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Nuclear Dawn/Empires


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Nuclear Dawn has released a bunch of trailers and is up for pre order. The game looks canny, but being a multiplayer shooter it will be dead in a week, but with the addition of bots it should be awesome. The gist is a game that is a RTS, but all your units are humans. Imagine TF2, on a bigger scale and classes determed by gear.

The thing is, a mod exsists that does a similar thing (minus bots) called Empires. When I last played it years ago it wasn't great, but it's changed alot since then. Given how Source SDK is free, anyone with a steam can download it in theory.



Anyone up for it?

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I just happen to love RTS's! I shall be lookin into this, However human is my least favorite thing to pick in everything... So there may be a problem there. Currently Starcraft fulfills my RTS needs there with it's massive laser dudes and swarms of minion type evolution worm thingamajigs, but I will look into it, and if anything catches my eye as being incredibly awesome about it I'll be buyin.

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Unfortunatly, the mod is dead. While there is a number of servers, they are all empty. I should have known. :/

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