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A poem.... WTF?



Bloody Marie: they say throw in the towel, but that you won't accept

Bloody Marie: You're going down, it's the final swing

Bloody Marie: as the lights go out, the crowd begins to sing v ~ v

Bloody Marie: Alright

Bloody Marie: Now that I've gotten that out of the way

Bloody Marie: Clearwater

Bloody Marie: Tell me

Bloody Marie: Tell me why I'm the one that they fear,

Bloody Marie: and for him they cheer?

Bloody Marie: But

Bloody Marie: it's hard to blame them

Bloody Marie: I even scare myself

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: Um...

Bloody Marie: Being built to kill... seems to be detrimental to my health.

Bloody Marie: I guess I shouldda known.

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: I have no bloody idea XD

Bloody Marie: It's okay.

Bloody Marie: You'll never see me behind this killer's face.

Bloody Marie: In my mind I hear the voices cry

Bloody Marie: I made them the promise that all men will die

Bloody Marie: I ask them

Bloody Marie: "How can I retract these claws?"

Bloody Marie: I am told

Bloody Marie: "Those are your hands, you can't take back the damage you cause"

Bloody Marie: I ask,

Bloody Marie: "How can I take off this mask?"

Bloody Marie: "That is your face. You can't remove the fear you cast."

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: Thanks for making my Steam lag!

Bloody Marie: "How can I turn off this hatred that fills my eyes?"

Bloody Marie: "You can't shut down where your path lies."

Bloody Marie: "when can I stop being bad?"

Bloody Marie: "That is who you are!"

Bloody Marie: That is who I am.

Bloody Marie: And I must accept

Bloody Marie: the machine that I am.

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: Listen please

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: You're making my Steam freeze up

Bloody Marie: I didn't have a line for that anyway.

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: Aheheheh, caught ya!

Bloody Marie: we were caught

Bloody Marie: There was a sound as the door locked behind us

Bloody Marie: And the GeminEye was anything but surprised.

Bloody Marie: The night was seeming to stretch on forever and for us it would

Bloody Marie: This was the end

Bloody Marie: And now the gloves were off.

Bloody Marie: The truth was out!

Bloody Marie: The hired gun was on his way and we were both as good as dead

Bloody Marie: But I looked to the stars...

Bloody Marie: And I swore

Bloody Marie: if we were both taking the big sleep...

Bloody Marie: I'd take the rat out myself!

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: STOP

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: mAKING

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: MY

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: STEAM

Clearwater -=SF-O=-: LAG


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