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Starfox United


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I think that Starfox United is going to be the next Starfox game. Retro Studios was going to present a trailer at E3 last summer when Nintendo was showing off the Wii U. But then they scrapped it and then decided to show a trailer for Project P:100 and then scrapped that and showed a trailer for Pikmin 3. the trailer is on youtube.

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i don't know about you guys but blurry thumbnails, unsourced statements, and references to Youtube videos that don't appear to exist always convince me

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Wasn't this debunked a million years ago? That picture was found on 4Chan of all places.

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That picture was found around this time last year, on 4chan, and was almost 100% proven to be fake.


United is a good name for a Wii U SF game, though. I think a "united" theme for the story would have a lot of possibilities.


But anyway, I bet already that we'd see Retro's project either at E3 or before E3 this year, and it will be Metroid Prime 4. I hope it's Star Fox, though. :)

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Well we all need to remember, 4chan has brought us Raptor Jesus and Action Hank so there is a high chance that this could actually be... okay I'm shutting up.


While we all wish for a WiiU Starfox game, United ain't going to be it.

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Repeatedly proven fake.  That arwing on the logo, for example, is just a flipped version from an official Assault render;




Good. For a minute there I thought They stole my fanfic idea.

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People have teased at a new Star Fox for so long that I just grew numb to seeing anything Star Fox related.  Until I see something concrete of a Star Fox announcement or a DEFINITIVE cover that isn't photoshopped, or half-assed, I'm not buying (believing) anything Star Fox related until Nintendo officially gives us a teaser trailer, or something actual.

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Hey, judging by what I seen on youtube and the story behind it, it looks legit 2 me

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Some guy on Youtube saying "Retro may or may not be working on Star Fox" is not enough to make it "legit".

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Some guy on Youtube saying "Retro may or may not be working on Star Fox" is not enough to make it "legit".


Basically summed up what I was going to say.




Hey, judging by what I seen on youtube and the story behind it, it looks legit 2 me


I wouldn't believe it in the slightest.  If Nintendo hasn't released a trailer or anything regarding the game on their website, then don't believe what most people put on YouTube; it's generally biased and personal opinions about what they think the companys are doing - regarding Star Fox, I mean.

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Hey, judging by what I seen on youtube and the story behind it, it looks legit 2 me

It's not legit. Firstly, they don't use assets from an 8-year-old game to advertise a new game. They use the new game's assets. That is clearly the SFAs Arwing.

Secondly, they do not create logo assets until they have something to market. That's putting the cart before the horse.

Thirdly. Random people on YouTube are as trustworthy about game information as Bernie Madoff is trustworthy with your retirement account.

Fourthly: Nothing about Retro's current game project is known other than the fact that it is likely not Metroid, is something people want, and is most likely using a new engine that Retro is developing for Nintendo. Star Fox is a certainly a possibility, but so are F-Zero, Mario Kart, and Raven Blade.

There are a lot of video game fakes and hoaxes out there. There was even that one very-well-done 3D animation someone with 3D skills put together to claim it was a HD remake of Majora's Mask. There was also one saying that a futuristic Zelda game was in development for the Wii that went into all kinds of detail. People make shit up all the damn time.

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