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Replay Thread


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Kakariko looks too compact and RED advantaged.

That's the problem with most novelty maps. They are cool for the novelty value, but as maps, they suck.

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Kakariko looks too compact and RED advantaged.

That's the problem with most novelty maps. They are cool for the novelty value, but as maps, they suck.

Kakariko isn't that abd. It is compact, but control points B and C cap extremely fast, so if RED loses their ground, they're hard pressed to hold ground.

But yeah, it's just a novelty map. I wouldn't want it in our lineup.

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I haz cameo at 2:40! I was the Engineer over there the entire round, the only defense for our final point multiple times. lolz

I have a replay of that whole life. I just edited it. I'll upload it tomorrow. :-P

Nice replay, N. It was an exciting adventure from a battle I didn't get to fight. :D

It patched some things together that I was like "??" while being Engie in the actual round.

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Every time there were medics, that was me/Rob! :D

But yeah, gotta love how crits were the thing to stop your run cold. It's stuff like that, that is making some of us push for no randumb crits.

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lol those critz where mine. I'd have beaten either way though because I got the jump on you.

As for the video itself, some good frags, decent narrations, but a bit heavy on the emoticons. Also, your video is REALLY dark, hard to see anything, and your musical choice is loud and noisy and clashes with the background noise.

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So here are two replays from that same round.

First one is sped up and is of the Engie nest in the RED room, with some switching to other players every now and then. Mostly just showing what went on down there.

Second is mostly centered on BLU team, mostly on Milky. :-P With some switching to the red room, red Heavy, red players, and other BLU players when appropriate.

Anyway, I need to stop using Movie Maker to edit these videos. It distorts the quality and has like… weird things happen throughout the videos. X_x I'll have to remember to use something else next time.

I just recorded these with Fraps through the replay editor since saving them takes far too long. c:

I wasn't really trying to make them look professional, either. Camera angles are sometimes messy. :-P


Engie view: (Sped up voice chat XD)

Battle view:

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Movie Maker is shit. Use Camtasia or something.

Also, when making replays, try to hold the camera still. Shaky cam sucks.

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I just realized I didn't put my most recent Replay in this thread.


Also there's Milky and Gene.

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Good replay. Shows how hectic and stressful playing Medic can be at times.

That said, I was amused by my own little cameo appearances.

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Good replay. Shows how hectic and stressful playing Medic can be at times.

That said, I was amused by my own little cameo appearances.

Like your OH SHIT crocket reflect? :D

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That was very fun to watch from my point of view when it happened. Still not entirely sure how you survived. :|

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At least you killed Milky with fall damage!

... which is weird considering he was an overhealed Soldier and I was a Medic.

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Actually, I switched to my shotty and pelted him twice before he hit the ground if I recall correctly. You can probably get a better look if you check the replay in the editor. :-)

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My first attempt at sticky-jumping

After crafting my Eternal Rweard

Last Halloween event.

Those are the 3 I uploaded.

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The Demo failjump made me lol some. The Egypt one was just plain boring, though. Spy videos should be about exciting single kills or amazing chainstabs, not "I whip out my Dead Ringer and hide in a corner for expanses of 20 seconds at a time". You did get a few good stabs in, but you should've edited out all the drag in between.

Also music. You need music.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm back with another replay!

This is from this past Friday's game. Fire Emblem music makes anything dramatic/funny.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another replay!

A medic video that's exactly as long as O Fortuna? MUST BE FATE. This is from last weekend's game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not an SF-O one, but I reckon y'all'd find this funny.

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Not an SF-O one, but I reckon y'all'd find this funny.



was beautiful

/wipes tear

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  • 2 months later...

Just a short one from Saturday's game. Shoutout for Icy, the valiant Pyro standing on the point.


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Not an SF-O one, but I reckon y'all'd find this funny.



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From a few weeks ago. Triple shotgun kill streak!

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Just a short one from Saturday's game. Shoutout for Icy, the valiant Pyro standing on the point.


Firebuuuug, I didn't even catch the amazingness of that when it actually happened. Haha.

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