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Star Wolf= Friends?


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I wonder, if in both their incarnations ( n64 and post 64) team starwolf is actually friends with each other. Would they have the same comradery that team starfox has? Idk but it seems without the motivation of Andross' payment and fear of his punishment, team starwolf would have a hard time liking and trusting eachother because of the various egotistical/ sadistic personalities they have.

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Seeing that Andrew and Pigma broke off rather easily for their own personal reasons during assualt i would have to say that Leon and Wolf probably had more of a sense of comradery....

Andrew was power hungry along with his uncle

Pigma was just money hungry as always....

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Comradery, fear of wolf, or seeing wolf as an advantage for something?

I also wonder, my Pigma and Andrew were hard to work with, or disliked by the two? I guesss something we will never know outide of fanfic.... Maybe I could explain it...

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In SF64 I was under the impression they were just otherwise-unaffiliated mercenaries thrown together by Andross. Post-64, though, Wolf, Leon and Panther seem to be friendly enough with one another, though Wolf expresses a dislike of Pigma. He seems fairly neutral about Andrew but I always kind of saw Wolf as being kind of a gruff mentor to him, being that he was supposedly very young when he first joined them.

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