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What new character would you like to see in the next Smash Bros.?


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As the name suggests, I'm interested what character would you like to see on the new Smash Bros. for Wii U?

I would really like to see Phoenix Wright in the new one so I can use OBJECTION! on everyone.

And please keep the characters limited to only ones that have appeared in Nintendo games.

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FluttershyWhile I definitely want Marth to stay (<3 Marth so much), I think I'd like to see Ike replaced with someone else. Ephraim from FE8 would be cool, since I love spears. I'd really like to see Seth, from the same game, but he's not a Lord character so I doubt it :/

Outside of Fire Emblem characters, I dunno.

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Entirely skipping the obvious one, probably gonna have to say Shadow, and optionally Rosalina, or maybe just a luma, iunno :|

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Smash Bros. was limited to Nintendo chars until Sonic and Snake came along, but I'm gonna say a Nintendo char, Simon Belmont from Castlevania. If he can beat Dracula then he can probably whoop everyone else in Smash Bros..

Maybe a Mii, but I don't see that catching on.

And if we can push the boundaries of Nintendo only, I'd love to see Ezio Auditore (yes, he appeared (will appear) in SCV another fighting game but I don't care) from Assassin's Creed (There was a NDS ver so he could be a Nintendo char) because he's a great fighter, and there's a really great possibility for a Final Smash with him. I can even visualise his moves now...

Special: Hidden Blade

Special Side: Hidden Gun

Special Down: Throwing Knives (1 each side)

Special Up: Parachute

Final Smash: Apple of Eden/Leonardo's Bomber/Leonardo's Tank/Assassin Recruits

Although a few of these will probably be invalid by the time AC: Revelations comes out (15th Nov)

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Megaman or GTFO.

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Mike Jones from StarTropics. Dude definitely needs more exposure, didn't even get a lousy sticker in Brawl.

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Megaman or GTFO.

Hell yeah! If he's not gonna be in MVC3, then he should at least be in Smash Bros.

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Well, since it's "Nintendo Characters Only" I can't put in my pick. I want Shadow to be in there, but he's Sega

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Well, since it's "Nintendo Characters Only" I can't put in my pick. I want Shadow to be in there, but he's Sega

Sorry, what I meant was, characters that have appeared in games on Nintendo consoles. I have a tendency to not explain things properly.

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Krystal, Knuckles, and MegaMan fosho! (How is Mega not already in Smash Bros? O_o )

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I'd say Vectorman, but I dunno. He looks a little....ermmm, "broken." Him, or one of the Streets of Rage (Bare Knuckle, if you're from Japan) characters.

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Sega already has a character, though, Knuckles and Shadow fans.

Also adding in a vote for Admiral Dane.

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Sega already has a character, though, Knuckles and Shadow fans.

Also adding in a vote for Admiral Dane.

I know that, and I know he won't make it as a playable. I'm treating this topic completely as a what if topic.

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We have enough clones in SSB kthxbye :troll:

On a more related note I think some of these characters suggested here will probably be Assistant trophies. xD

However Megaman for prez. Or I will be a very sad person.

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I'd be just as interested in taking the excisting SSBB rooster, going trough it and distance clones more from each other.

As for adding new characters... Hmm. I'd like to have someone else beside C. Falcon from F-Zero. Goroh could be a cool choice.

And of course, more Starfox characters are always welcome, preferably without replacing any of the excisting ones or making yet more clones.

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Ephraim from FE8 would be cool, since I love spears.

this, and you wouldn't really hafta replace ike since spear=/= sword so a new moveset would be near mandatory

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At this rate all the Lords from Fire Emblem will be a suggestion.

Assists Trophies: Lyn, Hector, Eliwood, Roy, Lilina, Micaiah, and the Black Knight.

Playable Characters: Marth, Ike, Emphriam and Eirika (You can't have just one of the twins.).

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Ike's got to stay. By far my favorite among the FE character we've seen so far in SSB, and probably will ever see too.

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Nintendo characters: Slippy Toad, Dark Samus (Some how do something new and not clone Samus) and, Bring Roy back.

3rd Party characters: Spyro the dragon and, Shadow.

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