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Speak like an oldster thread!


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Okay, so, I shall lead by example, just feel free to follow along if you want.

You kids with you Colored text and your long posts and your Berry Punches and your Silly threads. Back in MY day, we didn't have all of this colored text nonsence, or these super long posts or there colorful ponies! What we had for text color was two choices. White, or black. and these mile long posts of yours! How can you possibly put that much detail into one little post? And these Ponies! Oie-vaye, Don't even get me started on these ponies...

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Kids these days with their hipping and their hopping, and their bipping and their bopping. Personally I blame the rap music.

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Back in my day we had REAL music, not this noise they call music today!

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Kids today complain about games being the same every year but they continue to buy them. Back in my day, a game you talked down about was a game you never played again.

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You kids keep on posting crappy recolors of official game artwork, and when it's not that, GOOD GOD, I feel the need to expunge my eyeballs!! Back in my day, being original and decent was what made people awesome!

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Oh my lord, all you youngsters and your technology. We didn't have this internet in my day. We had pen and paper with the help of the Pony Express. And all this talk about Jayz and Chris Black. You should listen to Frank Sinatra and those classics. Good moral song instead of sex, drugs, and being shot.

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You kids have all 'uh the gadgets and gizmos these days with the iPods and the Videogames 'nd the Bleep Bloop Bip Blip Bloop! Back when I was a young 'un, we didn't have all of these fance whatchyamacallits, No siry, we had to MAKE our own fun and music. With plastic sometimes. And the Googles! Everyone is usin' the googles these days, for learnin', talkin', an' other stuff. You kiddies ain't go it so bad!

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