead and saved teammate(s). Hate seeing someone kill a few people and then he gets knifed by someone that ran 50 feet over to him. I myself only melee in games like that when someone is point blank (sometimes, even then I go for shooting more often than not), or I'm completely spent on ammo in my weapons.

I definitely know that feeling; it most notably occurs in CoD though; that idiot that gets half of his team killed just because he wanted to get the game winning kill-cam with a knife. Makes me sick >.< , and I really only use the knife at point-blank, like you've stated. I also like how they took away the one-hit-slash-kill with the knife, but kept the stealth aspect of it.

Usually when I run out of ammo I only last for a few seconds though :lol:

Honestly though, I've always liked animated knife kills, let alone animated EVERYTHING; it would be great seeing some entering/exiting vehicle animations :D

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I personally would of preferred the BC2 style knife, where it takes a second or so to come out, but has no animation to it, other than a stab, or a slash, depending on your range from the target and such. Animation kills only get people killed, when it shouldn't.

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Animation kills only get people killed, when it shouldn't.

I see what you mean, though, I feel that animated knifing solves the problems of the rapid-fire slash knifing. Then again, the mandatory two-slash kill also handles that rather nicely.

I do think that an enter/exit vehicle animation would be nice, however; say you're shooting at someone only for them to warp into a tank they were standing next to.

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The game is looking pretty good, but I really want to see some jet gameplay (which is basically the feature I'm looking forward to the most). And speaking of animations, I would love to see an ejection animation for the jets, it would be awesome; and imagine if you could get a kill with the ejection seat if it landed on someone while you're parachuting to the ground... it would be absolutely hilarious. :lol:

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I see what you mean, though, I feel that animated knifing solves the problems of the rapid-fire slash knifing. Then again, the mandatory two-slash kill also handles that rather nicely.

I do think that an enter/exit vehicle animation would be nice, however; say you're shooting at someone only for them to warp into a tank they were standing next to.

I agree with the enter/exit animation. Always hated when people warped into vehicles, but I could handle vehicles rather well. I used to love playing hide and seek with a tank trying to capture a flag in BC2, by hiding on top of the tank. Guy shoots tank shells everywhere, scratches you for no damage, gets a hit mark, wonders where you are, get's impatient, jumps out of the tank, you hop in, shoot him in the back with his own tank, hop out and give teammate tank.

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My God! What is that bunch of wildlings doing to Paris? XD

Looks cool though! :3

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On the whole knife and grenade thing. There is 3 problem with what you describe and that has to do with why hot buttons for grenades and melee was invented.

1- Switching to you knife doesn't stop people from knifing just for bragging rights, killcam ect. If anything it makes it worse. Look at counter strike or Halo Reach. It's much more common for idiots to cost themselves, or even the team the game going for the knife kill. Only instead of being a half second, it takes longer.

2- Hot grenades exsist to allow people to use them. If you have to switch to grenades, pull the pin, wait, then throw, chances are the person has managed to reload, catch a breath and can blast you in the face. The upside it stops stops 1 person emptying their clip then doing a grenade spam, but there are better ways to do that imo.

3- Cooking isn't fun, and even if you believe it is, the problem becomes one of skill. A skilled player can be devasating with airburst, or entire teams can clog up a hole for some time. A perfect example is the grenades in team fortress classic compaired to TF2. Grenades were removed because masters could easily dominate, and unskilled teams could stop a more skilled team from progressing.

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1- Switching to you knife doesn't stop people from knifing just for bragging rights, killcam ect. If anything it makes it worse. Look at counter strike or Halo Reach. It's much more common for idiots to cost themselves, or even the team the game going for the knife kill. Only instead of being a half second, it takes longer.

Having to switch to it may not do that by itself, but having a lengthy animation of you killing the guy will discourage most people as most people seem to think that kill to death ratios actually mean something, and getting shot in the head while they're stabbing a guy when they could of just shot him in the head and raised their KDR will dissuade people from risking it for anything but vendetta/friend kills. Not saying there won't be people doing it still, but there will be much less than in CoD where the knife is faster than any gun at killing. Knife kills are easier to kill with than guns in CoD.

2- Hot grenades exsist to allow people to use them. If you have to switch to grenades, pull the pin, wait, then throw, chances are the person has managed to reload, catch a breath and can blast you in the face. The upside it stops stops 1 person emptying their clip then doing a grenade spam, but there are better ways to do that imo.

BF uses grenades more for room clearing, flushing people out, and for when you don't have a direct line of sight rather than the HALO and CoD use of grenades, which is to throw them quickly because they're quick and reliable kills. And it stops the CoD and HALO type grenade gameplay of "Don't even shoot, throw grenades." Can't even count the number of times I've been playing HALO, and someone walks around the corner and just starts spamming grenades without firing a single shot, against only me.

3- Cooking isn't fun, and even if you believe it is, the problem becomes one of skill. A skilled player can be devasating with airburst, or entire teams can clog up a hole for some time. A perfect example is the grenades in team fortress classic compaired to TF2. Grenades were removed because masters could easily dominate, and unskilled teams could stop a more skilled team from progressing.

BF3 likely won't have grenade cooking. BC2 did not, because in reality, the armed services do not teach recruits to cook grenades anymore, because the fuses are unreliable at best. It used to be:

Grab grenade, pull pin, one Mississippi, two Mississippi, and throw the grenade while saying three Mississippi.

Now it's:

Grab grenade, pull pin, and throw it.

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New trailer;

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Having to switch to it may not do that by itself, but having a lengthy animation of you killing the guy will discourage most people as most people seem to think that kill to death ratios actually mean something, and getting shot in the head while they're stabbing a guy when they could of just shot him in the head and raised their KDR will dissuade people from risking it for anything but vendetta/friend kills. Not saying there won't be people doing it still, but there will be much less than in CoD where the knife is faster than any gun at killing. Knife kills are easier to kill with than guns in CoD.

I disagree completely. Halo has a big focus on KDR, but it happens there the most. Gears of War and AvP has the term "kill trains" where people do multiple melee animations back to back. Without killstreaks or any other tangible reward, there is no reason not to go for the knife kill.

As for CoD kills being easier with the knife, I disagree. If you spec right and use ambush tactics it can work, but it won't work vs a guy with a shortgun. I don't play cod much anymore, but when I did taking down knife runners until they raged was one of my favourite pass times.

BF uses grenades more for room clearing, flushing people out, and for when you don't have a direct line of sight rather than the HALO and CoD use of grenades, which is to throw them quickly because they're quick and reliable kills. And it stops the CoD and HALO type grenade gameplay of "Don't even shoot, throw grenades." Can't even count the number of times I've been playing HALO, and someone walks around the corner and just starts spamming grenades without firing a single shot, against only me.

Exactly. Grenades should be used like that, and that is how they are often used in CoD. If you have to switch the amount of time it takes means they have often moved on, got the breather they needed. Again, counter strike, or Dystopia. No one uses grenades because having to switch takes to long, it's better to just run in and shoot them.

New trailer;

At least the trailer seems more reasonable then the previous ones. There is still alot of guys standing in the open firing into walls, but at least it shows what the game could be like to play. I liked the tactical torch bit where he is being blinded.

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I disagree completely. Halo has a big focus on KDR, but it happens there the most. Gears of War and AvP has the term "kill trains" where people do multiple melee animations back to back. Without killstreaks or any other tangible reward, there is no reason not to go for the knife kill.

Only because there's a good chance you'll die if there's a length animation involved in it, especially if the person can be saved out of it by you being killed. It's common in HALO to still melee because it can actually take quite a few shots to down someone, depending on the weapon and other variables, so assassination can actually be the more efficient way to kill in that game. But in BF, it's going to take a few headshots if they keep the system of every weapon not being a 1-hit headshot, depending on ROF. 3 bullets to the head is going to beat the melee kill in speed, efficiency, and safety. People generally don't like respawn timers, especially if they didn't get any kills in their life. Knifing one guy or emptying a mag into several and killing a few of them... hmmm.... decisions.. decisions.

As for CoD kills being easier with the knife, I disagree. If you spec right and use ambush tactics it can work, but it won't work vs a guy with a shortgun. I don't play cod much anymore, but when I did taking down knife runners until they raged was one of my favourite pass times.

The knife is instant, instant kill, and you HALO lunge into them. If they're within 10 feet, there's no reason to try and use your gun. I wasn't referring to using the knife and nothing else.

Exactly. Grenades should be used like that, and that is how they are often used in CoD. If you have to switch the amount of time it takes means they have often moved on, got the breather they needed. Again, counter strike, or Dystopia. No one uses grenades because having to switch takes to long, it's better to just run in and shoot them.

Yeah, gonna call straight up bullshit on that one. There's a reason random grenade spam is also referred to as "CoD nading" and other variations of that. It even went to the point that both Activision Blizzard, and because they love to make fun of CoD, EA, made PSA about CoD nading.

I've been killed by more than enough people in CoD with them just throwing grenades across the map randomly, or using flashbangs/stun grenades to get the hitmarker and indicate if someone is there and disorientate them. Should hear my friend White Boy play CoD, he doesn't get shot. He's gone on death strikes that enter the double digits without getting shot once. He spawns, runs a short distance, random grenade thrown from across the map. I'd say 15% of the grenade deaths that I personally died to, were legit grenades. The rest, spawned, threw their nades. I can usually see the person die before in the killcam.

Also, grenades are quite commonly used in CS. Most people actually use them. They are quite effective. Grenades in SOCOM: Confrontation require you to go into a menu, equip them, hold R1 to get the arc flight indicator up, then you choose where you want the grenade to go, then you release R1, your guy pulls the pin, arcs his arm back, and throws it (or underhands it depending on the angle and distance). Depending on how good you are and how quick you are, the whole process can take anywhere between 5 and 10+ seconds. However they are quite effective as they are used for clearing rooms, and flushing people out of cover.

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Double post to seperate this from my rant, but here's 10 minutes of multiplayer gameplay from E3.

Video quality is low, but you can see what's happening well enough.

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Only because there's a good chance you'll die if there's a length animation involved in it, especially if the person can be saved out of it by you being killed. It's common in HALO to still melee because it can actually take quite a few shots to down someone, depending on the weapon and other variables, so assassination can actually be the more efficient way to kill in that game. But in BF, it's going to take a few headshots if they keep the system of every weapon not being a 1-hit headshot, depending on ROF. 3 bullets to the head is going to beat the melee kill in speed, efficiency, and safety. People generally don't like respawn timers, especially if they didn't get any kills in their life. Knifing one guy or emptying a mag into several and killing a few of them... hmmm.... decisions.. decisions.

That is complete bullshit, so either you know so and are lying, or you are extremely ignorant and are just being a BF3 fanboy. Any situation where you can do an assassiation can be done quicker and easier by just punching them in the back of the head.

For anyone reading this who hasn't played halo, one melee attack to the back kills in 1 hit, if you hold the button you go into a short animation

Here's the animations

and for comparison, here's the melee attack

The assassinations are purely cosmetic, how can they possibly be the most effecient?

The knife is instant, instant kill, and you HALO lunge into them. If they're within 10 feet, there's no reason to try and use your gun. I wasn't referring to using the knife and nothing else.

The knife is very situational, and even then it's possible to counter with a shotgun, because it will kill them mid lunge. By your logic, sniper rifles ruin the game because they are only good at long range.

I already addressed the grenade thing in my previous post, which he apparently ignored completely. There's no point in talking to him, clearly he is a BF3 fanboy who will not even entertain the idea that BF3 will be anything other than perfect. Which is a shame as there is alot to discuss about the game.

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That is complete bullshit, so either you know so and are lying, or you are extremely ignorant and are just being a BF3 fanboy. Any situation where you can do an assassiation can be done quicker and easier by just punching them in the back of the head.

For anyone reading this who hasn't played halo, one melee attack to the back kills in 1 hit, if you hold the button you go into a short animation

Here's the animations

and for comparison, here's the melee attack

The assassinations are purely cosmetic, how can they possibly be the most effecient?

The knife is very situational, and even then it's possible to counter with a shotgun, because it will kill them mid lunge. By your logic, sniper rifles ruin the game because they are only good at long range.

Thing is, going into the animation is highly inconsistent at best. I've held the button and done the "love tap," and I've tapped the button and gone into the animation. It's a dice roll as to whether or not you do the assassination. All of my friends agree, it's inconsistent as to whether or not you do the animation.

And the knife beats just about everything unless you get lucky, as you have to shoot them before they start going in, because the lunge is more a teleport, you die before the lunge actually makes it to you, because CoD lags and the model is inconsistent with the hitbox and what is happening.

I already addressed the grenade thing in my previous post, which he apparently ignored completely. There's no point in talking to him, clearly he is a BF3 fanboy who will not even entertain the idea that BF3 will be anything other than perfect. Which is a shame as there is alot to discuss about the game.

Yeah, the grenade thing was just basically you saying, "Grenades need to be instantly thrown out because no one in CoD abuses them, and they don't work in other games" despite most FPS games I play having longer grenade uses. You are the one ignoring posts, and I laughed rather hard when you called me a fanboy, given your fanboyism of MW2, one of the most laughed at games, and the fact that I said the BF3 multiplayer gameplay alleviated some of my fears about it. Key word is some. Not all. I am still quite worried about what damage the MW2 developers that were hired by EA has done to it, but a lot of my fears about what the gameplay would be like was dealt with. And the majority of the fears put to rest were the things that kept me from liking MW2.

You're British, Sabre, learn how to read the English language, please.

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Just a quick question. Why do you assume I'm a MW2 fanboy? Because I have doubts about BF3? I made alot of references to Halo, which is one of my favourites, but strictly for the SP and Co-op. CoD games are good, but there is alot of room for improvement, MW2 included. That has always been my possition.

The only reason I can think of that you would call me a MW2 fanboy is because it's the default catch phrase from BF3 fanboys as to why somebody wouldn't love their baby. Why are you so passionate about a game you have not played? Why do you feel the need to throw around stock insults like "MW2 fanboy" and "Learn English" to anyone who has a different opinion?

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I'm calling you a MW2 fan boy because of past discussions. I'm not actually passionate about it, my passion was my hate of MW2, not about BF3. I'm still worried that the MW2 developers may of ruined it. But so far the Battlefield series stands strong, because 1942, 43, Bad Company, Battlefield 2 and the DLC, Bad Company 2 and the DLC have been great. If they haven't fucked up this one, it will be great. Only thing that really concerns me in the gameplay videos is the assassination kills. I hate assassination kill animations in multiplayer, and also the scope zoom level is worrying me, though that was an SVD, and may of had a lower zoom.

I'm not so much a Battlefield fanboy, it's just they have a track record for games I love, and it's looking as though this one will be, too. I'm just worried about that assassination, and the unknown things in it. Otherwise, it has my approval.

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