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Flame Red 3DS to Arrive in North America!

Hope(N Forever)

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Yep! The third official Nintendo 3DS colour - Flame Red - had been confirmed to arrive in North America soon! When exactly though? Just like in Japan, the new colour is going coincide with the release of Star Fox 64 3D! In other words, September 9, 2011! It will also be available in the same new price as the other colours: 169.99 USD.


Too bad it won't be bundled with the game though, so it is not exactly a directly related kind of news, but oh well! Here's yet another reason to be late to the Nintendo 3DS party.

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Eh, if I do make the jump on a handheld sometime soon it will probably be the PSVita :P

Though red/black is a nice color scheme for the 3DS, but if they make it similar to the Gameboy line (i.e. colors from every possible corner of the Earth) that would be quite awesome.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

I think I'd rather stick to my Black 3DS than getting a new-coloured 3DS.

Alternate idea: Use colored paint from TF2 and use it on your 3DS so that you can make it whatever color you like, WITHOUT WAITING!!! :troll:

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I am probably going to look into getting this 3DS I had the black one and then sold it because of a financial need, but since all my affairs are in order I can get one and plus I will be making on it since I sold mine for 200 and can buy this one for a cheaper and lower price. I also have my copy of Starfox 64 on preorder so I am pretty excited :D

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I am probably going to look into getting this 3DS I had the black one and then sold it because of a financial need, but since all my affairs are in order I can get one and plus I will be making on it since I sold mine for 200 and can buy this one for a cheaper and lower price. I also have my copy of Starfox 64 on preorder so I am pretty excited :-D

^ Awesome! :8):

The new color looks good. But I'm not gonna buy another one just for a different color. That's a choice you make when you buy it. Not when you already have it. Unless your buying one for someone else. I think a darker blue would look better then the light blue they have. I got the black one.

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I was planning to buy this one, but I already got a black one.

But I still like the red one better :I

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Sure looks cooler than the blue one I have. Then again I didn't have a choice since they didn't have black. <_<

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I love the blue one I have... And I paid $250 for it.. D:

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I love the blue one I have... And I paid $250 for it.. D:

I payed about $130 for mine since I sold my DSi.

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I kinda wish they had done this from the beginning, seeing how I like the color red more than blue, but I don't think I'll trade my blue one in for a red.

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