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I Find Your Lack of Legend of Korra Worship Disturbing...

Fana McCloud

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So we've had a solid two weeks now of Legend of Korra, three episodes... and it gets no thread, no love? You are all heathens! I shall remedy that.

I think the new series has a lot of potential to be better than Last Airbender, but that's just me. Between the steampunk-ish setting, the Equalists, and Naga being a contender against Appa for cutest animal companion, there's a lot going for the series.

Plus the revelation in the last episode was crazy...

Amon can spiritbend and take peoples' bending away like Aang did? I mean holieee shite, stuff's about to get wicked bad.

Any other thoughts?

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Indeed, That was one heck of an episode.

If Amon can spirit/energybend, and only the avatar can do that, is it possible he is some sort of anti-avatar, or perhaps the actual avatar instead of Korra?

The industrialization aspect of the new series adds a lot of potential for some cool stuff later on. I wonder if they have heavier than air flight in addition to airships?

In addition, It is funny how the way the some of the new characters act when compared to the way their parents acted from the first series.

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I and Naga being a contender against Appa for cutest animal companion,

Momo is way cuter then Appa!! But yeah I'm liking the show so far, I'm whatching the new episode on Nick.com right now. :)

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Korra is a Mary Sue. End of discussion.

Any thoughts as to why or is your comment strictly for trollin' purposes? XD

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If Amon can spirit/energybend, and only the avatar can do that, is it possible he is some sort of anti-avatar, or perhaps the actual avatar instead of Korra?

Hmmm, interesting idea. I like :P

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Korra is a Mary Sue. End of discussion.

Far from it. She's rash and impulsive, and sure it's worked for her so far, but these are the early episodes and I'm pretty sure it's gonna become a pretty big fault, especially in later episodes. She's a rather accomplished bender, having the natural talent of the avatar, but she's also been shown to barely be able to hold her own in a pro bending match. She pretty much resorted to being cannon fodder til they were tired out and the other two could finish the job.

I'd love to go on more and give more examples, but I find this whole tangent so ridiculous that I can't even think of any possible ways she could be considered a Sue. She's a strong character with plenty of faults and plenty of potential faults. Calling her out on Sue-ness after only three episodes where she's been shown to be quite out of her depth most of the time anyway has me wondering if you really have a good grasp on what a Mary Sue is at all.

As for the show itself, first I'll list my gripes:

- Nobody's been cool enough to replace Toph yet. Although Korra seems to channel her awesomeness quite a bit, she's just not nearly as cool as a blind, 10 year old girl inventing freaking metalbending.

- Lack of Sokka means we're still sorely missing in the comic relief department

- Occasional 3D animated stuff doesn't always mesh very well with the 2D parts of the environment, cars being the prime example

Aaaand... yeah. I'm sure I have more, smaller ones, but I really don't keep track of all my small gripes, and those above are barely even worth worrying about. Korra is already a fun character, and a nice foil to Aang's Airbenderish ways. The idea of pro bending matches is really cool, and I'm glad it seems like it's gonna become a bit of a recurring plot element at the very least. The steampunk setting is all kinds of cool, and it has enough throwbacks to TLA to keep the nostalgia going, like Toph's family running the Metalbending police and whatnot. So yeah, I'm crazy excited to see where this goes. It has all the potential to be even better than TLA, and I have faith that it will be.

As for

Amon being able to take peoples' bending away, it didn't resemble spiritbending in the slightest. Instead, it looked more like the chi-blocking technique just turned up to an 11. It's possible that he's just advanced that technique to a point that he can permanently disable a bender, rather than actually being an anti-Avatar or something. But then again, maybe not. One thing I did notice is that he talked about the Firebender stealing his face, or something along those lines. Koh was the facestealing spirit from the first season, and Amon mentioned the spirits giving him the power to counter the Avatar. Koh probably was pretty sore that Aang managed to get away from him without losing his face, so maybe he's got something to do with this?

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Yeah, I'm missin' Toph a great deal, and Sokka, though I think Bolin is meant to fill the latter's role. We'll have to see how his character develops over time.

I can understand seeing Korra as potential Mary Sue material, despite being a hothead and impulsive stuff seems to magically save her from her faults way too easily, but I trust the creators to dispel that as her character develops. Unfortunately I think that's a fault of trying to bring out her character and show it strongly at the beginning when we know nothing about her, and so the devices used to do so are a bit contrived.

The theory about Koh is interesting but I doubt he has anything to do with it. When Amon said firebenders took his face I think he meant it far more concretely - they burned and disfigured him. He could be a massive liar and just want to hide his identity though, but I'm learning towards it being the truth because it makes the villain far more sympathetic.

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Yeah, I'm missin' Toph a great deal, and Sokka, though I think Bolin is meant to fill the latter's role. We'll have to see how his character develops over time.

Yeah, but so far we've basically seen him be silly with a ferret. I have faith in the writers, but as of right now what we've got from him is pretty weak :-P

I can understand seeing Korra as potential Mary Sue material, despite being a hothead and impulsive stuff seems to magically save her from her faults way too easily, but I trust the creators to dispel that as her character develops. Unfortunately I think that's a fault of trying to bring out her character and show it strongly at the beginning when we know nothing about her, and so the devices used to do so are a bit contrived.

I've yet to see anything save her that wasn't justified. The first episode had her end up getting outmatched and arrested, even, and the only reason she was able to avoid getting in trouble was Tenzin pulling strings, which he only did because she's his responsibility while she's in the city. But yeah, she's gonna develop wonderfully with time, and as I said, calling Sue when we're 3 episodes in is foolish.

The theory about Koh is interesting but I doubt he has anything to do with it. When Amon said firebenders took his face I think he meant it far more concretely - they burned and disfigured him. He could be a massive liar and just want to hide his identity though, but I'm learning towards it being the truth because it makes the villain far more sympathetic.

Yeah, I figured as well that he meant it as being burned and disfigured, but he also mentioned the spirits, and if Koh was still bitter about Aang's success - and he probably is, as I seem to recall it being implied that for him to take an Avatar's face was something of an achievement for him - he might have played off of the guy's anger. Not saying I think it's true, but coming up with wild theories is half the fun


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I watched the new episode last night and it was awesome, I can't wait for the next one. :D

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Givin' everyone a happy fun reminder that today is a new Legend of Korra episode. :D So no sleeping in! Though if you are you probably won't read this message... oops. :lol:

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Givin' everyone a happy fun reminder that today is a new Legend of Korra episode. :D So no sleeping in! Though if you are you probably won't read this message... oops. :lol:

I forgot thanks for the reminder, well looks like you got one who isn't asleep. :lol:

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Really love this show. I can't wait until we get further into the story.

While I really do like all (or most, I guess) of the characters, I do wish there was a bit more focus. I feel like they keep expanding the cast - and everyone feels like they're going to be really important - and I'm worried they won't be able to maintain some kind of balance in the character development department. But I've still got my hopes up.

One thing I'd really hate to happen is Mako and Korra being together. I know a lot of people are hoping they'll be the make up for Katara and Zuko - which I was totally rooting for - but they just.. feel really generic as a couple. That said, in the last episode it felt like they were really pushing romantic tensions to the forefront (that could be a part of someone's plan, but still). Didn't feel like it was as well organized as the other ones.

As interesting as it would be to have two avatars duking it out to see who was the true avatar, Amon couldn't be it. I mean, we don't know his age or anything, but I think it's a fair bet to say he was probably born before Aang died. What was cool in the last episode, was how Korra had a moment where she saw everyone as adults; saw Aang. I think Korra learning how to bridge into the spirit world may be coming up soon which will be really exciting~~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus, Fana. I've been relying on you to remind me when the new episodes are out. You're slacking. I only just today remembered this exists, and caught up on the two episodes I missed :-P

So yeah. Spoilering for those who haven't seen up to episode 6

I know it may seem a bit like a small detail to be so excited about, but I think the most interesting thing so far in episode 6 was seeing more of Korra's flashbacks to Aang's older years. We seemed to catch a glimpse of an older Toph, which had my inner Toph fangirl screaming in joy, as well as a badass shot of older Avatar State Aang in what was most definitely a badass fight scene. I'm not sure if I want a full-on flashback or not, really. Having a segment or even a full episode devoted to seeing just a bit of the old Gaang would be awesome, but these rapid-fire flashbacks are badass in their own right that a full episode couldn't really capture. It's sort of cementing the old cast's status as legends. We've seen fragments of their older years in what are surely reincarnation-related memories, and it's kind of like seeing them in history books or something. It makes the older adventure seem more grand and historic, thus giving more depth and richness to the universe, and sort of drives it home that all that, and the older group, is in the past and this new series is only barely tied to it. Gives LoK more of its own identity as a continuation, and not so much a sequel to an existing show. If that makes any sense at all.

Also, another little thing that I really love and is one of my favorite parts about this new series: the episode recaps. Old-timey radio announcer eagerly setting up the new episode to a sepia-tone highlight reel? ME GUSTA. Just another thing about this show that gives it its own unique identity separate from TLA.

But enough of me squeeing about minor details, plot time. I'm having trouble if Amon is terrifying in his Batman-level preplanning and having what appears to be total control of everything in the city, or if it's just annoying and he's coming across as more of a Villain Sue. I get that the antagonist needs to be intimidating and pose a threat, but as is we've not seen anyone even have a chance at touching him. In TLA, Aang never got put up against someone he couldn't take, whether by himself or with help from his friends, and on the rare occasion when he lost a fight, like to Azula, it wasn't because she was just some godly unstoppable beast. She was a hell of a strong Firebender, yeah, but she was still just an exceptionally gifted Bender. She and her powers were all grounded in the universe as we understood it, and so she seemed more real and threatening for that. It's not Amon's "I know exactly what to plan and my super-special anti-bending techniques let me take on even the Avatar who's been learning bending from a young age without breaking a sweat."

He's threatening, yes, but it's almost bullshit to me just how untouchable he is. Azula was easily Aang's scariest foe, in my opinion, even if she was ridiculously weak compared to Ozai. When Aang fought him, after he got the Avatar State mastered it was kind of just an almost DBZ level raging battle, which served its purpose in communicating the epic scale of the fight but made it more of a spectacle than an actual threat that had to be dealt with. Azula, though, was strong and crafty, and grounded in the rules we knew. She had obvious weaknesses, which is the only reason Zuko was able to hang with her in their final duel before she cheated. Maybe time will change my views on Amon, especially considering we're just 6 episodes in, but if he carries on as is I don't think I'll like him as much as TLA's antagonists. I have faith in the writers, though.

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Hahaha, unfortunately my Saturday mornings are sluggish - just like any morning, so getting up and telling people it'll be on is nearly impossible.

As for Amon, he doesn't seem that much different from any terrorist who uses guerrilla tactics. My step-father and I have some theories about him being someone in the inner circle so to speak - playing both sides Palpatine style, which might explain why he's always one step ahead of everyone and seemingly invincible. Considering the tech they had in the latest episode - the tasing gloves - it makes me think he might be rich and self-funding Batman style, which made me jokingly think he's Mr. Sato or someone connected to him. XD It was a bit convenient that he funded the Fire Ferrets, possibly so that Korra would be there when the stuff went down. Of course, it could all be a grand coincidence too.

And if you don't think it's realistic, look at how long it took us to get to Osama Bin Laden, at all the damage Al Qaeda was able to do to support their agenda. Terrorists can be pretty scary that way, which is exactly the point. I think they've driven home the sheer terror of Amon and his chi blockers rather well. Eventually they'll get to Amon, but as in real life it's not exactly easy methinks.

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I keep missing it. :( The Legend of Korra comes on to early and I never see replays on afterwards. :(

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Hahaha, unfortunately my Saturday mornings are sluggish - just like any morning, so getting up and telling people it'll be on is nearly impossible.

Yeah, I just watch them on Nickelodeon's website when they're put up there. I just often forget to check XD

As for Amon, he doesn't seem that much different from any terrorist who uses guerrilla tactics. My step-father and I have some theories about him being someone in the inner circle so to speak - playing both sides Palpatine style, which might explain why he's always one step ahead of everyone and seemingly invincible.

And that's one of the many writing possibilities that could satisfy me and convince me he's not a Sue. Like I said, I have faith in the writers, but we need him to be grounded by some sort of universe-rules soon or else he's not so much threatening as infuriating, IMO. If he continues to be some omnipotent anti-bending god and we get no explanation for how he's always one step ahead of every wise old world leader, he'll lose that badass quality that comes with seeing someone be such a threatening mofo and understanding the process of how it happens. Maybe that's just me, but I really think that for an antagonist to be threatening they need to be normal in some way. If they're somehow special and their threatening powers or whatever are something only they have, it makes it feel less like it could actually happen. Or something.

Considering the tech they had in the latest episode - the tasing gloves - it makes me think he might be rich and self-funding Batman style, which made me jokingly think he's Mr. Sato or someone connected to him. XD It was a bit convenient that he funded the Fire Ferrets, possibly so that Korra would be there when the stuff went down. Of course, it could all be a grand coincidence too.

I'm going to have to rewatch these episodes and watch for that now, actually. I've been suspicious of him and his daughter since she showed up, but it just seemed too obvious to make her a villain and I dismissed it. But hey, maybe there is something there. I doubt Mr. Sato is actually Amon, but he could definitely be funding him and helping him about the city if he's secretly an Equalist. He seems to be a powerful man, so that would also explain some of Amon's seeming omnipotence when it comes to knowing exactly how to work the system.

And if you don't think it's realistic, look at how long it took us to get to Osama Bin Laden, at all the damage Al Qaeda was able to do to support their agenda. Terrorists can be pretty scary that way, which is exactly the point. I think they've driven home the sheer terror of Amon and his chi blockers rather well. Eventually they'll get to Amon, but as in real life it's not exactly easy methinks.

Yeah, but Osama also didn't publicly crash American football games and fuck up all the surrounding police, make a huge statement and kill one of the star players, then escape. He was grounded in the rules of our system. To be as threatening as he was, he had to stay in hiding and just run the organization that did his dirty work for him. If Amon did shit like that, I might not be so bothered by him actually, because it would show that he does have weaknesses that he can't face head on, like an entire police squad, but he's finding workarounds and beating them, thus making him more realistic.

But anywho, this is all just me complaining when we're only six episodes in. I'm sure as the plot develops, they'll find some way of making him satisfy me as a villain.

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Not much to say this week, but seriously...

I TOTALLY called it on Mr. Sato, did I not?

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That you did. Also, lol so hard at Cabbage Corp. I love references like that XD

Although I am, once again, a little miffed at the fact that the Equalists won another decisive battle like that, even with Tenzin the Airbending master and Chief Bei Fong helping in the fight. I mean, sure, they were up against supermechs, but I really want to see at least one goddamn thing go right for the benders. Maybe now that Bei Fong is going all "Fuck da police" and taking a more Toph-ish approach to things, something will actually get done.

One thing I really liked was that moment between that asshole who lost his bending and whose name I can't remember and Korra, when they show that even cocky douchebags are people too. I still hate the guy, but I love him as a character for not just being a flat jerk and instead being given a little depth and such.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Double post for great justice, since we now have a new episode :D

I'm gonna quote someone from another forum I go to. In spoilers, of course XD

from the latest ep amon is obviously the north water tribe council guy

by how he reacts to korra saying "Ur no different than amon"

he gave a bit of an oh snap! reaction to it and began attacking.

Their voices are quite similar if you listen for it, but I wonder if that's not just the power of suggestion making me want to hear it. In any case, I can't remember if we've ever seen the two on screen together or not, so if we have that might debunk it. But, all things considered, I think I may have a different theory. Plenty crazy and unlikely, but hey. Crazy theories are fun.

Korra got all pissed when Tarrlok pointed out that they have a lot in common - classic villain-hero relationship when they actually do have something in common but the hero doesn't want to admit it.

Then, Korra points out that Tarrlok is just as bad as Amon. He gets super pissed. What if - and this is crazy, I may blow you away so you'd better hold on to something - Tarrlok is Amon's BROTHER! It'd be just like a soap opera! They have similar voices, and both seem to be quite charismatic and know how to work the system to their advantage. Amon didn't really lose his parents to Firebenders, he just doesn't get along with his bro and so they're waging a city-wide war using the citizens as pawns! That's why Tarrlok got so pissed at being compared to his brother. Because they don't get along!

It's genius, I tell you. I don't know why they haven't hired me yet to write for the show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

God dammit O'Donnell, you're suppose to spoilertag that shit. I checked this topic without thinking and bam. Huge spoiler get.

Alright, let's talk about the past two episodes.

Forgive me. I'm gonna bitch again and sound like a broken record.

Fucking Amon. In the flashback scene (SQUEEEEE) Aang, an accomplished and extremely powerful Avatar, was only able to deal with Bloodbending by going all Avatar State. It was a serious problem, even for the guy who is basically fully powered Jesus in this universe. What happens when Amon goes up against an accomplished bloodbender? He struggles for a moment, then just shrugs it right off like it's nothing.

What. The. Fuck. I realize looking back that he did claim to receive super powers from a spirit, but at the time I just dismissed that as him being a crazy extremist and saying shit to get people on his side. Since they haven't explored that option in the slightest, I only remembered it when someone else even brought it up, because it seems entirely like a throwaway thought at this point. As of right now, it seems to me that the spirit thing is the most likely conclusion (I really hope it's Koh so I can feel all smug about calling it before) what with this next week's season finale sounding like it's gonna be the final showdown between Korra and Amon, but at this point I'm pissed because they barely even hinted at the possibility before just discarding it until it becomes relevant again. Either way, I really fucking hope we see him actually have even a little bit of trouble with something in these next episodes, because it's just getting fucking ridiculous how unstoppable he is, even compared to shit we've seen in-universe to be extremely powerful and dangerous forces.

Another complaint, although one I can't say is completely justified considering this is a Nickelodeon show, is the fartbending humor. Ergh. Fart jokes don't really do anything for me. But whatever, it's on a channel that's geared towards kids. What can you do. Now, on to the gleeful fangasming about getting to see the flashback.


*deep breath*



Now then, one last thing that I have mixed feelings about: General Iroh. I love that Zuko would name his son after Iroh. That's a wonderful homage to a great character, and it definitely fits with Zuko's character development. But why oh why did they give him the exact same voice as Zuko? Geez. That's gonna be so damn confusing. He's gonna seem less like his own character more like an uninspired way to shoehorn in a connection to Zuko. It's really irking me. He has the potential to be a good character, but I really think that voice is totally going to make it impossible for me to hear him without thinking "I sure did like Zuko better." Oh well.

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Yeah, General Iroh having the same voice as Zuko reeeeeeeeeally irked me - he has to try extra hard to stand out now. Otherwise everything pleased the inner fan. >:3 Yes, even Lyn loosing her bending, because you always have to loose SOMEBODY you're attached to - well, even if she is still alive it FELT like loosing someone.

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