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Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace in 3D


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Episode 1 3D here is ending today. I saw it the night it was released, and aside from being swindled out of the Darth Maul 3D glasses, I enjoyed it. I never cared for Jar Jar, I'm sure something we can all agree on is how annoying he is, but other than that, the actiony parts of the movie were very entertaining. I went to see it with Ballisticwaffles and a few friends of ours, best part about that trip was acting like a Trekkie the entire movie.

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I watched it on release day for my brother's birthday.

The movie is just okay, but the 3D aspect is lackluster. Like I hardly see the 3d at all except at some scenes.

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I've seen it a few days ago with some of my brother's friends. Though not my favorite SW movie, I enjoyed it, especially the podrace that is the best part of the movie. The overall lacks a bit of punch fom me though. A bit like R3D, I can't help but consider the prequel an alternate eye-candy version of what happened during that time (the fact the Clone Wars always change between comics, novels and cartoons doesn't help for constancy).

About 3D, I wasn't that impressed. The movie wasn't created as a 3D movie so it didn't work at its best. I had a really impressive 3D experience at a Moebius exhibition (Moebius is a weird french comic artist). A 3D movie was projected, and instead of trying to make projection effects, it had an immersion effect, we were IN the movie. I think that's what 3D should be. But I'm deviating from the topic.

So yeah, it was fun.

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While definitely the weakest of the PT and the weakest of the saga as a whole, Ep 1 is not as bad as people say. Sometimes it drags, sometimes its boring, and Jar Jar is the worst thing ever, but it's still a modest film. The visuals and art direction are great, the old school movie references are great, and the story's INTENTION comes across pretty well. And I love QuiGon.

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The best part of the PT is that you absolutely have no idea who's supposed to be the main character, except maybe for in the third movie. So you're constantly on the fence on who you should be rooting for. I mean, Qui-Gon and Obi is where it's at in the phantom menace, just because Qui-Gon acts like a complete drunk and does stuff for no reason whatsoever, and Obi just looks as confused as I was when I watched the movie. Probably because Ewan McGregor was talking to an empty, green-screen void most of the time they were shooting and was desperately not trying to laugh as George Lucas awkwardly bumbled around the set muttering 'Jar Jar is the key to all of this' to himself like a demented manchild.

I honestly feel that the 3D re-release was completely uneccessary and probably detrimental to what people think about Star Wars as a whole, I mean, what with all the bizarre additions to the original trilogy it feels to me that George is just re-hashing on his previous success in an attempt to keep his franchise empire afloat for another decade or so. It's like Star Wars isn't even relevant in popular culture anymore, just as dusty old ewok-dolls and Jar Jar video games. What with George swearing up and down that he won't be making any more Star Wars films because of mean internet people, considering his apparent lack of interest in his own creation, I think it's for the best.

So now we have another few more PT movies coming out in glorious 3D-o-vision. which I feel a little ambivalent about. Sure, 3D effects can be neat and I have enjoyed them, just as I have enjoyed Star Wars for its more memorable films, I just don't feel that it's worth sitting through six hours of mind-numbing prequel bullshit, and I wouldn't still if it was free. I mean, Natalie Portman must look nice in 3D (hurrhurrhurr) but I don't know if I can stomach watching Hayden Christensen's frankly bizarre performance, what with all the creepy fawning, tantruming, and psychotic bouts of child murder to try to win her character over. "But Anakin, I'm a Senator!" Yeah, yeah, let's keep this sappy pseudo-shakespearian sham going for another few years so that the younger folks can buy some more Darth Maul figurines, goddamn!

At least I will have Qui-Gon's drunken rambling and Jedi code-breaking gambling shams to entertain me when this is all over and forgotten. "I give you the pod, while you take the boy, and the proceeds from the racing, if I win, I get the boy, the hyperdrive, and you get the pod, the ship, my collection of Gordon's Dry Gin, and then you give the ship back to me, and I force-push the dice to win an arbitrary bet, and confuse the audience." Oh Watto, the life of a stereotypical, racist middle eastern cartoon alien!

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Might go see it just for the podrace in 3D. That $h!t blew my mind when i was six.

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Yeah, I hear you - and I would probably feel the same if I didn't have the impression that what's going on with the prequel trilogy is what Jorge wanted Star Wars to be all along, as if the charm and strong, instantly memorable characterisation and plot of the original trilogy was just annoying and something to be fixed. You can see this quite clearly I think in the special editions and then subsequently the special special editions and the special special extra special director's cut *~George Lucas' Vision~* editions that crop up every decade. Not that these tweaks and cgi-additions heavily impede the experience, they're still great movies - but the sort of additions Lucas has made to them is beginning to compound upon themselves and really makes no sense, and is beginning to look like an attempt to tie them closer to a prequel trilogy that, for all its pretty eye candy, is about as hollow as a sucked twinkie. As it stands I'm kind of bitter about it because the *ORIGINAL* editions of these films are increasingly hard to get to as a result of Lucasfilm long since having removed them from print and reducing them to an Ebay collector's item. It's like the original trilogy will eventually be reduced to a six hour reel of Jar Jar screaming at the viewers as George's personal revenge for us not falling in love with his planned flagship character in the prequels.

I guess I'm a lot more prickly and difficult about these films than most, but I honestly can't bring myself to watch the prequels and not constantly think to myself that 'this is the death of a great series' and want to reach for a bottle of either scotch or bleach, depending on which of these films I'm watching. (Scotch for Episode 1, because I want to experience Qui-Gon's thought process first hand in an attempt to understand it, and bleach for Episode 2 and bits of Episode 3 because goddamn Anakin is an annoying twat and I must end the pain)

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@the style, yes, I wholeheartedly agree. The way it jumped from DIY clunky garage starships and blocky, intimidating imperial craft to sleek, colourful and *~SHINY EVERYTHING~* in the prequels was jarring to say the least. A change of visual aesthetics to signify that society was much more cultured and advanced in the prequels I can handle, but to completely and utterly shove in as much sleek and post-80's sci fi junk as possible to impress us I can't. It's not only that, but the tone of the prequels is so alien to that of the original trilogy - instead of plucky rebels snatching victory from the jaws of nearly impossible odds and the struggles and growth of ONE CENTRAL CHARACTER (remember when films did that?) spanning over three quite long films we have... we have... what? Now This Is Pod racing? Poop jokes? Wars that make no sense? Grimdark everything? It's just a huge mess and trying to piece it together to reveal a consistent tone and atmosphere is a job for people far more qualified than I. With the original trilogy you knew you were watching a popsy space opera and it didn't try to be anything else, its monumental success can be attributed to being as pure to its style as possible. With the prequels, it's like they didn't even try. "Yeah, uh, It's Star Wars because you see, there's laser swords and gay robots. Buy our stuff!"

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But yes, the Prequel Trilogy was not something we needed. At all. But it's there and we can do nothing about it so we can do several things now as fans of the OT:

  • Ignore them completely or parts that aren't completely crucial to the story

There are some things I wanted to talk about that I like about The Phantom Menace. It's the soundtrack. Little things here and there that are awesome.

Yes! That's my current stance, anyway. Haha, thanks for mentioning that.

Also yes, while the movie parts of the prequel trilogy can suck a duck, the music is mostly excellent and there are subtle touches here and there that smacks of somebody desperately trying to dodge Jorge's tyranny and include something that doesn't suck in the movies, so I definitely agree there.

That Yoda quote has me misty-eyed now, and willing myself to ignore the prequels makes it all the more sweeter to remember.

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Eh, I enjoyed the art direction of the PT. It was very much retro scifi, a real "utopia future" look, where as the OT is bleaker, used, broken, a "dystopia future" look. From a "realistic" POV, it makes no sense at all, but Star Wars was never about making sense. It's about the visual symbolism of a grand, beautiful society becoming corrupted over time and falling apart. As the PT went on, you do notice how everything becomes more OT, visually speaking.

I would go on about other good things I like about the PT, but I'm not in the mood for arguing over Star Wars.

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