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Becoming a Successful Furry Webcomic Author


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Hey guys, what advice do you have for a Furry webcomic author? And I am hitting a massive block.

Well, you know how much some furry comics are looked down upon by many people outside the fandom and I want to not appear as "Just another furry comic" I want to step out of that stereotype in flying colors.

I'm starting to have second thoughts about doing it. I'm not sure if it is a lack of confidence or what, but it really seems like such a burden to me. I'm only talking to you guys because well... you guys are the most fun to talk to.

I am going to try to tackle something in the area of pokémorphs, a beginning of their existence. The main plotline will focus around how they handle adjusting to their world now that their lives have changed so much. I have quite a lot planned out, but I'm not one to hand out spoilers that easily.

I have lots of plans and tactics of getting it out, it's all just motivating myself to do it. I haven't even been drawing for a year and it takes me an extremely long time to do anything.

So... does anyone have any advice on this whole endeavor?

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I'll try...

Make sure you draw the comics long ahead of time, so you can put them out on schedule.

Good humor makes up for less than impressive art.

http://cusp.sourceforge.net/ is an open source online comic updating system, so you don't have to handle the web editing side so much.

If you don't go for the humor story, make sure that the serious story is believeable.

Minimize the use of magic in a story as much as possible.

When you get to a place where you don't know where the story should go next, think about what other people would do, and then don't do that.

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If you want to be successful, be mindful of your audience. This means:

Do not write for a furry audience. Don't revel in the anthropomorphic natures of your characters. Don't make it a big deal, in other words, just another characteristic of the characters, like hair color.

Don't include any sort of in jokes. Most awful web comics suffer from this. "Sorry guys, only my friends are going to get this week's comic." Well, screw you, Mr. High and Mighty. Humor is probably the most difficult part of making a web comic, and as dwight said, it's enough to make up for poor artwork. I can't say it enough times, but far too many web comics suffer from this. Good humor is hit-and-miss, and you won't be able to please everyone, so keep that in mind, too.

If you don't care about success, then you can just write for yourself. Otherwise, you have to write for other people.

Also, I would suggest not doing anything Pokemon related. (This is where I start talking about my personal preference.) I cringed enough reading the title of this post (GAWD, another furry web comic?); hearing the word "Pokemorphs" makes me cringe even more.

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I find myself quite guilty of the "in" jokes thing.

Heh, the furry and pokémorph thing I know causes instant cringing... That's why I'm asking you guys for a bit of advice to stay away from chichés and such.

Draw it beforehand? Oh... I never used to do that. Makes a lot of sense, thanks.

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