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Where are you on the political spectrum?


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I've always had this pet theory that most people are more to the left than they think they are. We're a social species. We tend to care about others, even those of us who are staunchly individualist care about other people, like their families.

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I've always had this pet theory that most people are more to the left than they think they are. We're a social species. We tend to care about others, even those of us who are staunchly individualist care about other people, like their families.

You could be right, or it's that the people who run more left-wing parties tend to not hide their off-the-camera selves.

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Conservative on both the provincial and federal level.

Conservative? :o Well, if you're from the Brampton area, I guess that's ok since it's a pretty Conservative area.

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Conservative? :o Well, if you're from the Brampton area, I guess that's ok since it's a pretty Conservative area.

I'm from Georgetown, not Brampton. But yes, on the other fringes of the GTA it's more conservative.

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Well, everything says you're from everywhere around the Central-West Golden Horseshoe. (ie Hamilton, Brampton, etc.)

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You could be right, or it's that the people who run more left-wing parties tend to not hide their off-the-camera selves.

I never said anything about the left-wing. I said that when people sit down and actually put down their views, said views are further left than they self-identify. I'd wager that most rank-and-file Republicans and rank-and-file Democrats (This is US politics) probably agree on most issues, and are center-left. There are key differences, of course, but in my experience there are very few people who truly believe in pure individualism. I would wager that even the most Randian objectivists out there would help a close friend or relative financially if said person needed help with paying for medical care, despite Ayn Rand's preaching of how compassion and helping others is somehow evil.

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a Randian objectivist, though, would have some way of rationalizing that (such as "it was actually all about satisfying my desire and doing what I wanted to do, I will get some rational utility out of this, now they owe me a favor I can cash in on at a later date," etc)

it would make you kiiiiiiiiiiiind of a sociopath to do it but then Randian objectivists are pretty much already sociopaths

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