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  • Create - Star Fox Adventures

    • Assigned Priority: 2

      Assigned User(s):


    Please write an informative article on this game.

    • Make sure the game's release info and system info are available for a factbox.
    • Please provide a brief story synopsis.
    • Please mention any controversies surrounding the game.
    • Please mention specific gameplay elements.
    • Please go over the vehicles that appear in the game.

    Edited by DZComposer

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  • Status Definitions

    New = This task is pending triage. A decision on the task has yet to be made.

    Pending = The task has been approved, but does not have anyone assigned to it yet.

    Assigned = This task has been assigned for someone to work on.

    Rejected = This task has been rejected. See the task's comments for reasoning.

    In Progress = This task is currently being worked on.

    Complete = All work for this task is complete.

    On-Hold = Work on this task is currently on-hold until a later time.

    Abandoned = The original assigned user cannot work on this task anymore.

    Unknown = The user is unavailable to give status updates. The task is possible abandoned.

  • Priorities:

    1. High Priority. Should be completed ASAP.
    2. Middle Priority.
    3. Least Priority
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