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League of Legends

I'm sure everyone has heard of this game. It's DOTA newly revived and improved.

The game has an extremely massive F2P community and the Competitive Gaming is a standard in the Industry!

This thread is for all discussions on the game.

This can include things like:


~Character Builds~


~3v3/5v5 Teams~

~Updates/Character Balancing~

~Brag Your Profile (Stats ect.)~

~Finding Friends to Play With~

And More!

*See Next Post to understand


If you have personally never played the game, You can check it out and register through this link!

( Please use this link, It gives me referral rewards

:-P )

This is my first thread, So I hope it goes well and I meet lots of people who play the game!

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My League of Legends Progress Log

(As of 9/25/2011)

  • 362 Takedowns

  • 2363 Minion Kills
  • 22 Wins

Favorite Champion ATM: FiddleSticks


Favorite Build for him:

I like him a lot because of his Life-Stealing abilities and slows. I am able to stay in a lane a lot longer and harass a TON!

He is very strong throughout the entire game, With his Drain and Ult being sometimes called OP, I enjoy playing him and destroying the noobs left and right!


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Double post much?

I did that to show how the thread can be used and also as a starting post. The first post is a information section to tell you what the thread is about.

Thank you for contributing to the Thread. :)

On another note!

Dominion was announced to be available in about 3-4 weeks! I'm so excited!!! @u@

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Dominion was announced to be available in about 3-4 weeks! I'm so excited!!! @u@

The beta for it turns on and off during the day.

If you're lucky to catch it, it's tons of fun.

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If you're lucky to catch it, it's tons of fun.

Akali es #1 huehuehuehuehue

Anyways, I was wondering when a LoL thread would pop up here. xD

All Time Favourite Champion:


("So many noobs. Will match-making ever find true balance?" - Akali's joke)

Akali the Fist of Shadow, and so rightfully named. I have to say I've had a lot of fun with Akali with her utility and burst damage. I often mid with her in the higher rank levels due to no one usually buying Oracles early game to see through her Twilight Shroud aswell as early farming power. It's also fun to avoid ganks by over extending past the minions then Shadow Dancing to them.

2nd: Lux (Tactical decision summoner!) (Shh... I'm charging my laser!)

3rd: Kayle (Come here, I'll teach you all about the afterlife!)

Honourable Mentions:

Ezreal (It's all skill!)

Karma (Guess what's about to hit the fan?)

Soraka (No I am not happy to see you. Yes, that is a horn growing out of my head.)

I have to add that I have an undying dislike for Tryndamere. His ulti is the biggest turn off ever. @_@ I use to have an Undying Rage for Mordekaiser until they finally removed the bonus armor gain from his Siphoning. He was annoying to counter. xD

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lol i laugh at all you squishies!!!i EAT you up!!


I EAT YOU UP!!! my HP brings all the nerds to the yard and THE moment i catch you..your done


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Cho'gath, the only character I ever got a "Legendary" skin for. I couldn't resist that civil british accent of his.

"It's funny isn't it? How your best friend can just BLOW UP like that!"

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I'm not sure how I feel about this game. It's got a huge variety in characters and is a fresh and fun spin on the RTS genre, prioritizing strategic use of your skills over strength in numbers.

However, it has this thing going on where good players are rewarded and bad players are punished, so much that they'll never catch up. This in part lends its competitive nature, which breeds some serious assholes. LoL has what I think is the worst gaming community I've seen since CoD, and given the sheer amount of options you have in LoL, it's impossible to have fun with the game. Not doing it EXACTLY right? Not sure exactly what items to get for your character, what you should be doing as your character, or even which LANE you should stick to? Prepare for the ultimate bombardment of insults from both teams toward you. You are expected to be super pro, god forbid you be a newbie or don't want to follow the same predetermined strat for your character.

Fuck LoL PVP to the circle of hell reserved for the gamer type it attracts.

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I enjoy the game, somewhat, but I never got into RTS games very much in the first place. I enjoyed and appreciated Warcraft 3 as a good game, but I could never really get behind them, as it were. This takes a lot of that out, and makes it more like a classic MMO where instead of keeping your levels between sessions and reaching absurd strengths, you just have a quick and easy progression that resets each game.

So, I like it a good bit more than I do RTS games, but I haven't gotten very into it like Shrooms has, and I haven't really decided on a hero I like to run yet. I've got Kayle and Ashe permanently so that I know I'll have someone to fall back on if the free rotation sucks, and I'm saving up for Caitlyn right now.

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However, it has this thing going on where good players are rewarded and bad players are punished, so much that they'll never catch up.

Bad players are only punished if they die. The punishment results in more powerful opponents and you'll probably be behind in levels and gold. However, the minion kill payout for experience and gold scales with the length of the game, so if you recognize what you're doing wrong and improve it, you'll catch up no problem and be just as viable as anyone else on the team. If you continue to keep dieing and forget about trying to improve yourself then you deserve to be punished. Good players are rewarded, yes, with more gold and experience which leads to a more powerful champion. That's how it should be isn't it? Good players should receive something for playing well in the game.

breeds some serious assholes.

Yes, yes it does. Sadly the pvp community is pretty filled with try-hard elitists. As bad as CoD? I think you're being a bit too harsh lol.

given the sheer amount of options you have in LoL, it's impossible to have fun with the game. Not doing it EXACTLY right? Not sure exactly what items to get for your character, what you should be doing as your character, or even which LANE you should stick to? Prepare for the ultimate bombardment of insults from both teams toward you. You are expected to be super pro, god forbid you be a newbie or don't want to follow the same predetermined strat for your character.

Let me address these one by one.

1) Sheer amount of options? There are HUUUUNDREDS of options in this game!

2) You can't do it EXACTLY right, there is no such thing as a god tier build for one character. There are HUNDREDS of builds for EVERY champion. I've seen TANK characters CARRY the team. I've seen AP champions TANK for the team! AD tanks exist also.


Alistar: A tank, yes? What kind of tank? Does he build magic resistance? Armor? Health? Hybrid? It all depends on what you're going against and what you think you'll need. Maybe that enemy Ezreal went AP instead of your anticipating him to go AD. You can alter your build on the fly to support your team. You can't do it EXACTLY right. Ever. Now while all this I just said under the Alistar example applies to every tank in the game, let me go more in depth on the character himself. Alistar is a very popular tank but he doesn't always have to build as a tank. You can build Alistar as a heavy AP hybrid and destroy the other team by dealing mass amounts of damage and CC. This is the direct opposite to the brick wall tank build. Customization? Hellz yes.

Ezreal: I mentioned him earlier. This particular champion and many others has skills that scale off of AP AND AD making him able to build items toward both specs. You can make him a fast-hitting powerhouse of constant damage, or you can play him the other way around and make him an ability-spamming AP nuking monster. Now you're probably thinking "ok so what, you can build characters two different ways." and maybe you're thinking "what about those AD carries who have abilities that ONLY scale off AD?" Let's look.

After customizing the type of build you want (HTank, APTank, ADTank, MagResTank, ArmorTank, AD, AP, Support, Hybrid, etc.) You get to choose how you want to build that with the items you get.

For example, a champion going AD can build towards being a Life-steal whore (Xin Zhao), a crit-factory (Tryndamere), attack speed (Warwick), "Heavy artillery" damage dealer (Vayne), and any combination of any of those item traits. You can build items with all of that and dominate the match. I've built Warwick straight attack speed and was MVP of my team.

I could go on and on all day long about the different items you can get for each style of champion, the order you can choose to get them (maybe you need early game life-steal), and much more, but the ultimate point is that there is no EXACTLY correct build.

Moving on.

As for not knowing what you're supposed to be doing with your character, it's pretty straightforward. My 7 year-old cousin watches me play and can tell me which champions tank, ad, ap, and so on for the most part. The main idea of your job is pretty easy to understand, I don't see why you'd have a problem with it. ADs kill, APs kill, Tanks... Tank, Supports... support, etc.

Laning is even more straightforward. If someone calls soloing middle lane and you go follow him around like a lost puppy in middle lane with him then he has the right to be pissed at you. You're just being an idiot lol.

You are expected to be super pro, god forbid you be a newbie or don't want to follow the same predetermined strat for your character.

No, you are expected to be a competent player and not play while wearing a blindfold. Put yourself on the other side of the situation. Would you want to be constantly paired with idiots who have no idea what they're doing? No, no one does. The ultimate way to keep people from yelling at you is just to not die. If you go 0/0/10 in a match then you did really good. If you're new to the game, you get paired with "newbies."

As for the predetermined strat, I already explained that, there is no set path you -MUST- follow.

TL;DR - I think you judged this game far to quickly and far too harshly. You've played, what, 7 matches? Plus, NONE of them were even PvP!

You should really give the game some more time. I was really hoping you'd get into it so we could play together.

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  • 4 weeks later...

2430 Takedowns

15475 Minion kills

113 Wins

24 Summoner Level

I play Singed (the Greatest character of all time :D), and i usually go flash/ghost in Dominion, or heal/ghost (or heal/flash) for Classic.

My end Items if everything goes as planned:

1. Boots of Swiftness

2. Rod of Ages

3. Rylai's Crystal Sceptor

4. Archangel's Staff

5. Abyssal Sceptor

6. (Rabadon's Deathcap, Lich Bane, Zhonya's Hourglass, Deathfire Grasp, OR a regular old Guardian's Angel/Thornmail)

BTW: my name is Jazokills if you want to add me :D

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My little splurge on why the community is so terrible:

Losing is not fun in a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). Any other multiplayer online game a round is 10-15 minutes at max, plenty of time to dust off and try to get another win if you lose your current game. A MOBA usually takes 45 minutes minimum. Like Tycho of Penny Arcade said, the fact that you have to spend fifteen minutes farming stretches out the length and emotional investment of a multiplayer game far longer than it should, which makes losing worse, which in turn makes the community more resentful and angry. It essentially means that at any given time, half of the player base feels like they just wasted an hour of their life. That brings out the worst in people for obvious reasons, to a higher degree than any other genre. When there's a bad player in most games, the worst they can do is not help their team mates or increase their opponents score, making them more likely to lose. In MOBAs, when someone does badly, they're actively increasing the strength of their opponents, making every competitive aspect outright harder for their team mates. Not only does this make them frustrated, but, the resulting drop in the entire team scores makes everyone assume it must be someone elses fault.

You can find me as "GeneInari" btw.

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2430 Takedowns

15475 Minion kills

113 Wins

24 Summoner Level

I play Singed (the Greatest character of all time :D), and i usually go flash/ghost in Dominion, or heal/ghost (or heal/flash) for Classic.

My end Items if everything goes as planned:

1. Boots of Swiftness

2. Rod of Ages

3. Rylai's Crystal Sceptor

4. Archangel's Staff

5. Abyssal Sceptor

6. (Rabadon's Deathcap, Lich Bane, Zhonya's Hourglass, Deathfire Grasp, OR a regular old Guardian's Angel/Thornmail)

If you want to truly tank, you need things like Sunfire Cape, Randuin's Omen, and a Thornmail if they have heavy AD.

Also, do NOT get a Lich Bane on Singed....

That is SUCH a waste.

Deathfire Grasp? You really don't need that on Singed, like, ever.

Archangel's staff is pretty useless on Singed too.

I've never seen you get a Zhonya's before. Also, if you do, get it late, after Randuin's. Also, USE ZHONYA'S ACTIVE.

Guardian Angel is awesome, but get it late when you actually have survivability to compliment it - Armor and Magic Resistance.

Abyssal Scepter can be good for you, but don't make it a top priority.

Focusing on more AP with things like Rabadon's doesn't make you the invulnerable brick wall Singed was meant to be.

Rylai's and Rod of Ages are nice, you get health and AP, but you don't have anything to protect that health - also known as EHP. EHP is the health you have in defense like armor and Magic Resistance. Focusing on these defensive stats gives you tons more EHP, adding that to the HP you already have, you have way more survivability than simply health from Rylai's and RoA which is how you should be because you're SINGED.

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If you want to truly tank, you need things like Sunfire Cape, Randuin's Omen, and a Thornmail if they have heavy AD.

Also, do NOT get a Lich Bane on Singed....

That is SUCH a waste.

Deathfire Grasp? You really don't need that on Singed, like, ever.

Archangel's staff is pretty useless on Singed too.

I've never seen you get a Zhonya's before. Also, if you do, get it late, after Randuin's. Also, USE ZHONYA'S ACTIVE.

Guardian Angel is awesome, but get it late when you actually have survivability to compliment it - Armor and Magic Resistance.

Abyssal Scepter can be good for you, but don't make it a top priority.

Focusing on more AP with things like Rabadon's doesn't make you the invulnerable brick wall Singed was meant to be.

Rylai's and Rod of Ages are nice, you get health and AP, but you don't have anything to protect that health - also known as EHP. EHP is the health you have in defense like armor and Magic Resistance. Focusing on these defensive stats gives you tons more EHP, adding that to the HP you already have, you have way more survivability than simply health from Rylai's and RoA which is how you should be because you're SINGED.

Dont forget, if i get an archangels, i can spam my Q the entire game, as well as have bonus to my health due to my awesome passive ability. can't forget that passive.

Lich Bane, not only giving me mana AND AP AND magic resistance, would give me increased movement speed which is VERY useful.

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You're a tank, you're not meant for damage, you're meant to control the fight, soak up damage, and protect your carries.

The Lich Bane speed buff is insignificant when compared to the protection of a Randuin's/Sunfire.

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I am not a set in stone tank. Im a bruiser/ fighter. I CAN be a tank, but my build is speciffically for fighting with survivabilty.

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If you want to be a bruiser, play Garen.

If you aren't tanking with Singed there's no point in having, say, Singed and Rammus together.

You could be using one of those positions for a damage dealer.

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You're a tank, you're not meant for damage, you're meant to control the fight, soak up damage, and protect your carries.

In my experience, Singed can stack whatever he pleases and still be a tank while dishing out great damage with his DOT.

  • 2 RoA *
  • Boots of Swiftness
  • Randuin
  • Sunfire
  • Force-of-Nature

Is really the build I see him rolling with now-a-days. Most people (from what I believe) just grab speed quints, armour seals, AP glyphs, and AD marks for runes which basically turns him into an unkillable object mid game as he laughs and flips you out of the turret range while tanking damage from all 8 directions and getting out with still half his HP due to his ulti's passive. True story, I did it. :troll:

* The Rod of Ages' passive is not unique, so stacking them is great on Singed as it procs both sides of his passive rather then just the one when using Archangels.

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Oh yes, RoA can be amazing, in fact most Singed players build that first, then FoN, and so on.

Haven't seen people build -2- though.

If all you build is health and ap, one Bloodrazor and you're tissue paper.

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If all you build is health and ap, one Bloodrazor and you're tissue paper.

I highly doubt anyone would be that dense... Then again people surprise me all the time.

Although it's good to note that the % damage Madreds does is in Magic Damage, so grabbing MR will let you tank that damage.

Really, the only good Tank killing thing is Vayne. xD

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I highly doubt anyone would be that dense... Then again people surprise me all the time.

Although it's good to note that the % damage Madreds does is in Magic Damage, so grabbing MR will let you tank that damage.

Really, the only good Tank killing thing is Vayne. xD

That's what the build was that I just chewed out.

Mundo's cleaver can wreck tanks too since it does more damage based on how much health they have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bad players are only punished if they die. The punishment results in more powerful opponents and you'll probably be behind in levels and gold. However, the minion kill payout for experience and gold scales with the length of the game, so if you recognize what you're doing wrong and improve it, you'll catch up no problem and be just as viable as anyone else on the team. If you continue to keep dieing and forget about trying to improve yourself then you deserve to be punished. Good players are rewarded, yes, with more gold and experience which leads to a more powerful champion. That's how it should be isn't it? Good players should receive something for playing well in the game.

And they should, and other games do it much better. LoL, as you just said, makes things worse if you die. Sure, you can "catch up" in the same sense a losing party can come back in anything, but to do so requires makeup grinding and if you die during that, you get set back even more because respawn times also get longer and longer and longer.

It doesn't just reward good players, but it punishes the whole team and pretty much gives the opposition the game.

Yes, yes it does. Sadly the pvp community is pretty filled with try-hard elitists. As bad as CoD? I think you're being a bit too harsh lol.

Well, it's similar, isn't it? You have to be absolutey perfect and know what equipment is best to even stand a chance against those that also know. Remember Stopping Power and Juggernaut in CoD? Yeah, if you didn't pack those, you were at a clear disadvantage and would just end up feeding points, and then everyone makes you feel like a piece of shit.

Let me address these one by one.

1) Sheer amount of options? There are HUUUUNDREDS of options in this game!

2) You can't do it EXACTLY right, there is no such thing as a god tier build for one character. There are HUNDREDS of builds for EVERY champion. I've seen TANK characters CARRY the team. I've seen AP champions TANK for the team! AD tanks exist also.

1) that's what I mean. There's hundreds of options and only a few are optimal. The casual player will likely get a less than ideal build and ope, his whole team suffers and rages at him. Because fuck having fun and playing how you want to, this game is COMPETITIVE and winning is the sole goal! Unfortunately they didn't really balance this all out so the hundreds of ways to play complement the competitive selling point, which by the way is made even worse by Gene's post up there.

2) yeah, but that still stands to reason that for every tank that carries the team, there's a tank that can't tank the perfect DPS build of another character because they weren't sure exactly what items to buy. See how this intense variety works against a team based competitive strategy game yet?


Alistar: A tank, yes? What kind of tank? Does he build magic resistance? Armor? Health? Hybrid? It all depends on what you're going against and what you think you'll need. Maybe that enemy Ezreal went AP instead of your anticipating him to go AD. You can alter your build on the fly to support your team. You can't do it EXACTLY right. Ever. Now while all this I just said under the Alistar example applies to every tank in the game, let me go more in depth on the character himself. Alistar is a very popular tank but he doesn't always have to build as a tank. You can build Alistar as a heavy AP hybrid and destroy the other team by dealing mass amounts of damage and CC. This is the direct opposite to the brick wall tank build. Customization? Hellz yes.

Ezreal: I mentioned him earlier. This particular champion and many others has skills that scale off of AP AND AD making him able to build items toward both specs. You can make him a fast-hitting powerhouse of constant damage, or you can play him the other way around and make him an ability-spamming AP nuking monster. Now you're probably thinking "ok so what, you can build characters two different ways." and maybe you're thinking "what about those AD carries who have abilities that ONLY scale off AD?" Let's look.

After customizing the type of build you want (HTank, APTank, ADTank, MagResTank, ArmorTank, AD, AP, Support, Hybrid, etc.) You get to choose how you want to build that with the items you get.

For example, a champion going AD can build towards being a Life-steal whore (Xin Zhao), a crit-factory (Tryndamere), attack speed (Warwick), "Heavy artillery" damage dealer (Vayne), and any combination of any of those item traits. You can build items with all of that and dominate the match. I've built Warwick straight attack speed and was MVP of my team.

I could go on and on all day long about the different items you can get for each style of champion, the order you can choose to get them (maybe you need early game life-steal), and much more, but the ultimate point is that there is no EXACTLY correct build.

Moving on.

As for not knowing what you're supposed to be doing with your character, it's pretty straightforward. My 7 year-old cousin watches me play and can tell me which champions tank, ad, ap, and so on for the most part. The main idea of your job is pretty easy to understand, I don't see why you'd have a problem with it. ADs kill, APs kill, Tanks... Tank, Supports... support, etc.

So you right there told me how characters can be effective in different jobs thanks to the build options and how to play. Yeah, I believe that, because I've acknowledged there's an unreal amount of variables in which to customize characters in. The problem? I have no freaking clue what most of this means, and having played a number of games, I feel qualified to play the standpoint of the everyman.

I played the tutorial. It never told me what an ADtank was or how it differs from APtank. All I knew is I had a number of characters whose roles were obvious and a shop system that recommended me some items.

Items that are, in fact, not optimal to use and will put me at a disadvantage because combat is largely number crunching, and my inferior numbers will feed the other team EXP to make their numbers higher which makes the other four dudes on my team have a harder time matching their own numbers to theirs. I am then chastized for failing at the job I'm presumably going for; jobs the game never tells me about and thus I had no idea what I was doing wrong, as I was taking the items the game suggested for my long range focused character.

The point is, unless I -know- what items are better than what and unless I -know- that characters can deviate to X job from their obvious one, then I lose, team gets mad, I get shit, and I don't have fun experimenting. It all boils down to knowing all the aspects of the game and being able to theory craft already knowing what niches every character can do and feasibly go into based on multipliers and their movesets. And even despite all this, many characters are clearly superior to others so I still get fucking rolled no matter what I do as the dude or dudette I want to play as.

Laning is even more straightforward. If someone calls soloing middle lane and you go follow him around like a lost puppy in middle lane with him then he has the right to be pissed at you. You're just being an idiot lol.

So. There goes the whole strategy aspect because it's all just following a preprogrammed game every time. Why can't I follow him? Just because he told me not to? Can I trust him? Because the other two lanes seem to be under control. What if it seems like a better idea to hit hard from the middle where they don't expect it?

Oh, that's right, because in doing this I'm not optimally effective and thus useless and an idiot. God I hate this game.

No, you are expected to be a competent player and not play while wearing a blindfold. Put yourself on the other side of the situation. Would you want to be constantly paired with idiots who have no idea what they're doing? No, no one does. The ultimate way to keep people from yelling at you is just to not die. If you go 0/0/10 in a match then you did really good. If you're new to the game, you get paired with "newbies."

There lies a problem in that there's always going to be people who don;t know what they're doing (see: playing specific characters and being focused on what builds are effective for the absolutely massive line of characters they're likely trying out) and yelling doesn't do a goddamn thing but make the game the utterly unfun, micromanaged job that it is.

As for the predetermined strat, I already explained that, there is no set path you -MUST- follow.

except for the part where the majority of the paths lead to the very people you just described as idiots, because there's going to be players with a superior setup that WILL kill you.

TL;DR - I think you judged this game far to quickly and far too harshly. You've played, what, 7 matches? Plus, NONE of them were even PvP!

You should really give the game some more time. I was really hoping you'd get into it so we could play together.

And I'm sure I could.

Right after reading an encyclopedia explaining all this shit to me that the game didn't so I can actually think of how to outfit these new characters I don't know in order to not get rolled and feel awful for wasting my team's fucking time.

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  • 8 months later...

Build moved. Posted in wrong area, sorry for that.

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