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When will you be too old for Starfox ?


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Eh, my interest in Starfox decreased somewhere when I was 13. That being said, and seeing how there are people who are still in the fandom even though they're in their twenties, I don't think I'm too old. :-P I'm not quite sure what it was that made me lose interest so dramatically--maybe it's just because I'm not so much into gaming as I used to be.

Nevertheless, Starfox will probably have a place in my heart forever. :) I mean, come on, I had loads of fun with '64. Heck, this may seem childish, but I remember walking around the house with my arms spread out, pretending I was an arwing. No joke.

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Star fox has shaped the person i am! I can't call myself the fan i use to be, in fact I may never play a star fox game again. But I'll never forget some of the changes I under went, and as a result the all the people I met! you guys. With what I want to do in life I think there will come an age where I no longer really will care for video games, and I've sorta already felt my self detaching. As for these forums, I'd think it a long shot for all of us to be here twenty years from now. But rest assured i won't ever forget, i have thought similar things about red wall. One day I think i may just loose all zeal for for them, and pass them off to kids and see them fall in love with the same characters i did, take part in their struggles and learn lessons about bravery and truth. But to say that i am to old, that i no longer am tied to them would be a lie. Even to this day they shape who i am, what i do.

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Back again! I visit the SFO forum site once in a while and lucky to run into this subject. The SF fandom still hasn't fade away for me (also 24!) nor has MLP ;). I'm looking forward to see if a new SF game comes out next year for the Wii-U.

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Too old for Star Fox? No, never. Loving this series comes in phases for me, usually about once a year. As long as the series continues (which I'm sure it will. Optimism and all that), I'll never be too old for Star Fox.

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And then what would our next generation of our kids will think about us next 20-30 years? Or SF itself? Will they think it's boring or something new to them?

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There are certain video games that have helped me develop into the person I am today, one of these games being SF. So the short answer for me would be "No" (also as my username suggests). However in terms of video games as a whole, I am starting to get that feeling that it has been years since developers have truly put their hearts into the work they do creating worlds of adventure for us gamers.

My programming teacher said something to the class that shook me a little bit : "Good programmers copy working code and build upon it." So just imagine how I envision what being a programmer should be like, with hard work building from scratch, and receiving input from everyone involved, but instead we are expected to manipulate code and ideas that have already been formulated. Almost as if programmers are having their ideas shaped for them.

That ties into my fear about the future of the gaming industry as a whole. Are the years long gone where people would use their minds and creativity to impress the gamer population? Is everything going to become a sequel or a mirror image of a competitor's game idea? Are all video games really becoming far too alike? Part of what I loved about games in the 90's was how even if they were built similarly (say platformers...where you had a character in a seemingly open-ended environment and you must collect objects of some sort to progress through the game)

Some people say that there was an overabundance of "platformer" genre of video games in the 90's. Technically it is true from a statistical standpoint, however, I feel that these were the kind of games that were necessary to build a plot with a variety of characters with various personalities. Throw in some plot twists in the games geared towards mature audiences for some edge while you are at it. You've got yourself a goldmine if you truly put in your best efforts in designing and testing the game. Scratch ideas that aren't working, and fix coding errors when they are first noticed, and not just leaving them in there to later be "patched".

A bit of a rant there again.....we were talking about SF right?

What do games like SF, F-Zero, Zelda, and Metroid, (why not? DKR as well eh?) offer me that other games simply cannot live up to? Ask yourselves that using your other favorite games as well. That should be the key to seeing what makes your favorite games special to you.

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I'll be too old when I'm six feet under!

Of course, being Australian I don't actually know how much six feet is in metric.

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