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El Zorro de la Estrella

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This is really cool


These dudes DEFINITLEY know what they are talking about!

Overall, they really get into depth on every game in the series and give differing viewpoints on all of 'em and get into all of the sereies overall.

It's an awesome listen.

WARNING: Some spoilers

Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time= Greatest. Games. EVER.


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Well considering they all follow the same basic formula, the best thing you can really go on is how much they affected their respective time periods. In that case, Link to the Past and especially Ocarina of Time are the clear winners.

If going off of pure quality, then usually the newer ones win. Twilight Princess is superior in everyway to OoT because it IS Ocarina of Time, just expanded and improved on. The 2D games are a bit harder to rank as Minish cap was really underpar. The Oracle games were GREAT though, especially for their time.

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Twilight, Ocarina are great. But I have to say Wind Waker was most epic. I personally liked it most.

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Thing is I agree with Milky and Executor, OoT was awesome, because it was in 3D, the thought of time travel to complete the game was pretty good. I liked Majora's Mask because it was different, you could become something other then the Hhyrulian hero. Wind Waker was awesome because it made a continuation of OoT, though there were a few things I really didn't get, like, WHY DID THE ZORA RACE DIE OUT WHEN THE WORLD WAS COVERED IN WATER?????? But it also implied that each time there is a game, the hero is different. Oracle of Seasons and Ages were awesome, because they brought Din, Nayru, and Forore as actual people. Twilight had awesome graphics, and it was also great because the game didn't have you rely on some form of musical instrument like the Wind Waker or Ocarina.

Though my fave would have to be...................Link's awakening. Reason being is because the land you are trying to save, does not really exist..........plus it had a few spoofs in it, like if you steal from the store too many times, the game will default your name to "THEIF" for the rest of the game. lol

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Those videos were kinda creepy, though faked. lol

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What did everyone think about the podcast itself?

I thought they did a GREAT job with it; covering all of the topics perfectly. k_e_nod.gif

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I'm a huge fan of Zelda timeline theory. There are tons of different theories and orderings of the games, but I stick to one that I feel is "correct."

I don't know how in-depth you guys like to go, but I have some great sources if you all are interested.

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I'd love to hear it Red! k_e_smile.gif

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