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Hey SFO, no need to to type who this is...clealry obvious....well I know that I may have done some....stupid things in the past.....(jeez I feel like some president I don't remeber righting a sorry note...Lindon B. Johnson right?) Or I might not have understood where some people were coming from and so on. I just want to apologize and really just flat out say, "I am deeply, deeply sorry, for what I've done or said." YOu all are perfect just the way(s) you are-we all all are in a sense. I..well we all sometimes just have that chance to sit back for a momnet and reflect, even say or question ourselves, "Did I do that/this? I said that? That was me? Thats not who or what I am..!" Well, I won't take up anymore of your Lady and Gentlemanly time-time is too short and precious and must be treasured right?

I am deeply deeply deeply sorry. YOu all deserve a hug or shake, you all really do. Thank you for your time.

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I'm not sure what you're apologizing for...but in that case I guess it's safe to say you're forgiven? :V

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I have to agree with Dras. Well, I'm sorry you wanna leave, but I wish you well in your endeavors if I don't see ya again.

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:( Leave?! No Don't leave I agree with Redeemer No harm no foul You've always been kind.

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Rey! Don't leave! I just got back! D:

None of us even know what the hell you're apologizing for. Most everyone here likes you and finds you to be a great guy. :D

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Yeah, really. You irritate me occasionally, but really. Most people do. And given the fact that nobody at all has even the slightest idea what you're trying to apologize for, I really think you're just jumping at shadows.

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Yeah, really. You irritate me occasionally, but really. Most people do. And given the fact that nobody at all has even the slightest idea what you're trying to apologize for, I really think you're just jumping at shadows.

This. Milky, Xort, To-I mean, Shroomprince all get on my nerves sometimes, and I them. Specially Red~ [DON'T KILL ME D'=] but in all, most of us still find you all good either way. If you even see these, you should stay. You definitely make this place more lively and active, and I'm sure we all appreciate that.

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Hey, Reynard. Long time no see. ;)

I've never noticed you being mean to anyone… or anything at all, really.

You've always been one of the better members IMO. :)

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Hey lad, think about this. If none of us know what you did, then you should come right the heck back cause we all love ya.

in the words of Scorpion.


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This post will most likely be a reiteration of what has been said above, but -what- exactly are you apologizing for, Reynard? And whatever it is does not warrant leaving the site; you're one of the most active members around, as well as a great guy to converse with!

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I appreaciate all of you're comments guys, but I'm not leaving-I'd never leave unless something serious came up. I just wanted to apologize for anything I've done and that I love you guys (and gals ;)). I just felt like I needed to say something lastnight, and I did through this Genral Discussion area.

Love you all ^_^

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I appreaciate all of you're comments guys, but I'm not leaving-I'd never leave unless something serious came up. I just wanted to apologize for anything I've done and that I love you guys (and gals ;)). I just felt like I needed to say something lastnight, and I did through this Genral Discussion area.

Love you all ^_^

First off, I'm glad we/I've misinterpreted your first post and, in fact, you're not leaving. Secondly,


I'm still not following where this is going. Apologizing for anything "wrong" that you've done here is futile; no one remembers, cares, or would even bring things up; you're a great member to this community. :P

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First off, I'm glad we/I've misinterpreted your first post and, in fact, you're not leaving. Secondly,


I'm still not following where this is going. Apologizing for anything "wrong" that you've done here is futile; no one remembers, cares, or would even bring things up; you're a great member to this community. :-P

Aww thanks Crazyfoolinc ^_^

Well rememebr: I wouldn't have discovered this awesome place without you!


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Aww thanks Crazyfoolinc ^_^

Well rememebr: I wouldn't have discovered this awesome place without you!


No problem, and I'm glad that we've somewhat [not really :lol: ] cleared this thread up. :)

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Jesus ray, i fight with about every user on this site and make my slef look like a fool half the time. I still love all of you XD trust me not agreeing with everyone or having an argument isn't something good friends can, only great friends ;)

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Sheesh, gone once and this? XD well it's good to see that you're not actually leaving. Not sure what I'd do without you here man.

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u so silly, Reynard. Don't scare us like that. :c

This. Also, when tired, be sure you're hitting the quote button, and not the report button.... If you go through with it, that'd not be so good x.x

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Also, when tired, be sure you're hitting the quote button, and not the report button.... If you go through with it, that'd not be so good x.x

Almost did that once, nearly reported FoxMcCloud for no reason. Thankfully I realized that it was the report button before, well you know.

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-grabs the Lucario by the tail- we all get on one anothers test of patience, it is what a family does :P

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