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StarFox Fan Movie - in progress


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Wasn't sure if anyone was aware of this. I glanced down the thread list and didn't see anyone mention a thread about a movie being made. So...

I say... we support this idea. I mean, if Nintendo ever sees a finished product, whether they wanna give this guy the license or not... it doesn't matter because they'll see there's still interest enough in the franchise to keep making games.

It's pretty obvious that Nintendo put out SF64 3dS because of the dwindling sales in the franchise... They wanna see if people still give a damn about StarFox (which is why everyone should try buying the new game, heh heh) enough to keep the franchise going.

StarFox 64 was a blockbuster. They need to know if the series is still as hot as Krystal Porn is on the internet. SO! I say we support this dude if he has the motivation to finish the project. Just my two cents.

Keep in mind, there's no right way of thinking about this. I actually like the way this guy changed Fox's legs. They're more... i'unno... I guess I think the style adds a little more "balls to the wall" appearance to Fox; makes him look a lil' more badass, y'know? So... this is the part where you "LIKE" the fanpage. For shizzle.

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They need to know if the series is still as hot as Krystal Porn is on the internet.

I believe it is, I also think Krystal porn is one of the main reasons Nintendo decided to remake SF64 rather than continue the series. The majority of Krystal porn is pathetic, even by Japanese standards.

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Liked already, and ill support it to the ends of the earth!

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Yes many of the members on SF-O don't like this project or how it is being done, a fact you'll understand soon enough.

I don't bother with it myself. The idea of a Star Fox movie doesn't appeal to me anymore.

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Sigh okay, because you guys asked for it.


Yes, I am aware of this project. Painfully aware. It's painful, because the man has no idea what the hell he's doing. From day one, this has been nothing but a delusional ego-trip for Mr. Rathore. He refers to himself as "director" as if it were part of his legal name, yet has no previous portfolio work to show other than parading the fact he went to the Toronto Film School a few years ago, which is roughly the equivalent of me calling myself a doctor after taking a first aid course. His entire gimmick is GIVING WHAT THE FANS WANT! yet devolves into a blubbering, butthurt mess when someone disagrees with him. Check out his Facebook; 90% of what's posted is him whining about "fighting a war", and he went so far as to post Icha's art and redicule her just because he didn't agree with...well, her disagreeing. Incidentally that was the last "update" we got, other than an update saying that there were no updates (thanks bro).

That's just about all we've seen out of Mr. Rathore. More whining than progress. Sure, we've seen a couple things, like those cool Fox McCloud concept arts, except as far as I can tell those were just commissioned, and are the only ones that've been shown. Of course, Rathore also had a film treatment, which is an alright step...except he posted the entire thing to the internet. This is wrong on so many levels, primarily the issue surrounding the fact that he doesn't actually have the rights to Star Fox, and the fact that by even mentioning this project existed he nuked the chances of Nintendo giving it the greenlight, given how secretive they are.

And even then, that treatment isn't much to speak of. Bland storyboard with a bland idea that we've seen in scores of fanfiction before this, suffering from the same XTREME GRIMDARK ATTITUDE that the fandom frequently laughs at. This is the guy that looks at Slippy, who's perfectly fine as the genius engineer yet comically bad pilot, thinks he's not hardcore enough, so makes him an expert in capoeria. Because, you know...IT'S EXTREME! And yet, despite all this--despite "studying" the series for "years"--Rathore continually forgets how to spell the characters' names. One typo is fine, but when you have Slippery Toad, Wolf O'Donald and Leon Polanski going for you, it's hard not to wonder if this guy actually knows anything about the series, or is just an extremely masterful troll.

A Star Fox movie would be awesome. But this is not the movie we're looking for.

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I knew about this for a while. I don't care for how foxes legs look because it kinda looks like the cyber demon from doom. But yeah, the project looks cool, nonetheless.

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Leon Polanski

Leon Polanski?

like Roman Polanski?

Leon sleeps with children?


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I'm in agreement with Dras about everything she pointed out. In addition, there's no Krystal (doesn't matter if it's before her time in the video game series or not) and thus he's lose a large chunk of the interest from a certain group out there (which comprises a good % of members of the Star Fox Fandom.)

An LQ friend of mine also took a look at the script (he's a production manager at a downtown Toronto film company) and he thought the guy was out to lunch.

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Yes Uno. Polanski. I lol'd.

I'm in agreement with Dras about everything she pointed out. In addition, there's no Krystal (doesn't matter if it's before her time in the video game series or not) and thus he's lose a large chunk of the interest from a certain group out there (which comprises a good % of members of the Star Fox Fandom.)

I disagree with that. As much as the fandom loves Krystal, the fandom still isn't very big. For what it would cost to make this movie, so long as we're imagining a huge, beautiful box-office sci-fi smash, her existence alone would not be enough to break even and this is why making a Star Fox movie would be tricky. They probably have a better chance of marketing it to kids with a more comedic angle; that seems to be the "safe" way to go with kids' films lately, though I don't fully agree with it.

An LQ friend of mine also took a look at the script (he's a production manager at a downtown Toronto film company) and he thought the guy was out to lunch.

No shit. That's hilarious. He really does have no idea what he's doing.

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I disagree with that. As much as the fandom loves Krystal, the fandom still isn't very big. For what it would cost to make this movie, so long as we're imagining a huge, beautiful box-office sci-fi smash, her existence alone would not be enough to break even and this is why making a Star Fox movie would be tricky. They probably have a better chance of marketing it to kids with a more comedic angle; that seems to be the "safe" way to go with kids' films lately, though I don't fully agree with it.

Well yeah, I agree on that part if it ends up being a big seller or whatever "Grand vision" he has for this. However, if it ends up being only to the level of a "high end fan made project" that's given away for free or something than I'm still going to think that without Krystal in some capacity he won't get as much support as he would probably need.

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I think he's too egotistical to make this a fanproject, especially if he's bringing it to production companies. He's a ~director~, remember :-P

If Krystal was in any sort of film her entire backstory would have to be retconned, otherwise it would become The Krystal Movie and...yeaaah. /derpderpfilmtardmusing

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The Krystal Movie:

"It happened suddenly, without warning. From a young age I was always pretty. Then it happened. I blossomed into a young adult. I had an excellent rack, and a booty to make even the strongest men weep. Oh yeah, and I'm telepathic or something."

The end. :3

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Dras, Y U always so right about stupid people being stupid?

Also though, yeah, I know I am late to explaining why this is nothing to be excited about, specially with that nice Wall Dras made, but, yeah.... Really, if we wanna see a Star Fox movie, or anything animated, support the people who deserve supporting like R3dFive, and Fred, but he isn't really talking a lot, so it might be hard to support him other than just being patient like always.

Derpy Director is Derpy. And if some of you don't understand that, I can put it like this; He is more Derpy than Derpy Hooves, since you all are turning Brony, you should be able to understand that.

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I did got the chance to watch Irwin Rathore's hour long video. And what I liked about it was he was interested in creating the theme of the movie was pretty much the Star Fox NES & N64. But what I didn't like about was him doing the project his own way. What I mean by that is hes attempting to make the theme look more like the dark times and not cartoony like the ones from the Nintendo version of Star Fox (SF or SF64). So if he wants to prove to show what he has for us fans. He needs to take on more opinions from us and the direction for the project. Too much deviation makes things worse.

Boots does deviate Star Fox! :no:

Idea for serious Star Fox movie :yes:

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oh, you sillies, it won't actually happen

see, Rathore's not really interested in making a Star Fox movie. he's interested in getting attention for making a Star Fox movie. why he chose Star Fox as the venue for his movie, i don't know, but that should tell you everything you need to know about how he's a few Stormtroopers short of a Death Star if you be understandin' what it is i be tryin' to implicationate.

for now, he continues to get attention because people keep offering it to him, like Kit-Karamak here. but eventually everyone will catch on that he's more productive of self-righteously indignant rants than he is of, you know, movie stuff, so the attention will fade and he will wither and die like a houseplant deprived of water. years from now we'll remember to water the Rathore, only to finally pull his pot down from the top of the bookcase and find a shriveled brown corpse in a bucket of dusty dirt instead of the lush green spider plant we expected.

and into the trash he'll go and that'll be that.

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I used to be excited about it. I offered to give him series info, but he brushed me off, claiming he did a bunch of research, but the material he submitted was questionable canonically, at best. No wonder Nintendo told him no.

Then, I learned of his attitude towards the fanbase, and that turned me off altogether. Simple: If you're working for the fans, don't treat them like shit.

I would probably still watch it, shout it ever come out (however unlikely), but after watching it I would give it a Fan's Review and put it on the front page of SFO for all to see.

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