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You wore what!?


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Okay, so I was cruising through the interwebz a few nights ago, looking for ideas for pants in order to draw a character, and I came across the stupidest looking pants I have ever seen in my life. It got me thinking, what do you, Star Fox Online, define as stupid and cool clothing? I've got some examples below, and I'd like to see what you can come up with :-)

On the awesome side, Storm Trooper sweater! I found one of these in Norway and if i'd had any money left i'd have bought it :P315434_10150367564073417_579888416_98565

Annnnd, then there are these, which aren't so fantastic :P But if you feel like being gangsta AND emo at the same time, can't count higer than twelve, and thing that Party Rock Anthem is a gift to humanity, than these are the pants for you!


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Those pants cracks me up every time I see them. I was quite litteraly ROFLOL when Fira showed them to me the first time.

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you know you want them asper... YOU KNOW YOU WANT THEM! xD

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Now we have to hide them from the world before they become popular! XD

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you know you want them asper... YOU KNOW YOU WANT THEM! xD

Over my dead body!

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Does this count as awesome or not? Cuz they're awesome to see :troll:

Edited by DZComposer
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bro, i have seen these in action... not cool. i was in cassis, and i thought some chick was sitting there with her pants half pulled off... but no, she actually bought these pants ^^.

So... awesome in France... not awesome in North America XD

and crazyfoonic... i agree! XD

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The Nebraska Corn Huskers Hat. look it up.

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Oh God, THAT hat.

Either way, I don't think anyone would object to me wearing this around for the next few weeks


If that don't count as awesome, I don't know what does.

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This is cool, but zip-up hoodies et al are cool. k_e_nod.gif


This is also cool, but again I'm posting it more for the actual garment style/type then the logo or whatev. k_e_smile.gif


Here's a cool full outfit for a Minnesotan:


Yes, that is Neil Young; yes, he is a Canadian; but the point still stands :lol:

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Now, my clothing style... It's pretty simple really. Color is black, black, black, red, black and black. Usually as very hard-wearing materials, such as leather jackets and tough denim jeans.

Here's how I usually dress in the winter. My favorite jacket, black or dark blue jeans, sturdy boots and a scarf Fira made for me last christmas.

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love ur hair in the picture :3 I'm afraid of posting my style of dress ^^; I'm most easily described as "colourful" :P

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Willy the Pimp.


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okay I will point out one that I am ashamed to admit I was guilty of when I was in grade seven and such



i was the coolest kid

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okay I will point out one that I am ashamed to admit I was guilty of when I was in grade seven and such



i was the coolest kid

I used to wear things like that, and then it evolved into this, which I have on a long sleeve.





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okay I will point out one that I am ashamed to admit I was guilty of when I was in grade seven and such



i was the coolest kid

Would that happen to be a shirt from the company The Mountain? I used to wear those all the time when I was younger, and one very similar to that one. Lots of other dragon and wolf ones as well

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love ur hair in the picture :3 I'm afraid of posting my style of dress ^^; I'm most easily described as "colourful" :-P

Yeah, didn't notice that till later. It was winter dammit. I was wearing a toque.

Yes, very colorful indeed. It's quite the contrast when one see both of us together. One tall, serious guy dressed almost exclusively in black on one side, and then the fun-sized bubble of joy with the most brightly colored clothing she could find on the other one.

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Yeah, didn't notice that till later. It was winter dammit. I was wearing a toque.

Yes, very colorful indeed. It's quite the contrast when one see both of us together. One tall, serious guy dressed almost exclusively in black on one side, and then the fun-sized bubble of joy with the most brightly colored clothing she could find on the other one.

Toque?! You were weaing a toque!? That makes me so happy :3

I agree with your assesment of our clothing styles :P

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Another trend that's bothering me. Ripped jeans. Why the heck would someone pay more to get a pair of pants that have allready been worn out? I get the "looking used" aspect, but everything in moderation...

Toque?! You were weaing a toque!? That makes me so happy :3

I agree with your assesment of our clothing styles :-P

I've always worn them. Just didn't know there was an "english" word for them until you told me.

Can't exactly dissagree. Hehe.

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Oh man those pants are hilarious. You just can't keep yourself from giggling at the mere image. They are the stupidest pair of pants I have ever laid eyes on.

@ Asper Sarnoff, yeah, pants that look all ripped up are just plain dumb. Almost everybody in my house couldn't agree more with you.

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Another trend that's bothering me. Ripped jeans. Why the heck would someone pay more to get a pair of pants that have allready been worn out? I get the "looking used" aspect, but everything in moderation...

Well, I only had one pair of those ripped in my life. They costed the same as any other. They actually, on my case, endured some time and felt lighter on this hot enviroment. But I haven't bought (or even; seen) one of those recently, and I won't buy them again. It was nice, but there are other that look better...

Another stupid trend I've seen (and luckily, ended) recently were rubber watches:


Seriously. They were expensive and didn't last sh*t.

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...it looks like a pregnancy test.

I think it looks like a "plug", per se. I won't say anymore than that. o3o

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