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Staff Changes


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This post is actually by DZ!


Some changes have been made to the staff. Moderators can no longer ban people, but since Steve and I were in the same time zone, we felt an additional admin was needed.

So, we now have a new admin: Redeemer!

As an Assistant Admin, she serves as an assistant to Steve's Lead Moderator position.

Also, we are in the process of selecting RP mods. We got many more applicants than usual this time, so we need time to sort it out.

Edited by DZComposer
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Go Red!; you've certainly earned it! :friends:

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Some changes have been made to the staff. Moderators can no longer ban people, but since Steve and I were in the same time zone, we felt an additional admin was needed.

So, we now have a new admin: Redeemer!

As an Assistant Admin, she serves as an assistant to Steve's Lead Moderator position.

Also, we are in the process of selecting RP mods. We got many more applicants than usual this time, so we need time to sort it out.

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the mole has been planted. steadily she will corrupt SFO's core and bring the site to its knees, slowly she will learn all your secrets, inexorably will she destroy SFO from the inside out! destroy! DESTROY! AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--


i mean

congrats red c:

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In addition to deserving it, she was a total shoe-in anyways, seeing as she's the only other staff member now that Asper is gone on that side of the pond. :P That's right folks, now, chances are, there will be an admin on EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY. :D

<3 Redeemer.

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She's the one I would've picked, even if she wasn't on the other side of the Atlantic.

For what it's worth, congrats. I'm sure you'll do great.

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*snuggles Sarita*

Aww thanks guys. X3 I promise I'll do my best for you and the site. If there's anything I can do for you, please drop me a PM. :3

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Well look at this! Congrats red! You deserve it. :)

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So this means we're all going to be slaves to a Scotswoman? :(


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So this means we're all going to be slaves to a Scotswoman? :(



No I'm not going to put a trollface. :3

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Congrats Redeemer! 3 admins would give DZ a little relief. Congrats again!

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