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    Fact Bax

    Title: Star Fox Zero (Japanese スターフォックス ゼロ)

    Release Date: Q1 2016*

    Publisher: Nintendo Entertainment Planning and Development

    Developers: Nintendo

    Directors: Yugo Hayashi and Yusuke Hashimoto 

    Producer: The Graceful Shigeru Miyamoto 

    Platform: Wii U

    Genre: A Scrolling Shooter (Singleplayer, Co-op, Multiplayer)

    Rating: TBA



    Combo action with Television and GamePad, joystick controlled with the television being the full view and the GamePad as the cockpit view. The cockpit view supports motion control for aiming as well as attacking independently with a 180º arc. 

    That feature will also be shodwn in he Co-Op with one player piloting as the other player acts as the gunner. 

    Two screen feature will also play a roll into cinematics providing different shots of event scenes. 

    Amiibos are involved* 


    Andross' evil empire has returned and is attacking the Lylat system! In order to have peace restored, General Pepper employs the services of the heroic Arwing pilot Fox McCloud and Team Star Fox. Using the combination of the Wii U and the GamePad, engage in space dogfights, take on vast armadas and push back the Venomian forces on the ground and in the air. Develop your flying skills from barrel rolls to advanced flight maneuvers to blast your way to Andross.

    Do you have what it takes?




    Sources n such:








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    			<h1 class="ipsType_pageTitle ipsType_break">Star Fox Zero</h1>
                <hr class="ipsHr">
              	<p>Andross' evil empire has returned and is attacking the Lylat system! <br>In order to have peace restored, General Pepper employs the services of the heroic Arwing pilot Fox McCloud and Team Star Fox. Using the combination of the Wii U and the GamePad, engage in space dogfights, take on vast armadas, and push back the Venomian forces on the ground and in the air! Develop your flying skills from barrel rolls to advanced flight maneuvers to blast your way to Andross.
    <br><br>Do you have what it takes?</p>
                            <h1 class="ipsType_pageTitle ipsType_break">Gameplay</h1>
                <hr class="ipHr">
                    <p>The New Star Fox game will institute many of the details from its counterparts, such as Starfox SNES and Starfox 64 while also adding brand new mechanics and creating a new playstyle using the Wii U Gamepad. The controller itself will use a combination of cardinal controls for flight control and gyroscopic control for aiming. The Gamepad will also display a cockpit view of the game in addition to the television screen. Creating a split in the visuals will also allow the user to fire in a direction other than the flight path. This will create two unique views during gameplay as well as during cinematics.</p>
                    <p>Other known components of the game include the return of Team Star Fox; Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, and Slippy toad whom can assist the player (Fox) in missions and battles. Other characters such as Katt Monroe will also be making appearances in the game!</p>
                            <h1 class"ispType_pageTitle ispType_break">New Vehicle Additions</h1>
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                    <p>One of the biggest new and notable details that will be included into Star Fox Zero are the new vehicle modes. In addition to the Arwing and the landmaster, the player will be also able to fly a Gyrowing and command a Walker.<br>
                      <strong>Arwing: </strong> The flyer of choice for our hero team, G-Diffusers and all! Equiped with all the power to fight off Andross' army or to Barrel Roll enough times for the joke to get old.<br>
                      <strong>Walker: </strong> A new feature of the Arwing. It can now switch between a aerial flying mode to a terrain fighting Walker. Reminiscent to the walker seen in Star Fox 2, the walker will allow the player to maneuver and fight enemies on the ground that would be inaccessible to the Arwing.<br>
                      <strong>Landmaster: </strong>The Landmaster also makes a return in Starfox Zero. Similar to the the Landmaster found in Starfox 64 and Starfox 643D, the tank handles situations on the ground by blasting enemies sky high. The only serious change is the hovering mechanic has been replaced by the tank transforming into a slow hovering jet.<br>
                      <strong>Gyrowing: </strong>The new edition to the family of flying vehicles. The Gyrowing is a slow moving hovercraft to infiltrate bases as opposed to large battlefields and equipped with a lazer cannon to deal with whatever is inside. In addition to the cannon, the Gyrowing also can deploy a small robot code named Direct-i who can navigate small areas that even the Gyrowing cannot reach and collect any metals throughout the level. The robot is also equipped with a cannon to defend itself. This vehicle mode with have a bid part in the new Co-Op mode as one will be able to fly while the other mans the gun.</p>
                     <h1 class="ipsType_pageTitle ipsType_break">Game Controversies and Questions</h1>
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                         <p>One question that has revolved around Star Fox Zero is whether the game will be a reboot of the series or a prequel to the story? Miyamoto said it's neither, just starting from a new horizon on a new gaming system. That and Miyamoto liked the kanji of zero. Thile he point has been made that the beginning level is basically Starfox 64 remapped, there are still many differences between the two
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                      <h2 style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 15px;" class="ipsWidget_title">Star Fox Zero</h2>
                      	<img style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" class=".ipsType_center ipsImage" src="http://sickr.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/star_fox_zero_box_art.jpg" alt="sfz">
                      <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-style: italic;">Cover Art for Star Fox Zero</span></p>
                      <hr class="ipsHr">
                      <table class='ipsTable ipsBox'>
                          <td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Title</span></td>
                          <td>Star Fox Zero (Japanese スターフォックス ゼロ)</td>
                          <td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Release Date</span></td>
                          <td>Q1 2016*</td>
                          <td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Publisher</span></td>
                          <td>Nintendo Entertainment Planning and Development</td>
                          <td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Developers</span></td>
                          <td>Nintendo, PlatinumGames</td>
                          <td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Directors</span></td>
                          <td>Yugo Hayashi and Yusuke Hashimoto </td>
                          <td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Producer</span></td>
                            <td>The Graceful Shigeru Miyamoto </td>
                          <td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Platform</span></td>
                            <td>Wii U </td>
                          <td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Genra</span></td>
                            <td>Scrolling Shooter (singleplayer, Co-Op, Multiplayer</td>
                          <td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Rating</span></td>


    Edited by DZComposer

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    10/11 @ 10:33pm EST: Added Vehicle section to the Factbox HTML. All that's left is the C&Q over SFZ. That and a spellcheck and readover and it will be done.

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    I will mark this complete. Gallery integration with articles is something I will make a larger part of this project.

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