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StarFox 64 3DS Concept Art and Packaging


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I just found out this site with some interesting SF64 3DS concept art: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/nom/1108/index2.html

Here's some of it:






Here are some more:



Finally, here are a couple of pictures of the SF64 3DS packaging (Japanese edition, of course), which not only is it environmentally-friendly, but it is also freaking cool:





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That's some very interesting piece of artworks! :3

Strange how the Arwing concept art looks more like the Command's Arwing 2 rather than SF64's Mk. II though... O_o'

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Cool pics there! I personally like the details of the Airwing! Makes me wanna have one. ;)

Airwings reminds me of X-wing fighters.

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Those pictures are awesome! I wish they were bigger so I could make those pieces of concept art my computer's background, though. The Flipnote things were cool -- I giggled at the idea of professional concept work was being done on that, and ironic that it was on the older DS) Also, those Arwings are u-g-l-y!


That art also reminded me of one of my ideas for the bottom screen before Star Fox 64 3D - or even the 3DS, for that matter - was finalized: what if the second screen doubled as the 1st person view? Not only would you have your comm-channel and your ship's condition (wings, bombs, health, etc.), but you'd also have the 1st person view from the original.

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/.../ That art also reminded me of one of my ideas for the bottom screen before Star Fox 64 3D - or even the 3DS, for that matter - was finalized: what if the second screen doubled as the 1st person view? Not only would you have your comm-channel and your ship's condition (wings, bombs, health, etc.), but you'd also have the 1st person view from the original.

That's an interesting idea (although the screen might be a bit too small to display all that info in that cockpit view).... I really don't know why they decided to remove the first-person view from the 3DS version if they already had an awesome concept art about it. Even if it wasn't that useful or important in the original N64 version, it was still a nice detail and I thought this remake was supposed to be as close to the original as possible.

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That's an interesting idea (although the screen might be a bit too small to display all that info in that cockpit view).... I really don't know why they decided to remove the first-person view from the 3DS version if they already had an awesome concept art about it. Even if it wasn't that useful or important in the original N64 version, it was still a nice detail and I thought this remake was supposed to be as close to the original as possible.

I personally never use the first person view anyway, I always found it to be a bit cumbersome, then again I never spent much time in that view anyway.

I LOVE the concept art here, especially what they did with eco-friendly box! Great find Ghieri.

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I added all of the images from there to the gallery.

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Interesting, very interesting!

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