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  • Identify and Catalog SFAd Voice Acting

    • In Progress Priority: 3

    SFAd voice acting files are currently a mess. Most of them have cryptic file names.

    1 - Listen to each sample

    2 -  Report broken links

    3 - Identify the characters who said the lines and provide a transcript of each file.

    Report in a comment here thusly:

    an1301.mp3 - Andross, Fox - ANDROSS: I've been looking forward to this day; to see you again, Fox McCloud. || FOX: Andross! || ANDROSS: And now to destroy the Lylat System! || FOX: I've got to stop him!

    cf04f_kt.mp3 - Cloud Runner Queen - If you find all four of my children you will be greatly rewarded. Please hurry!


    There are over 700 files that need to be cataloged. Multiple people may be assigned to this task.

    Edited by DZComposer

    User Feedback

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    I've already got two other tasks to take care of, but seeing as I'm on half term holiday this coming week, I'll see what I can do.


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    cr517.mp3 - General Scales, Fox - FOX: Scales!! GENERAL SCALES: Greh!? [SFX] GENERAL SCALES: Get the spellstone out of here!" [SFX] FOX: Huh!? GENERAL SCALES: [EVIL LAUGHING]

    cr862.mp3 - General Pepper, Fox - [SFX] FOX: Oh... General Pepper: Don't let us down, Fox! I know you can do it!!

    ttalk81.mp3 - (I dunno who this guy is) - CHARACTER: Thanks to you, peace has returned to Dinosaur Planet!!

    th08d_tr.mp3 - Tricky - TRICKY: Your boss said to return to the wild city. There must be a shrine we get to find!

    Edited by Kyubey
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  • Status Definitions

    New = This task is pending triage. A decision on the task has yet to be made.

    Pending = The task has been approved, but does not have anyone assigned to it yet.

    Assigned = This task has been assigned for someone to work on.

    Rejected = This task has been rejected. See the task's comments for reasoning.

    In Progress = This task is currently being worked on.

    Complete = All work for this task is complete.

    On-Hold = Work on this task is currently on-hold until a later time.

    Abandoned = The original assigned user cannot work on this task anymore.

    Unknown = The user is unavailable to give status updates. The task is possible abandoned.

  • Priorities:

    1. High Priority. Should be completed ASAP.
    2. Middle Priority.
    3. Least Priority
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