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What do you people think of the Fox/Wolf and Fox/ Falco gay pairings in fanfic as well as fanart? I think it must be at least 1/4 of the total SF fanart/fiction out there.

Do you think it is in bad taste? Or just shows Starfox's tolerance and sensitivity to minority community? somewhere in between? Being straight Im no big fan of it.

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Someone's chumming for Dermots.

But in relation to the topic, I also do not care for it, or any shipping really. What really gets my goat on it is the people that think it is set in stone, clear as day, canon.

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Being straight Im no big fan of it.

You don't have to be gay to like gay pairings just like you don't have to be straight to like straight pairings. Porn is one thing, but not all slashfic is porn.

That being said, it's fine. If people whine about it "not being canon" they can go ahead and disown the entire fanfiction writing community because none of that is "canon". You can still write the characters into homosexual relationships without changing their personalities because--now this might blow your mind, but--gay people are actually just normal people.

However, lots of slash writers do write them as being very out-of-character. Fangirls have this annoying way of, despite the characters both being male with established personalities, shoehorning them into gender roles and drastically feminizing one of the two, which is stupid. If you want to write Fox and Wolf as a couple, that's fine, but don't go out of your way to make Fox a super kawaii uke who wears maid outfits and blushes and says "uguu~" all the time, or have Wolf act like a doting housewife that calls him "honeybuns" (in anything other than jest). It's actually more offensive to real gay people to break a character's personality by shoving them into stereotypical gender roles. Gay men don't always need a "seme" or "uke" just like not all lesbians need a "butch" and "femme". Some couples may adhere to this (just like some heterosexual couples have a feminine man and a tougher woman) but it's not a rule, especially not when dealing with characters who do not have those personalities to begin with.

Slash is fine. Stupid kawaii yaoi desu bullcrap is not.

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Well I don't it's "in bad taste", its just pure coincidence that they are always toghther on missions, the GreatFox, and other places. I'm sure they have a "brotherly attachment" with each other, but its just up for grabs on how people wish to perceive it. I dunno; art is art.

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I'm just baffled as to why this even deserves a topic. "OMG gaise! There's gay Star Fox fics! Controveeersy~!"

Really now. The fact that some people have written about Fox and Falco getting it on is not worth talking about. Now, laughing at all the bad ones, or praising all the good ones, maybe worth a topic. Something with a point. This is just an attempt at stirring up some controversy, and a very thinly veiled one at that.

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The point of fanfiction is that it's NOT CANON and that people can write whatever they want into it. If they want to add gay pairings, no-one can stop them, all you have to do if you don't like it is NOT READ IT.

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Here we go again.

Truthfully, I'm really tired of seeing this "issue" crop up again and again and again some more. It's there, it happens, big whoop-dee-friggn-doo. As sure as rain falls, so too does poorly written slash fanfic material, and poorly written high school drama fanfic material, and poorly written "darkfic" material, and poorly written [insert popular fanfic trope here] material. That's just how it is.

I'm done here.

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Fanfiction =/= series canon

The Starfox series' acceptance to any minority group is -not- reflected by the scribblings of its occasionally demented fanbase. If there was a gay couple in the actual games, then you might argue for or against that, but there isn't, and I don't think there needs to be. As it stands, I have nothing against slashfics, but I never read them, because they do not interest me, and I don't see why they should. I really don't have an opinion on this.

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I actually find the Bromance fanfiction to be quite good. Unless its that "Oh i raep u an nau u luv meh!" Garbage

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As long as you don't follow the example of a former member of the forum and keep showing it into my face, screaming loudly: "All of the cast are gay, I have untastefull fanart to prove it! If you don't agree, then you're a discriminating heterosexist!", then I don't really care either way. Can't really say I read fanfics anymore anyway.

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@ Drasny? Oh its fangirls who write a lot of those? Rlly? I thought it was just gay men.

I don't think it is terrible, and know its just plain fanfic, and none of my concern. Yet I do wonder why there is such a great amont of it in Starfox, and not a ton of Mario/ Luigi slash, or DK/ Princess Peach or whatever. I of course havent looked for those, but I just havent heard about them as much either.

At least those slash people could be a bit more egalitarian. Why is not for example a Slippy/ Fox slash, or a Peppy/Slippy slash or... Just kidding ( shudder)

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who the hell cares if someone writes Star Fox slash fic?

jesus christ, man, do you want the Star Fox Fan Mafia to go break their kneecaps for it or something?

it's as if what you really want to say is that you just don't like this whole "gay" thing, but you don't think you can get away with it, so you're making these poorly-veiled attempts at stirring up trouble over it.

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@ Drasny? Oh its fangirls who write a lot of those? Rlly? I thought it was just gay men.

Wut. Just wut.

I don't think it is terrible, and know its just plain fanfic, and none of my concern. Yet I do wonder why there is such a great amont of it in Starfox, and not a ton of Mario/ Luigi slash, or DK/ Princess Peach or whatever. I of course havent looked for those, but I just havent heard about them as much either.

So, you admit that you aren't qualified to make a judgment call on all the fandoms you're making a judgment call on? I'm not a huge SF fanfic junkie myself, so I can't make any claims as to the amount of slashfics in it, but I am quite familiar with Kingdom Hearts, Harry Potter, and Friendship is Magic fanfics, and I don't think it'd be a stretch to say there's more slashfics in any one of those fandoms than there are fanfics period in the SF fandom. It's not a big deal. It's just some people - some rabid fangirls, some legit authors - writing about a gay relationship.

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to be fair, since there are so few male characters at all in My Little Pony, if you want ponies makin' de magiks, you're probably going to have to do slash

but that's neither here nor there

either way, if there's to be anything objectionable about romance in fanfiction, i should think it should be when said fanfiction completely breaks a character to make a certain pairing happen--whether it's straight, gay, or something else.

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Welcome to the internet.

Dude, slash isn't limited to video games. There is slash of EVERYTHING, and it doesn't just dominate fanfiction. But really, yes, probably 90% (at least) of the fanfiction slash that's written is done by fangirls. But who the hell cares WHO wrote it? The fact is that it was written and it is probably terrible.

That being said, I don't really mind it unless I can't escape from it. I don't really read that much fanfiction so it's a non-issue.

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then why would you suggest that writing slash fanfiction is "in bad taste?"

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It's what you're typing, but it really seems it's not what you're saying.

to be fair, since there are so few male characters at all in My Little Pony, if you want ponies makin' de magiks, you're probably going to have to do slash

Eh, there's a good few males, and there's always the potential for OC ponies and all. But as you said, not really the point.

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@ Drasny? Oh its fangirls who write a lot of those? Rlly? I thought it was just gay men.

Okay, stop calling me "Drasny". If you want to shorten my name, just "Dras" will be fine.

And if you go on thinking all slash is written by actual gay men then you will have a pretty skewed perception of gays. But that would require you to actually read it to begin with, without squealing "ew gays are icky" and fleeing, so that is neither here nor there.

I don't think it is terrible, and know its just plain fanfic, and none of my concern. Yet I do wonder why there is such a great amont of it in Starfox, and not a ton of Mario/ Luigi slash, or DK/ Princess Peach or whatever. I of course havent looked for those, but I just havent heard about them as much either.

Mario/Luigi is incest and Peach/Donkey Kong is bestiality. Those are not the same thing as being gay, but I can guarentee you those both exist. Anyways, there is no "great amount" here, it's pretty much proportionate to the amount of slash in most other fandoms. And if it's "none of your concern", you wouldn't have made a topic complaining about it.

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@ Dras. I don't think gays are icky, we just have some different tastes. I didn't know "slash" referred to gay, I thought it just meant sex story with two famous people. Also, forgot Mario and Luigi were brothers.

@ Myu: I know. There is slash Harry Potter, etc. Im not a huge fanfic reader so I dont know all of it.

Shouldn't have said " None of my concern" I just wanted to smooth things out. Only my concern in that I sometimes look for a good SF fanfic, but find a disproportionate amount of slash, ( not my thing) so I guess I wonder about it. I suppose then its not the presence of slash, just the absence of good fanfic. Sorry if I sound like a narcissist. I dont mean to be.

As to the disproportionate slash in starfox, at least one source backs me up on this: The gag wikipedia: Encyclopedia Dramatica! jsut type in star fox in it.

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Encyclopedia Dramatica does not back you up on anything, man.

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The only thing that Encyclopedia Dramatic Validates is my shattered faith in my eyeballs protecting my fragile brain from bad images.

And jsut because a single isolated Website has obviously false info on two cahrecters being gay, doesnt mean its a wide spread phenomona (do do dodo do)

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Hahahah, what? Encyclopedia dramatica backs you up on... ED backs nothing, it's a website built around the concept of flinging as much crap at as many people as humanly possible at. the. same. time. It's not a gag wikipedia, that's uncyclopedia - ED is a cesspool, nothing more. Using ED as a source simply cannot be done because it, at its core, presents as much twisted and falsified information about any subject, fanbase, or internet phenomena as it does even remotely accurate information. It's a collection of prejudices, mean-spirited jabs and pathetic attempts at 'trolling.' The only thing that redeems it in the slightest is that it takes a crap on absolutely anything, not just one minority or fanbase.

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As to the disproportionate slash in starfox, at least one source backs me up on this: The gag wikipedia: Encyclopedia Dramatica! jsut type in star fox in it.

The gag wikipedia: Encyclopedia Dramatica!


Encyclopedia Dramatica



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...im just gonna say this...

If it didnt happen in a game, it isnt canon. Exceptions being anything were told by the developers.

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