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What's The First Movie You Remember Seeing In Theatres?

El Zorro de la Estrella

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Something I was in on on another message board that was really fun.

Basically, I just think it'd be interesting to see what people's first movie they saw was. k_e_smile.gif

So, the first movie I remember seeing?


Hell yeah. k_e_cool.gif

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I asked my parents what it was, and they said this:


WIN :shock:

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for me it was either:

220px-Pokémon-TheFirstMoviePoster.jpg or pocahontas_movie.jpg

I don't exactly remember for sure. but as far as the Power Rangers movie is concerned? that rocked. I wasn't a huge fan of those guys back then and I'm not nowadays either but this was one of those movies that got you wrapped up in it; fans and non-fans alike. you just don't get too many of those anymore. its sad, yes..but very true.

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I don't exactly remember for sure. but as far as the Power Rangers movie is concerned? that rocked. I wasn't a huge fan of those guys back then and I'm not nowadays either but this was one of those movies that got you wrapped up in it; fans and non-fans alike. you just don't get too many of those anymore. its sad, yes..but very true.

According to IMDB it only got a 4.1 and to be honest, the movie was a bit flawed.

But hey, at least it was better than this:


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One the first movies I saw? Star Wars 1 the phantom menace, at least i still remember it to date. Watching it in theaters that is.

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I actually agree with Shingami on this one (though I was a MEGA Power Rangers fan back in the day, so bias FTW :razz:); It was an AWESOME movie that really wrapped you up in the story whether you were a fan or not. e.g. My then 20-something cousin watched it with me when I got it for one of my birthdays and was totally in to it. He didn't give a dern about Power Rangers before or after.

Also, I don't listen to critics. To me, I like what I like and it doesn't matter what reviewers/critics/Roger Ebert thinks of it. Though if that rating is 4.1/10 I question why it was rated so low.

But yeah, Turbo wasn't as good (Though I still loved that one too! :lol:)

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Also, as an avid fan of the Power Rangers growing up in the early 90's I was disappointed with the films - although the first was considerably "better" than the second.

Zyuranger (which is what MMPR is based off of) was a heck of a lot better. I mean...scenes like this made the fights in MMPR look pathetic in comparison

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But yeah, Turbo wasn't as good (Though I still loved that one too! :lol:)

And it almost ended the franchise.

Also, as an avid fan of the Power Rangers growing up in the early 90's I was disappointed with the films - although the first was considerably "better" than the second.

Zyuranger (which is what MMPR is based off of) was a heck of a lot better. I mean...scenes like this made the fights in MMPR look pathetic in comparison

Well thats what ya get when you "Americanize" something. I agree the Sentais to the seasons were alot better.

Anyway, :offtopic:

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Also, I don't listen to critics. To me, I like what I like and it doesn't matter what reviewers/critics/Roger Ebert thinks of it. Though if that rating is 4.1/10 I question why it was rated so low.


Seriously we have something in common here because I totally think the same way. give me a movie with a good story line, great character development, awesome special effects and slap a kick ass soundtrack on it and its golden material. Doesn't matter what the critics say because some of them over critique for every little thing which is sort of a pointless thing to do.

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I sure hope no one had the torture of watching Bambi first.

Anyways for me... Probably like Winnie the poo or something i really have no idea though, just some Disney movie is what i figure which is good cause those are still m favorites.

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Think mine was Disneys the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Liked it then, like it now.

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I can't remember what it was, but one of my first trips to the cinema was some 90's Space film (Possibly Star Wars: The Phantom Menace due to the time it was released and the age I could've had, but I can't remember well) I do remember it was very boring for me and felll asleep.

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Disney's Aladdin, or An American Tale: Fieval Goes West. Forget which, my mind sorta blurs that far back.

Also the MMPR movie is stupid. Fun as hell, but stupid. The critics are in every right to say its bad, because it is. But that doesn't make it unenjoyable.

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Anyway, all I can remember seeing is:


(I can remember being in line for 2 hours all for this movie...)

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I can't even remember it was such a long time ago. Back when I was young you wither rented a movie, owned the movie, or you couldn't watch the movie so I don't think I saw a movie in theaters until I was about 7. And even that I can't recall.

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The first thing I remember from that film.

The first thing I remember from that Movie was when they were still digging in the beginning.

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