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Video game - Board Game Convergence


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So I've seen a trend lately... well maybe not a trend but I've seen it in several cases - of video games finding themselves to come out on board games. For instance, NIntendo Monopoly https://www.usaopoly.com/games/monopoly-nintendor-collectors-edition which feature starfox and crew (if you are interested in buying it).

I also saw a Metal Gear Solid "limited edition" risk board game. http://www.usaopolygames.com/mgs/

So what is your thoughts? Would/ will you buy it? or is it simply a novelty? Or is it plain cool?

If i had the money I'd buy it, after all I can't play video games all the time :P

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I want the Nintendo Monopoly just to support Nintendo and get them to branch out. Honestly, if they'd start making figures for games other than Mario, I'd be all over them like white on rice.

Don't believe me? I'm the guy who owns three different sets of Friendship is Magic characters, and Twilight's Balloon, because I can. Thus I would acquire an entire Star Fox set if made available, and probably Legend of Zelda and what not.

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And Sandvich.

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Interesting enough, nintendo used to sell a lot more than video games. They sold card games, I think at one time they may have been a taxi service. The only think however that kept them from going under was the guy who made the Mario games. At least according to an article I read many years ago, and can no longer recal the details.

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If I didn't have the original board game it's based off of, or I already have a version of it, I'm not going to buy a game I already have where the only differences is the pieces.

If they released an original board game with the characters, where it has it's own rules like the old-school Legend of Zelda board game heck yeah! I want a Star Fox board game where you travel around the Lylat System, and you could have 5 players, 1 for each of the Star Fox crew and the other left over person could be Andross, in control of all the Venomian units. The Star Fox crew have to reach Venom and Andross has to reach Corneria.

Sorry if I got a bit overboard, I just realised this isn't some sort of speculation thread. :?

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I would buy the Nintendo Monopoly and the MGS Risk! game if I could. Because I'm a shameless person who likes to collect these kinds of things.

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I did actually buy Nintendo Monopoly from the Nintendo World Store in Manhattan, I haven't actually taken it out of the shrink-wrap since; there aren't enough people around that are interested to play :lol:. I wouldn't consider board-games a novelty, more of a collector's piece with the added bonus of being able to play it :D.

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If you have them why not play them? That is assuming you can people to play it :/ I love board games, especially if I play video games too long I get a headache and watery eyes from staring at the screen. So I play board games more often then not when I want to play games with friends. Plus its much more fun, interactive, and personal having the person right next to you not miles away via an internet connection.

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