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So there's a rather new game on the 3DS that's taking the world by storm. It's called Pushmo, or the translation of the title in Japanese, "Push and Pull."

Here was a rather helpful review/demonstration.

Some key points of the game, it's a puzzle platformer where you push and pull blocks out to create steps up to the goal, it has 250 main puzzles, and a rather deep but user friendly puzzle creator that you can use to create your own puzzle, and can share them with friends via QR Code. Quite a few of the puzzles are sprites of older Nintendo games, such as Mario and Link and what have you. It's quite addictive and very fun. It's $7 from the Nintendo 3DS store, and worth the money. For those who have it and/or want to see some user created puzzles, here are some good ones with the QR Codes to download them.



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