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Drawing Programs?


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Anyone know any decent starter drawing programs out there?; I'll be taking the plunge on a Wacom tablet soon and was wondering if there was anything that worked particularly well. Preferably a program will have only a slight learning curve and be in the sub $50 range.

I was actually looking into Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 2011 , though I'd like to see if there was better competition around the same price range (or even in freeware). Thanks! :D

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I've never even heard of that.

I like Paint Tool SAI quite a bit; it's simple and the brushes behave more like real brushes than those in Photoshop. You'll just have to be sure to acquire a copy with a proper English language patch...

quickedit: You can also try out Paintchat sites like MangaMasters just for doodles and stuff; they're completely free and you can draw with your friends, but that's also sort of the downside (everyone being able to see what you're doing). It has its uses though!

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I recommend Sai for the smoothest lines in the world. However, for a beginner, I would start on Gimp. Gimp helped me get my bearings with my tablet, then I moved on to Sai. It's excellent.

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GIMP is annoying, but then again, all drawing programs are annoying to me in full honesty.

Overall, I recommend SAI, as I -think- it is freeware, but to get started with getting used to a Tablet, using GIMP is a great choice like Red said. Not only is it free, it is also a bit simpler to get the hang of and used to simple functions, especially if you are going to eventually get some sort of version of Photoshop for drawing later on.

So going GIMP, then SAI is a really great decision, at least, IMO. And the sites Dras mentioned are also great fun! I just seem to always get lag or weird brush stuff, and going about it is rather annoying when alone and all. I only go on those when having doodles with friends. [Which I haven't done in ever, ugh].

That's my two cents.

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Yeah, go GIMP then Crazy, It'll be good enough. =] I don't mind helping ya out with it too either.

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Fluxy here was the one who taught me! And if you get Sai and need some help, I'll be sure to talk you through it. :)

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*Knows little to nothing about SAI* Well, not true. I have seen my friend Donny, well, ex-friend Donny, use it a lot, and some youtube videos that covered things in it too, but I wouldn't be able to say, open up SAI and answer questions you have on it like Red or Dras could.

Hell, Where is Psygonis? What does he use to draw? He probably has great stuff to share too.

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Thanks for the quick replies; I didn't expect this topic to even be viewed anytime soon! :D

And I'll try GIMP out for now; I had previously downloaded it yet couldn't comprehend what was going on. Only now did I realize that the instruction manual came as a separate download. Wish me luck! :lol:

Hell, Where is Psygonis? What does he use to draw? He probably has great stuff to share too.

True that! :lol:

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Just PM me on youtube or talk to me in IM, crazy, I'll help for all this crazy shit goin on. x3

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Good luck! And PM me if you're interested in Sai.

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Thanks for the help, but as for now I'll be reading through the GIMP instruction manual; things actually make sense with it around! :lol:

I'll be sure to take that offer up sometime, Fluxy, and I'll see about SAI; thanks for the info and offer as well, Red! :friends:

Also, thanks, Dras, for steering me in the right direction with the English trial version of SAI! :D

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I reccomend Paint.NET. Simple, but with enough features to keep you happy until you can upgrade. And it's FREE.

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you can try smoothdraw too, its freeware and very simple, somewhat limited though :)


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I'd recommend using GIMP or Paint.net.

But gimp is more confusing than most of the things that come out of my mouth. Buy Photoshop Elements instead.

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Hell, Where is Psygonis? What does he use to draw? He probably has great stuff to share too.

Well, it seems I can has a social life eventually... D:

Ok, well, I use Photoshop ('cause I'm a hacking m4st3r! :P), but I've tried SAI and Photoshop Elements, that are more than decent softwares, especially Photoshop Elements (and with more than affordable licence prices!).

Paint.NET and GIMP are free, yeah, but both have awkward user interfaces so I usually don't recommend them. But if you reeeeally have to use one of them, I'd go for Paint.NET.

I have some memories of Corel Painter, which was quite fun to use. Not efficient in a professional way, but fun to use. In an "artistic simulation" way, you have ArtRage which is cool, usually bundled with some Wacom Tablets! :3

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Well, it seems I can has a social life eventually... D:

Problem? :trollface:

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GIMP is a good start, since it's free; you don't get smooth lines however.

You could try OpenCanvas, though I personally found it a bit infuriating to use. SAI was just as bad for me, since I couldn't make anything transparent, and that's pivotal to me, haha. /hugs Photoshop

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better than smoothdraw :


Its free and opensource has tons of brushes and is simple :)

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